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3 If you detect interest, return promptly, perhaps a few days later.
3 Varnast tú áhuga, far so skjótt aftur, kanska fáar dagar seinni.jw2019 jw2019
1991 – Brennivargurin, detective novel for children 1998 – Brandstifteren, Forlaget Vindrose, ISBN 87-7456-564-8 1996 – Teir horvnu kirkjubøstólarnir.
1998 – Brandstifteren, Forlaget Vindrose, ISBN 87-7456-564-8 1996 Teir horvnu kirkjubøstólarnir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even so, scholars have been able to detect and correct such departures from the original.
Bíbliugranskararnir hava kortini verið førir fyri at finna og rætta slík frávik frá upprunatekstinum.jw2019 jw2019
During the day, he worked for the company, but in secret and under constant threat of detection, he worked on translating the Bible.
Um dagin arbeiddi hann fyri handilsfelagið, men í loyndum og støðugt í vanda fyri avdúking arbeiddi hann við at umseta Bíbliuna.jw2019 jw2019
Holographic sensors have been proposed for detecting concentrations up to 12.5% in volume.
Hesar sendistovurnar kosta áleið 12,5 milliónir krónur at reka árliga.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In October 1963, political pressure was brought upon the state after a rash of escapes by internees culminated in the shooting death of Detective Sergeant Marshall N. White.
Í 1969, eftir at hava røkt fleiri størv í stjørnini, varð hann valdur til varaforseta fyri vinmannin Gamal Abdal Nasser.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Believing their ambush detected Caupolicán ordered his army to advance to the attack.
Hann vísti á nakrar orsøkir til, at eftirspurningurin fer at økjast komandi árini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Indeed, because of co-channel interference near densely populated or congested sea areas satellites are having a difficult time in detecting AIS from space in those areas.
Í illfýsna og vandamikla farvatninum kring oynna, eru nógv skip gingin burtur gjøgnum tíðina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even though his surprise may not be expressed verbally, Jesus detects it and says: “Now you Pharisees, you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but the inside of you is full of plunder and wickedness.
Kanska sigur farisearin tað ikki í orðum, men Jesus varnast tað kortini og sigur: „Tit Farisearar reinsa nú bikarið og fatið uttan, men innan eru tit fullir av ráni og óndskapi.jw2019 jw2019
It is impossible, Popper argues, to ensure a theory to be true; it is more important that its falsity can be detected as easily as possible.
Tíðarsona eigur at verða upplýst, uttan so at misskiljing er útilokað.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5:2, 6) If we detect signs of drowsiness in ourselves, it is urgent that we “put off the works belonging to darkness.” —Rom.
5:2, 6) Uppdaga vit at tyngd er farin at gera vart við seg hjá okkum sjálvum, mugu vit alt fyri eitt ’leggja av verk myrkursins’. — Róm.jw2019 jw2019
(Mt 6:24) But what if we detect that material things are starting to crowd out spiritual things in our life?
(Mt 6:24) Men hvat um vit uppdaga, at vit eru farin at ganga meira upp í tað materiella enn tað andaliga?jw2019 jw2019
Possibly at this point Jesus detects in Judas a “beginning,” or an outset, of a wrongful course.
Kanska varnast hann longu nú „byrjanina“ til ein órættan atburð hjá Judasi.jw2019 jw2019
Your ears can detect a variety of sounds and give you a sense of direction and balance.
Oyruni kunnu hoyra eina mongd av ljóðum og geva kenslu av leið og javnvág.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah detects all hypocrisy.—Luke 12:2, 3.
Jehova sær alt kávalæti. — Lukas 12:2, 3.jw2019 jw2019
(Crime fiction, about the detective William Hammer), Mentunargrunnur Studentafelagsins 2014 – Vølundarhús.
Krimi skaldsøga (um William Hammer), Mentunargrunnur Studentafelagsins 2014 – Vølundarhús.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Petalias in the occipital lobe are easier to detect than those in the frontal lobe.
Dýralívið í tropuregnskógunum er fjølbroyttari enn nakra aðrastaðni á jørðini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
* Thus, as mentioned earlier, to find out what we are thinking and to detect any spiritual weakness in us, wicked spirits have to observe closely our actions —including our choice of entertainment.
* Tí mugu illu andarnir, sum áður nevnt, neyvt eygleiða okkara atburð – harímillum hvat vit velja til undirhald – fyri at finna út av, hvat vit hugsa, og fyri at uppdaga onkran andaligan veikleika hjá okkum.jw2019 jw2019
Bullies can often detect those who think negatively of themselves and who are thus not likely to fight back.
Happarar duga ofta væl at síggja, hvørji hava lítið sjálvsálit og tí helst ikki eru før fyri at verja seg.jw2019 jw2019
Look directly at the peephole, and when you detect that someone is looking out, say a warm greeting and begin your presentation.
Hyggur onkur út, so hygg beinleiðis á kagingarholið og heilsa vinaliga, um tað er hóskandi.jw2019 jw2019
A woman with nursing experience attended to Dean and detected a weak pulse, but "death appeared to have been instantaneous".
Ein kvinna við royndum innan sjúkrahúsverkið, var á staðnum og føldi ein veikan puls, men "deyðin sá út til a hava rakt eygablikkiligt".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pure hydrogen-oxygen flames burn in the ultraviolet color range and are nearly invisible to the naked eye, so a flame detector is needed to detect if a hydrogen leak is burning.
Hydrogen er eitt ógvuliga eldfimt gass, oxygen er gass, sum nørir eld, og vatn er løgur, sum vit brúka at sløkkja eld við.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So if interest is detected, we should by all means call back and try to cultivate it.
Finna vit áhuga, eiga vit tí undir øllum umstøðum at koma aftur og royna at fáa áhugan at vaksa.jw2019 jw2019
Every time we place literature or otherwise detect a spark of interest, our goal should be to make a return visit promptly and stimulate further interest.
Hvørja ferð vit geva lesnað ella kenna eitt vet av áhuga, mugu vit miða eftir at koma skótt á afturvitjan og menna áhugan.jw2019 jw2019
In February 2018, the wanted ship was detected when it docked in Madagascar.
Í februar 2018 var lógaruppskotið enn í gerð, og stórt trætumál í Danmark.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
31 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.