compute oor Faroees


/kɒmpjuːt/ werkwoord
To reckon or calculate.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Faroees




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tablet computer
computer hardware
notebook computer
computer science
computer game
laptop computer
computer keyboard
Teldur · telda · teldur
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24:45-47) Many of these provisions are in the form of books, Bibles, bound volumes, videos, audiocassette recordings, and computer disks for Bible research.
24:45-47) Hetta gerst í stóran mun við bókum, bíblium, árgangum, videobondum, kasettubondum og CD-ROM til bíbliulestur.jw2019 jw2019
Show him the answer on the spot, using a mobile device or a computer.
Vís teimum beinanvegin svarið á einari teldu, fartelefon ella teldli.jw2019 jw2019
He discovered computer programming at age 11, and felt he lagged behind peers, who had already been coding for years.
Hann spældi cembalo frá hann var trý ára gamal og fór longu at komponera løg, tá hann var fimm ára gamal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some publishers who must occasionally be away conduct their Bible study over the phone or by computer conference.
Nakrir boðarar, sum av og á eru burturstaddir, leiða bíbliulestrar um telefonina ella við telduni.jw2019 jw2019
3:8) Others have included sexually provocative pictures of themselves, suggestive nicknames, or links to sexually explicit music videos in their computer profile.
3:8) Onnur hava lagt kynsliga eggjandi myndir av sær sjálvum út á alnótina, nýtt ónærilig eyknevni, ella lagt ʹlinksʹ út til kynsliga nærlýstan sjónbandatónleik.jw2019 jw2019
25 Just as people have a purpose in mind when they make airplanes, computers, bicycles, and other devices, so the Designer of the brain and body of humans must have had a purpose in designing us.
25 Eins og menniskju hava eina ætlan tá tey gera flogfør, teldur, súkklur og annað, man hann sum skapti heilan og mannalikamið eisini hava havt eina ætlan tá hann gjørdi okkum.jw2019 jw2019
When the speaker reads selected scriptures, he does so directly from the Bible, not from a computer-generated printout.
Tá ið talarin lesur ávístu skriftstøðini, skal hann lesa beinleiðis úr Bíbliuni og ikki úr einum telduútskrifti.jw2019 jw2019
Set a limit on how much time is spent in front of the TV or the computer.
Takið støðu til, hvussu nógva tíð tit skulu brúka framman fyri sjónvarpinum ella telduni.jw2019 jw2019
They realise that there must be a circuit from the sphere, to the force-field around the Moon, to Helena, to Computer, and back to the sphere.
Sambandið verður ásett á ymiskan hátt, so sum við rokniforskrift, við rás, við talvu og við algoritmu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The New Encyclopædia Britannica notes: “Transmission of information within the nervous system is more complex than the largest telephone exchanges; problem solving by a human brain exceeds by far the capacity of the most powerful computers.”
The New Encyclopædia Britannica greiðir frá: „Flutningurin av upplýsingum í nervaskipanini er torgreiddari enn í teimum størstu telefonstøðunum; mannaheilin loysir trupulleikar nógv betur enn tær størstu teldurnar megna.“jw2019 jw2019
For example, if you inadvertently see erotic images, quickly look away, or turn off the computer, or change the TV channel.
Um tú til dømis av óvart sært ónærisligar myndir, hygg so beinanvegin burtur, sløkk telduna ella skift sjónvarpsrás.jw2019 jw2019
In view of the foregoing, parents should monitor their children’s activity on the computer.
Tí er tað týdningarmikið, at foreldur hava eftirlit við, hvat børnini nýta telduna til.jw2019 jw2019
This project brought the footprints of multimedia computing technology to India.
Fenomenið tekur skap eftir einum stórum tali av teknirøðum á internetinum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A computer cannot replace human writers and translators.
Ein telda kann ikki verða sett í staðin fyri menniskju, sum skriva og umseta.jw2019 jw2019
Movies, books, TV programs, and computer games increasingly portray demonistic practices as being fun, smart, and harmless.
Í filmum, bókum, sjónvarpssendingum og telduspølum verður okkultisma oftari og oftari lýst sum nakað stuttligt, spennandi og meinaleyst.jw2019 jw2019
Her role was to help with the computing for the crystallographers.
Endamálið var at hjálpa stovnunum við KT-tænastum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The human eye is more like an incredibly advanced supercomputer with artificial intelligence, information-processing abilities, speeds, and modes of operation that are far beyond any man-made device, computer or camera.”
Eygað er meiri líkt einari ótrúliga framkomnari superteldu við sergjørdum viti, evnu til dátuviðgerð, skjótleika og møguleikum sum eru nógv betri enn nakað tól menniskju hava framleitt, tað veri teldur ella myndatól.“jw2019 jw2019
While computers and other electronic devices have legitimate uses, they can become a snare if we fail to keep strict watch on our use of time. —1 Cor.
Teldur og onnur elektronisk útgerð kunnu vera hentar, men tær kunnu eisini verða ein snerra, um vit ikki ansa eftir tíðini, tær taka frá okkum. — 1 Kor.jw2019 jw2019
Do I spend time with my children, or do I expect toys, TV, or a computer to keep them occupied?
Brúki eg tíð saman við børnunum, ella lati eg leikutoy, sjónvarp ella teldu undirhalda tey?jw2019 jw2019
Many computer systems internally store points in time in Unix time format or some other system time format.
Tann dagin fóru fleiri yvirgangsálop og atsóknir fram móti USA innanfyri fáir tímar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
With it you can learn how to whistle, bake bread, speak foreign languages, use a computer, or fly an airplane.
Við heilanum kunnu vit læra at bríksla, baka breyð, tosa fremmand mál, brúka eina teldu ella flúgva einum flogfari.jw2019 jw2019
As a practical step in controlling the use of a home computer, many families keep it in a public area.
Nógvar familjur hava tikið tað fyrivarnið at seta telduna í eitt felagsrúm.jw2019 jw2019
This is my computer.
Hetta er mín telda.tatoeba tatoeba
“With just a few keystrokes on a computer, you can ruin someone’s reputation —or even his life.
„Bara við nøkrum fáum klikkum kann mann oyðileggja umdømið hjá einum persóni, ja, enntá alt lívið hjá honum.jw2019 jw2019
November 2 – The Morris worm, the first computer worm distributed via the Internet, written by Robert Tappan Morris, is launched from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the U.S. November 3 – Sri Lankan Tamil mercenaries try to overthrow the Maldivian government.
2. november - Fyrsti telduvirusin, Morris ormurin, ið er skrivaður av Robert Tappan Morris, verður sendur frá Massachusetts Institute of Technology í USA.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
54 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.