detail oor Faroees


/ˈdiːteɪl/, /dɪˈteɪl/, /ˈdi(ː)teɪl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(countable) Something small enough to escape casual notice.

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Time and time again prophecies given even hundreds of years in advance have been fulfilled in exact detail!
Ferð eftir ferð hava profetorð, hóast tey vórðu søgd fleiri hundrað ár frammanundan, fingið eina nágreiniliga uppfylling.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah’s Word Comes True in Every Detail
Hvør einasti smálutur í orði Jehova gongur útjw2019 jw2019
You will find more details on the invitation.”
Fleiri upplýsingar standa á innbjóðingini.“jw2019 jw2019
12 The Bible describes in detail the suffering that Jesus endured before his death.
12 Bíblian lýsir út í æsir allar líðingarnar, sum Jesus mátti ígjøgnum, áðrenn hann doyði.jw2019 jw2019
Daniel learned another thrilling detail about the Messianic Kingdom —the King would share his rulership with others, a group referred to as “the holy ones of the Supreme One.” —Daniel 7:13, 14, 27.
Dániel fekk eisini eina aðra spennandi og nágreiniliga frágreiðing um Messiasríkið — kongurin skuldi hava onnur at ráða saman við sær, ein bólk, ið nevnist „hini heiløgu hins Hægsta“. — Dániel 7:13, 14, 27.jw2019 jw2019
For a more detailed discussion of employment factors to consider, see The Watchtower, April 15, 1999, pages 28-30, and July 15, 1982, page 26.
Fleiri upplýsingar um, hvørji viðurskifti vit skulu hava í huga í sambandi við arbeiði, eru at finna í Vagttårnet, 15. apríl 1999, síðurnar 28-30, og í Vagttårnet, 15. oktober 1982, síðu 22.jw2019 jw2019
Isaiah even detailed Cyrus’ unique battle strategy. —Isaiah 44:24–45:3.
Esaias lýsti enntá í smálutum hernaðarlist Kýrusar. — Esaias 44:24–45:3.jw2019 jw2019
Because of this, Bagatsing gladly provided Ali with a rather large security detail and even accompanied the American boxer to some of his training sessions.
So tóku tey stóru bryggjaríini seg burturúr samtakinum, og fóru at gera amerikanskar cola uppá lisens.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
2 Preparation starts with keeping detailed information on our house- to- house record.
2 Fyrireikingin byrjar við at tú ger notat sum væl og virðiliga siga frá vitjanum tínum.jw2019 jw2019
4 Explain that when we offer a study, it is not generally necessary to describe the study arrangement in detail.
4 Lat hann vita, at tað ikki altíð er neyðugt at lýsa alt út í æsir, tá vit bjóða bíbliuskeið.jw2019 jw2019
These issues and their implications are discussed in greater detail in the book Draw Close to Jehovah, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Ein neyvari viðgerð av hesum spurningunum og tí, teir bera í sær, stendur at lesa í bókini Kom nær til Jehova, sum Jehova Vitni hava givið út.jw2019 jw2019
The speaker must make careful note of these details.
Talarin má skriva sær upplýsingarnar upp.jw2019 jw2019
The agreement between the details is remarkable, yet clearly unwitting.
Hetta neyva samsvarið er merkisvert, ikki minst tí tað er óætlað.jw2019 jw2019
Photos, artwork, and silent videos and animations illustrate various details recorded in the Bible.
Myndir, ljóðleysir filmar og animatiónsfilmar lýsa ymiskar smálutir í Bíbliuni.jw2019 jw2019
It does not mean that you know details about his background and what he is really like as a person.
Tað er ikki tað sama sum at kenna bakgrundina hjá honum og út í æsir vita, hvussu hann er sum menniskja.jw2019 jw2019
Further, interested ones will receive additional detailed information through attending congregation meetings.
Umframt hetta kunnu tey áhugaðu fáa fleiri nágreiniligar upplýsingar við at koma á møtini í samkomuni.jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 24:3) Jesus answered by detailing world-shaking events and conditions that would combine to show that mankind had entered “the time of the end,” “the last days” of this system of things.
(Matteus 24:3, Ny Verden-oversættelsen) Í svari sínum gav Jesus eina gjølliga lýsing av heimsumfatandi hendingum og viðurskiftum sum tilsamans skuldu siga frá at menniskju nú vóru á „tíð endans“, „á síðstu døgum“ hjá hesi heimsskipan.jw2019 jw2019
He would give detailed answers on hatt-ı hümayuns to questions asked of him and would make inquiries as to whether his decisions were followed.
Sveinur Tróndarsson valdi tó at lata seg avhoyra og svaraði teimum spurningum, ið hann varð spurdur um.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, this summary is not intended to explain in detail what the Bible teaches on every subject.
Endamálið við samandráttinum er kortini ikki at greiða nágreiniliga frá, hvat Bíblian lærir um øll evni.jw2019 jw2019
Albright, an archaeologist who spent decades excavating in Palestine, once said: “Discovery after discovery has established the accuracy of innumerable details, and has brought increased recognition of the value of the Bible as a source of history.”
Albright professari og fornfrøðingur, sum í fleiri áratíggju fekst við útgrevstur í Palestina, einaferð segði: „Ein fornfrøðiligur fundur fyri og annar eftir hava staðfest neyvleikan av óteljandi staklutum, og hetta hevur havt við sær, at Bíblian fær størri viðurkenning sum søgukelda.“jw2019 jw2019
Not knowing the details about the Devil’s challenge of Jehovah’s sovereignty, Job feared that God was the source of his problems.
Hann visti ikki út í æsir, hvat avbjóðingin frá Satan viðvíkjandi fullveldi Jehova snúði seg um, og bar tí ótta fyri, at Gud var atvoldin til hansara trupulleikar.jw2019 jw2019
1 Do you love God’s Word but find it difficult to remember details about Bible accounts or where specific statements are recorded in the Scriptures?
1 Ert tú góður við Guds orð, men heldur tað vera torført at minnast staklutir úr bíbilskum frásøgum, ella hvar í Bíbliuni tú finnur ávís úttalilsi?jw2019 jw2019
For example, note the detailed ancestral line of Jesus set out at Luke 3:23-38.
Legg til merkis, hvussu nágreiniliga ætt Jesusar verður lýst í Lukas 3:23-38.jw2019 jw2019
In the chart entitled “Prophecies Regarding the Messiah,” the scriptures listed under the heading “Prophecy” contain details concerning the Messiah.
Í skriftstøðunum, sum standa undir „Profeti“ í yvirlitinum „Profetiir um Messias“, eru nágreiniligar fyriboðanir um Messias.jw2019 jw2019
They are very loyal, have great attention to detail and love to be social.
Teir taka sær av børnum, hugsa djúpt og læra frá sær.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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