carve oor Faroees


/kɑːv/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(archaic) To cut.

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The inner door of the south porch has a lintel partly carved with dog-tooth decoration.
Helst JudeaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A large heavy stone, carved into the shape of a short cylinder with a handle, simply weighs down a bag of tea on a wooden board.
Hann er ein býttlingur og ber seg býttisliga at.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The body is then laid in Joseph’s new memorial tomb that is carved in the rock in the garden nearby.
’Tó er so nógv sum eg vildi ynskt at eg hevði sagt ella gjørt,’ sigur tú kanska.jw2019 jw2019
A Bible proverb says: “As apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time for it.”
Heitið „hin Alvaldi“ lærir okkum, at Jehova er mektigasta veran, ið er til.jw2019 jw2019
It was also “God’s finger” that carved the Ten Commandments on stone tablets.
Men hava vit sjálvi ongan hug at geva gávuna, verða vit ikki lukkulig av tí.jw2019 jw2019
The five temples are in bad conditions, upper levels are ruined, but their carvings are interesting and the site is rather peaceful, wooded and scarcely crowded.
8. parturWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Gothic Revival style, the building contains some carved furniture.
Mika, ein annar av Guds profetum, boðaði frá, at barnið skuldi føðast í „Betlehem Efrata“ og seinni gerast stjórnari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It has 36 panels carved.
Maria helt tað ikki vera ráðiligt, tí Lazarus hevði verið deyður í fýra dagar, og rot mátti vera komið í kropp hansara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She could not let her attention wander to the grandeur of the royal court, the graceful columns, the richly carved ceiling of cedars imported from distant Lebanon.
Børnini hjá tær verða kanska happað, plágað ella skúgvað til viks í skúlanum.jw2019 jw2019
These types of carvings make of the majority of the decoration on the cathedral.
Hvørjar avleiðingar fekk tað, at Satan varð kastaður niður til jarðar?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some of the carvings are old enough that they have begun to weather to the dark color of the surrounding stone, but most show little sign of erosion.
Hóast Jehova við endurloysingarofri sonar síns keypti alla mannaættina — og soleiðis gav øllum møguleika at sleppa burtur úr trældómi undir synd og deyða — má hvør einstakur taka ímóti endurloysingarofrinumog halda uppat við sjálvur at áseta, hvat ið er gott og ilt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The technique of the panels suggests that at least two different artists of unequal skills had executed the carvings due to differing styles.
Men hvat, um lærarin nú í staðin fyri velur at lata tann uppreistrarhugaða næmingin sleppa at vísa flokkinum, hvussu hann hevði loyst uppgávuna?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The stone slabs are carved in such a way that they seem to have been eroded by nature.
„Gud friðarins skal skjótt sora Satan undir fótum tykkara.“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eirikur agreed, and the contract was carved out on a wooden beam.
Herurin hjá honum er so sterkur, at nógvir ísraelsmenn vórðu noyddir at gerast tænarar hjá Jabin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Like an inscription carved in stone, sin was deeply engraved into the genes of our first parents.
(The New Testament in an Improved Version) „Orðið var hjá Gudi og hevði somu náttúru sum hann.“jw2019 jw2019
You must not make for yourself a carved image and bow down to it.’
Hevði tað ikki verið munin lættari, um tú frammanundan fekst nakað at vita um viðkomandi?jw2019 jw2019
China too experienced this, when Western nations carved out spheres of influence by force, as during the Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion.
bæði menn og konur „eru samarvingar til náði lívsins“.jw2019 jw2019
By your imitating Jesus, your answers will be “as apples of gold in silver carvings” —dignified, beautiful, and valuable. —Prov.
Sálomo fellur á knæ framman fyri templinum og biður, soleiðis sum tú sært á bílætinum.jw2019 jw2019
Before the Europeans arrived, the region had many established tribes of aboriginal Americans, notable for their totem poles and their ornately carved canoes and masks.
Er tað uggandi at kenna sannleikan um deyðan?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Carved into the stone are the words “House of David” and “King of Israel.” 2 The inscription, dated to the ninth century B.C.E., is said to be part of a victory monument erected by Aramaeans—enemies of Israel who lived to the east.
Móses hevur nóg illa talað, so opnar jørðin seg.jw2019 jw2019
Originally a series of orchards and market-gardens carved out from the property of the previously existing Augustinian priory, their appearance and configuration have been significantly modified over the course of the last four hundred years to reflect their constantly changing functional and aesthetic purpose.
Her er hvørki matur ella vatn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
21 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.