comprehensive oor Faroees


/kɑmpɹəˈhɛnsɪv/, /kɒmpɹɪˈhɛnsɪv/ adjektief, naamwoord
Broadly or completely covering; including a large proportion of something.

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3 The Doing God’s Will brochure has comprehensive information regarding Jehovah’s organization.
3 Heftið Jehova vitni — sameind í øllum heiminum fyri at gera Guds vilja gevur víðgongdar upplýsingar um Jehova samskipan.jw2019 jw2019
Although most English signs are comprehensible, occasionally the English is garbled.
Nær skylt við enskt og verður ofta roknað sum ein dialekt av enskum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All flooring is made from lightweight movable panels, under which lies a comprehensive network of power, telecommunication, and air-conditioning systems.
Netið verður brúkt til ymsar tænastur, har tær mest kendu eru World Wide Web, teldupostur og IP-telefoni.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
2 Feel Pity for People: Jehovah’s long-suffering far exceeds our comprehension.
2 Sýn inniliga samkenslu: Tol Jehova ber av øllum viti.jw2019 jw2019
As we regularly attend and participate in all five meetings, we receive comprehensive training as ministers of the good news and a well-balanced education in Christian living.
Tá vit trúliga koma og luttaka í øllum fimm møtunum, fáa vit fjølbroytta upplæring í at boða tey góðu tíðindi, og vit fáa eisini skilagóða upplæring í kristnum lívshátti.jw2019 jw2019
Restoring the name is a big help in increasing the clarity and comprehensibility of this portion of the inspired Bible.
Tá navnið verður sett aftur, gerst hesin parturin av innblástu Bíbliuni nógv greiðari og lættari at skilja.jw2019 jw2019
Emphasize the value of congregation meetings, and explain that attending them provides a comprehensive understanding of how to practice true worship. —Heb.
Undirstrika virðið, møtini í samkomuni hava, og greið frá, at tey geva eina holla vitan um, hvussu sonn tilbiðjan fer fram. — Hebr.jw2019 jw2019
If you do not have a student, practice summarizing a passage from the Bible or a paragraph from The Watchtower in a few sentences to improve your own reading comprehension.
Um tú ikki hevur ein næming, kanst tú øva teg at fortelja við fáum orðum, hvat eitt brot úr Bíbliuni ella eitt stykki úr Vagttårnet snýr seg um fyri betur at skilja tað, tú lesur.jw2019 jw2019
3:17) This is the best way to ensure that we are “filled with the accurate knowledge of [God’s] will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension.” —Col.
3:17) Hetta er besti mátin tá vit vilja tryggja okkum at vit verða ’fylt við tí nágreiniliga kunnskapinum um [Guds] vilja í øllum vísdómi og andaligari fatan’. — Kol.jw2019 jw2019
His comprehension of Christian doctrine was never very clear, but he was sure that victory in battle lay in the gift of the God of the Christians.”
Hansara fatan av tí kristnu læruni var aldri heilt greið, men hann var vísur í at Gud teirra kristnu gav sigur á vígvøllinum.“jw2019 jw2019
A new breed of comprehensive Marketing Management Platforms are on their way to the market.
Ein størri partur av konufólkunum er sostatt komin út á arbeiðsmarknaðin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As he starts building his own theocratic library, show him how to use the Comprehensive Concordance, Reasoning From the Scriptures, the Index, and the Insight volumes.
Og tá hann sjálvur fer undir at fáa sær eitt teokratiskt bókasavn kanst tú vísa honum hvussu Den Store Bibelordbog, Lad os ræsonnere ud fra Skrifterne, Register til Vagttårnets publikationer og Hjælp til forståelse af Bibelen skulu nýtast.jw2019 jw2019
2 The Congregation Book Study has been designed to help us study and apply God’s Word and in this way grow in wisdom and spiritual comprehension.
2 Samkomubóklesturin er lagdur til rættis so hann hjálpir okkum at lesa og nýta Guds orð og sostatt vaksa í vísdómi og andaligari fatan.jw2019 jw2019
Also, ancient manuscripts that are more accurate and closer to the originals have been discovered, resulting in a better comprehension of Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
Hartil eru fleiri eldri og meiri nágreinilig handrit komin undan kavi, og tað hevur givið eina betri fatan av hebraiskum, aramaiskum og grikskum bíbliutekstum.jw2019 jw2019
14 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.