dramatically oor Faroees


In a dramatic manner.

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How just and appropriate that such a dramatic reversal take place between the Lazarus class and the rich-man class!
At ein so víttfevnandi broyting fer fram hjá bæði Lazarus-skaranum og ríkmans-skaranum er ógvuliga hóskandi!jw2019 jw2019
The result was dramatic.
Úrslitini vaktu ans.jw2019 jw2019
From then on, Jewish emigration from Iran dramatically increased, as about 20,000 Jews left within several months of the revolution alone.
Talið av ikki-muslimum er fallið nógv, síðan Khomeini kom til valdið, t.d. er talið av jødum fallið frá 80.000 til bara 30.000 eftir 20 árum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5 One day, though, Jonah’s life took a dramatic turn.
5 Men so ein dagin broyttist lívið hjá Jónasi fullkomiliga.jw2019 jw2019
“Today there seems to be a dramatic increase in the number of single-parent families.
„Í dag eru nógv fleiri einsamallir uppihaldarar enn fyrr.jw2019 jw2019
Following a peak of 281 women's colleges in the 1960s, the number of such schools has decreased dramatically.
Síðan fyrstu deyðsvanlukkuna í ferðsluni í 1928, eru 281 føroyingar deyðir í ferðsluni.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Much of the lesser domestic buildings has developed on minor lanes at right angles to the road and these dense clusters of houses provide areas of enclosure with occasional dramatic glimpses across open countryside.
Tíðarsonurnar fylgja ikki heilt longdarlinjunum, tí tíðarsonurnar eru ofta lagaðar til landamørkini hjá einstøku londunum av praktiskum ávum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You can download dramatic Bible readings, Bible dramas, and beautiful music to enjoy at your leisure.
Tað er eisini møguligt at taka niður livandi bíbliulesing, bíbilskar leikir og vakran tónleik, sum tú kanst lurta eftir, tá ið tú hevur hug.jw2019 jw2019
It is a pioneer work of puppet animation, and the oldest animated film of such dramatic complexity, with characters filled with motivation, desire and feelings.
Filmsfelagið er elsta felag í Føroyum, ið hevur filmsýningar sum áhugamál og virksemi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since then, it has increased dramatically not only on account of medical progress in controlling disease but also because of better sanitation and living conditions.
Síðan tá er hann nógv øktur, ikki einans vegna læknafrøðilig framstig í sjúkuviðgerðini, men eisini vegna betri reinføri og livikor.jw2019 jw2019
A prayer Jesus Christ taught shows that a dramatic change is at hand.
Ein bøn, sum Jesus flættaði inn í víðagitnu fjallatalu sína, vísir, at ein víðgongd broyting stendur fyri durum.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus continues his story, describing a dramatic change in the men’s circumstances.
Frásøgan heldur fram, og nú greiðir Jesus frá einari kollvelting í støðuni hjá teimum báðum monnunum.jw2019 jw2019
Within the bubble, the effects of gravitation are more dramatic.
Av soppunum á graslendi eru vakshattarnir teir litfagrastu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Perhaps he wondered how Ahab would respond to the dramatic events that were unfolding.
Kanska hugsaði hann um, hvussu hesar ógvusligu hendingarnar fóru at ávirka Akab.jw2019 jw2019
Thus Jesus sets the stage for a dramatic confrontation by telling the man with the withered hand: “Get up and come to the center.”
Jesus letur tað tí koma til eina uppgerð tá hann sigur við mannin ið hevur hina visnu hondina: „Reis teg og kom fram higar!“jw2019 jw2019
Yes, Jesus’ words have undergone fulfillment in a dramatic way!
Ja, orðini hjá Jesusi ganga út á merkisverdan hátt!jw2019 jw2019
Since our redesigned Web site was launched, online requests for Bible studies have increased dramatically.
Síðani okkara heimasíða fekk nýtt snið, hava sera nógv umvegis heimasíðuna biðið um at fáa ein bíbliulestur.jw2019 jw2019
Just as Jesus predicted, his “presence” as heavenly King has been marked by dramatic world developments —war, famine, earthquakes, pestilences.
Júst sum Jesus frammanundan boðaði frá, hevur ’hjávera’ hansara sum kongur í himli verið eyðkend av eini ógvusligari gongd í heimsviðurskiftunum — bæði viðvíkjandi bardøgum, hungursneyð, jarðskjálvtum og pesti.jw2019 jw2019
At this, Caiaphas, in a dramatic display, rips his garments and exclaims: “He has blasphemed!
Tá skræðir Kaifas — ógvuliga uppgjørdur — klæði síni og sigur: „Hann hevur spottað Gud!jw2019 jw2019
Are you aware that disobedience to parents along with a shocking lack of affection has dramatically increased, not only in a few places but around the globe?
Hevur tú lagt til merkis, at uppreistrarhugur mótvegis foreldrum og ræðandi kensluloysi hava vundið upp á seg, ikki bara onkustaðni, men í øllum heiminum?jw2019 jw2019
4:2) Dramatic upheavals on the world scene cause people to change their attitude and think more seriously about the future.
4:2) Ógvisligar broytingar í heiminum eru orsøk til, at fólk broyta hugburð og í álvara hugsa um framtíðina.jw2019 jw2019
For almost 50 years, Sophocles was the most celebrated playwright in the dramatic competitions of the city-state of Athens that took place during the religious festivals of the Lenaea and the Dionysia.
Í nærum 50 ár var Sofokles tann best umtókti leikritahøvundurin í dramakappingunum hjá býarstatinum Athen, ið fóru fram í teimum religiøsu hátíðunum í Lenaea og Dionysia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Child rearing is challenging, especially when a child reaches adolescence and experiences dramatic changes.
„Tað er ein avbjóðing at uppala børn og kanska serliga, tá tey eru í pubertetinum.jw2019 jw2019
He was survived by many of his Tintookie marionettes, which now live in the archives of the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney.
Hon hevur spælt við í fleiri telenovelas og hevur eitt nú spælt høvuðsleiklutin í spælifilminum Paraísos Artificiais.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Isaiah 13:20-22; Jeremiah 51:37, 41-43) And the Bible is full of other prophecies that have had dramatic fulfillment.
(Esaias 13:20-22; Jeremias 51:37, 41-43) Bíblian er á tremur við slíkum profetorðum ið hava fingið eina hugtakandi uppfylling.jw2019 jw2019
35 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.