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These usually tough, resourceful, but essentially ordinary heroes are pitted against villains determined to destroy them, their country, or the stability of the free world.
Avdúkar lærdómar, ið eru menniskjaboðWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What if you determine that this is just not possible?
(Sálmur 37:29) Og Guds ríki syrgir fyri, at tann ætlanin verður framd.jw2019 jw2019
Similarly, consider two things that Jehovah has determined not to do.
Um kvøldið siga lærisveinarnir við hann: ’Nú er seint, og her er so oyðið.jw2019 jw2019
Be determined to endure.
Og at enda at vit ikki mugu lúgva, sum Gehazi gjørdi.jw2019 jw2019
5:2, 3) They may determine to schedule additional meetings for field service for those who will be sharing in the ministry early in the morning, after school, or after work.
’Guds kraft skal koma yvir teg,’ svarar Gabriel.jw2019 jw2019
Be determined to live in harmony with the knowledge of God.
Hevur hann eitt navn?jw2019 jw2019
Determine in advance the points that you will highlight, and be certain that you understand and can apply the scriptures effectively.
(Matteus 26:41, Ny Verden-Oversættelsen; Rómbrævið 12:12; 1 Tessalonikabræv 5:17) Tað merkir sjálvandi ikki, at vit hvørja løtu á degnum skulu biðja tilJehova.jw2019 jw2019
Parents can determine whether they will use this material during a portion of their Family Worship evening, when conducting a separate study with one of their children, or when training a child to do his own personal study.
Fólkið aktar, og tekur seg burtur frá tjøldunum hjá Kora, Datan og Abiram.jw2019 jw2019
The siege was intensified about this time, with the Spanish making determined efforts to oust the British.
Gud vil, at børn og ung skulu akta síni foreldur, sjálvt um tey onkuntíð halda tað vera torført.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Elders in each congregation use field service reports to determine where improvement can be made.
Ver eisini varin við at siga fyri smáum børnum at hin deyði svevur.jw2019 jw2019
We likewise must be bold and determined in our efforts to get the good news preached.
Sonur Dávid, Absalom, verður so illur um hetta at hann drepur Amnon.jw2019 jw2019
If you are unable to determine someone’s interest, it is best to give him a tract.
(Jóhannes 20:11-16) Tað er rætt at kristin sum kenna vónina Bíblian gevur um uppreisn ikki eru ótroystandi, sum onkur ið ikki hevur eina greiða bíbilska fatan av støðuni tey deyðu eru í.jw2019 jw2019
However, if you have a large territory, the elders may determine that invitations can be left discreetly at not-at-homes.
Síðan skulu tit blása eitt langt ljóð í hornini, og øll skulu skera í eitt veldigt herróp.jw2019 jw2019
To scout their opponents, Hotham at Menorca and Martin at Toulon both sent out small frigate squadrons to determine whether the enemy fleets were at sea.
„Allur heimurin liggur í hinum illa.“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was nominated because in the off-season he traveled throughout the United States and Latin America to deliver baseball equipment, medical supplies, and speak to kids of all ages to stress the importance of education and determination.
Hon verður standandi mitt á himli ein heilan dag.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
43:10, 12) But the Devil will fail miserably because we are determined to “keep conquering the evil with the good.”
Men tað er ikki nóg mikið at læra um Jehova Gud og Jesus Kristus.jw2019 jw2019
(Ephesians 5:5; 1 Timothy 1:5, 19) Since such entertainment has a harmful effect on you personally, be determined to avoid it.
Ein dagin er drotningin, ið eitur Vasti, manni sínum ólýðin, og tí velur kongurin sær eina nýggja drotning.jw2019 jw2019
The father was determined that nothing would interfere with the family study.
Tað, sum um ræður, er, at bønirnar koma úr hjarta okkara.jw2019 jw2019
Having determined that the invasion of South Korea by forces from North Korea constituted a breach of the peace, the Council recommended that the members of the United Nations furnish such assistance to the South Korean state as may be necessary to repel the attack and restore peace and security to the area.
(b) Hví var misbrotið hjá Ádami og Evu so álvarsamt?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5 How commendable it is that so many older ones are determined to continue preaching to whatever extent their health and strength permit —without letup!
Falskur átrúni er sum falskir pengar — hann sær út at vera rættur, men er einki verdur.jw2019 jw2019
What effect did the Nephilim have on the world’s spirit, and what did Jehovah determine to do?
Satan vildi hava Jesus at vága lívið við at leypa út av tempultakinum.jw2019 jw2019
18, 19. (a) How can the principle found at Philippians 4:8 help us to determine whether our entertainment is wholesome?
18 Kristin eru ikki undir Móselógini og hennara fyriskipanum um at ofra dýr og smyrja dýrablóð á eitt altar.jw2019 jw2019
Taverns had begun installing lanes, interest seemed to be growing, and Bensinger was determined to be ready for this new market.
Hvussu fer Jehova at bøta allan skaða, sum hevur staðist av menniskjans ræði á jørðini undir Satans leiðslu?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Where in the Bible do we find prophecies that will help us determine how close we are to this system’s end?
Og hugsa tær hvussu glað Eva hevur verið um at fáa ein so vakran urtagarð at liva í!jw2019 jw2019
▪ What determines whether we will leave literature with someone?
Hvat læra vit av hesum? — Vit læra, at tað altíð er rætt at gera, sum Gud sigur, eisini tá tað ikki er so lætt.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.