circle oor Faroees


[ˈsɝ.kəɫ], /ˈsɜrkəl/, [ˈsɜː.kəɫ], /ˈsɜ:kl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(geometry): A two-dimensional geometric figure, a line, consisting of the set of all those points in a plane that are equally distant from another point.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He gained attention and made contacts with intellectual circles in Athens.
4 Hugsa tær fyrimunirnar við at vera Guds vinur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many of the later recordings are now sought after in "Northern Soul" circles.
(Jóhannes 13:35) Og fram um alt, so ert tú helst í ferð við at menna eitt persónligt samband við Jehova Gud.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Job 26:7) And rather than saying that the earth is flat, as many believed in the past, the Bible says that God “is dwelling above the circle of the earth.”—Isaiah 40:22.
Pólland er lýðveldi í Miðevropu.jw2019 jw2019
Kilborn would slowly walk in a circle around the two celebrity guests and randomly yell questions at them.
(Esaias 13:19; 14:22, 23) Sagt varð eisini nágreiniliga, hvussu býurin skuldi hertakast.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unfortunately, their plan to control the OverLord armour and conquer the Vicious Circle fell through when it was taken from them by an unknown figure.
Meðan hann enn var ungur, drap hann risan Goliat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A circle of dancers and drummers gather around a pine wood fire.
Tá fólk frætta hvussu Sálomo loysti henda spurningin, gleðast tey um at hava ein so vísan kong.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a member of the original circle of 1980s poets in the group around Hvedekorn’s editor Poul Borum, Michael Strunge, in cooperation with his colleague Jens Fink-Jensen, among others, arranged the generational manifestation “NÅ!!80” in Copenhagen in 1980.
Men tey søgdu: ’Komið!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
2 Speak About Jehovah in Your Home: Jehovah should be a daily topic of conversation within the family circle.
Enok noyddist altso at vera djarvur fyri at tora at fortelja fólki hvat Gud fór at gera.jw2019 jw2019
She was attended during her last difficult year by a circle of loving friends.
Jesus sigur at stór kríggj skulu koma, nógv skulu gerast sjúk og svong, har skulu verða nógvar brotsgerðir, og øgiligir jarðskjálvtar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Here she joined up with a circle of German communists with whom she worked, though she herself never became a party member.
(Kolossebrævið 1:13, 14) Men fyri at fáa fyrigeving mugu vit veruliga angra og broyta sinnalag.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
62:8) The four-part symposium “Manifesting Trust in Jehovah” will show us how to find and apply Bible-based information that can help us to build a successful marriage, to handle problems that arise in the family circle, and to meet our material needs.
Ert tú einsamallur uppihaldari, veitst tú, at tað ikki beinleiðis lættur um sambandið við onnur.jw2019 jw2019
At a time when there were wrong ideas about the shape of the earth, the Bible referred to it as a circle, or sphere.
(Opinberingin 21:3, 4) Hetta eru ófør framtíðarútlit!jw2019 jw2019
It’s a circle-of-life adventure revolving around a car, presumably the same car in each verse.
Hvussu verður hann tað?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Circle of European Communicators is an invite-only meeting held annually in a major European city.
9 Sum nevnt í kapittul 7 í hesi bókini fekk Jóhannes ápostul eina sjón, har hann sá „lambið [Jesus Kristus] standa á Zionsfjalli [kongliga stjórnarsæti hansara í himli], og við tí 144.000, sum høvdu navn tess og navn Faðirs tess skrivað á pannunum“.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Selected members, one boy and one girl, dance inside the circle.
Minni enn tvey ár eftir at Jesus gav hetta lyftið, vísti hann á máttmiklan hátt at hann bæði vil og megnar at reisa upp deyð.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Additionally, only a spherical object appears as a circle from every angle of view.
Ísai leiðir sjey synir fram fyri Sámuel, men ongan teirra hevur Jehova valt.jw2019 jw2019
This verse reads: “There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell.”
(1 Korintbræv 15:33) Dóttir Jákup, Dina, hevði tað fyri at vera saman við øðrum, sum ikki tilbóðu Jehova, og tað hevði nógvar trupulleikar við sær.jw2019 jw2019
Thousands of years before humans saw the earth as a globe from space, the Bible referred to “the circle of the earth”
Hon verður nú mett sum ein etniskur og átrúnaðarligur dýrgripur, og ótømandi læra hennara fer allarhelst at vaksa í virði, so hvørt sum vónin um ein siðmentaðan heim økist.“jw2019 jw2019
Catanzaro had been a fan of professional wrestling since childhood, and had wondered what it would be like to step inside the squared circle.
Bíblian er í veruleikanum eitt bókasavn við 66 bókum, sum umleið 40 ymiskir menn hava skrivað.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If it is accepted, you could continue by saying: “Since you are interested in this subject, you may also enjoy this book that provides detailed advice on how to find happiness in the family circle.”
Hvussu við okkum? — Eru vit í parti við Guds einglum, so hjálpa teir okkum.jw2019 jw2019
4 Family Members: We should also strive to imitate Jesus’ concern for people within our own family circle.
Jeroboam vil ikki at fólkið hjá honum skal fara til templið í Jerúsalem at tilbiðja Jehova.jw2019 jw2019
One research team commented: “Human violence—be it a slap or a shove, a knifing or a shoot-out—occurs more frequently within the family circle than anywhere else in our society.”
Tá eingilin hjálpti Pæturi, fingu hermenninir ikki steðgað teimum.jw2019 jw2019
Thus, the visiting speaker’s concluding talk will highlight four areas where our godly subjection must be manifest: (1) to governments, (2) in the congregation, (3) in secular occupations, and (4) in the family circle.
Hví skulu vit fyrigeva?jw2019 jw2019
Fury hired her as a way to avoid accountability in global political circles.
Jefta livir í einari tíð tá ísraelsmenn eru hildnir uppat at tilbiðja Jehova.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the eighth century B.C.E., when the prevailing view was that the earth was flat, centuries before Greek philosophers theorized that the earth likely was spherical, and thousands of years before humans saw the earth as a globe from space, the Hebrew prophet Isaiah stated with remarkable simplicity: “There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth.”
Nei, tey máttu vísa tað.jw2019 jw2019
55 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.