dozen oor Faroees


/ˈdʌzən/ naamwoord, adjektief
(countable) A set of twelve.

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He published 34 novels, over 350 short stories, dozens of movie scripts, and five plays over a 70-year career.
KAPITTUL TVEYWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In addition, dozens of ship models exist, produced as part of constructing the real ships, and thus believed accurate both externally and internally.
(Opinberingin 12:12; Sálmur 110:2) Tað merkir eisini, at vit við vissu kunnu siga, at Ríkið skjótt fer til verka og syrgir fyri, at Guds vilji verður framdur á jørðini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The bishops consecrated by Duarte Costa went on to consecrate dozens of additional bishops, many of whom had only tenuous relationships with the Brazilian Church.
Hvønn hugburð eigur ein kvinna at hava viðvíkjandi manni sínum, og hvat kann hennara atburður hava við sær?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On data that does have a clustering structure, the number of iterations until convergence is often small, and results only improve slightly after the first dozen iterations.
Hvør er høvuðsorsøkin til at gera eftir Guds boðum?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, in English alone there are dozens of Bible translations.
3 Jehova hevur givið teimum, ið eru fús at taka ímóti endurloysingarofri Jesu Krists, nakrar leiðreglur um, hvussu tey kunnu fáa eitt gott lív.jw2019 jw2019
The tree is one of dozens of similar height in the grove, and was never specifically marked in order to protect the tree.
Tvørturímóti. Hann gav okkum tey fyri at hjálpa okkum at fáa eitt gott, eydnusamt og nøktandi lív.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She hides dozens of derringer-style "throwaway" pistols under her traveling cape and is an excellent shot, although she rarely has occasion to use them.
(Matteus 14:14) Til dømis kom ein spitalskur maður einaferð til Jesus og segði: „Vilt Tú, so kanst Tú gera meg reinan!“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1800, there were only about a dozen written languages in Africa.
18, 19. (a) Hví kunnu vit vera vís í at vinna bardaga okkara ímóti óndum andaskapningum?jw2019 jw2019
Cephalonia lies in the heart of an earthquake zone, and dozens of minor, unrecorded tremors occur each year.
Men megnar hann eisini at gera tað?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He has published more than a dozen books.
Ættirnar fáa land eftir hertøkunaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Danish Girl, David Ebershoff's 2000 novel about them was an international bestseller and was translated into a dozen languages.
Hvussu lønir Jehova teimum, sum trúføst tilbiðja hann og soleiðis halda seg í kærleika hansara?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In a dozen or more subdivisions, developers had built their own package treatment plants and turned them over to the county to maintain.
Nú á døgum er tríeindarlæran høvuðstrúarlæran í nógvum átrúnaðum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Between 1942 and 1945, Disney contributed footage to dozens upon dozens of films, often in the form of animated maps or diagrams that were plugged in-between lengthier live-action footage.
Hvat kunnu foreldur gera fyri at verja børn síni?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since then, he has cashed in many different tournaments and made more than a dozen final table appearances.
At enda fóru Nóa og húsfólkið hjá honum eisini inn í ørkina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The dozen ships were those of Tromp's squadron giving chase and now rejoining the fight after the intended prey had escaped to Ostend.
Hesa ferðina hjálpir Jehova fólki sínum, og tey vinna bardagan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Excavations have revealed that very comfortable homes existed in ancient Ur; some had a dozen or more rooms for family and servants, all arranged around a paved inner courtyard.
Royn tí at tosa um kenslurnar hjá tær, men ikki óvinaliga.jw2019 jw2019
Worldwide, more than a dozen different types of AC power plugs and sockets are used for fixed building wiring.
Víst á tíðarlinjuniWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To stroll through downtown South Miami, in fact, is to stroll past dozens of restaurants of all kinds, and even the pocket-sized ones can be excellent.
Hon hjálpir okkum eisini at loysa trupulleikar okkara og finna eydnu. — 2 Timoteus 3:16, 17.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
18 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.