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The stage was covered except for a wooden apron at the front.
Forelskilsi varð bannað, og øll við brillum vórðu dripin á staðnum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Except for the outer walls, now greatly renovated, hardly anything remains of the old church.
Kirkjumúrurin, sum enn stendur óliðugur, verður nú nevndur Kirkjubømúrurin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jesus now has everyone sent outside except for Peter, James, John, and the dead girl’s mother and father.
Jesus fær nú øll útum, uttan Pætur, Jákup, Jóhannes og móður og faðir at tí deyðu gentuni.jw2019 jw2019
One sister remarked: “Except for my family and a handful of friends, I didn’t know many there.
Ein systir segði: „Umframt mína familju og nakrar fáar vinir, kendi eg ikki nógv fólk.jw2019 jw2019
Now panicking, the guards shoot and kill all of the prisoners except for Vadoma and the local gypsy leader.
Sum nú er, kanst tú fanga pokémons, gera teir sterkari og yvirtaka gyms frá øðrum spælarum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was financially insolvent and, except for small holdings for his widow, his property was sold to pay creditors.
Hann varð løntur av kirkjugrunninum, men avgjørt varð millum hann og bygdarmennirnar, at lønin skuldi falla til kirkjuna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A 0.5% transfer tax would fund land purchases for parkland from private owners and speculators with exceptions for Baltimore City.
Um 25 % inntøkum landsins koma frá bankum og gjaldoyra- og virðisbrævamarknaðinum í Singaporbýi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They appear on the scene, may grow in popularity, and—except for a handful of classics—become old and die.
Tær verða til, gerast kanska væl umtóktar, avoldast, burtursæð frá nøkrum fáum klassikarum, og doyggja.jw2019 jw2019
The speaker who released it stated: “Except for a few details, all the prophecies in the book of Daniel have been fulfilled.”
Talarin, ið kunngjørdi útgávuna, segði: „Vit kunnu leggja til merkis, at allar profetiirnar í Dániels bók eru gingnar út, uttan bert nakrir fáir staklutir.“jw2019 jw2019
In fact, he is concluding his public ministry on earth except for the events of his trial and execution, which are three days in the future.
Í roynd og veru endar hann almennu tænastu sína á jørðini, tá ið hendingarnar í samband við dóm og avrætting hansara tríggjar dagar seinni, eru undantiknar.jw2019 jw2019
The council has been controlled by the Conservative party since they gained control from the Labour party at the 2000 election except for a single year after the 2014 election.
Flokkurin situr eftir valið í 2014 í einari samgongustjórn við Miljöpartiet, eftir at hava verið í andstøðu síðan valið 2006.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to some Jewish religious authorities, every Jew has an obligation to dwell in the Land of Israel and may not leave except for specifically permitted reasons (e.g., to get married).
Saudi-Arabia hevur strangar lógir um at menn og kvinnur ikki kunna umgangast alment, uttan so at tey eru gift.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mt 8:1-3 —Jesus demonstrated exceptional compassion for a leper (“he touched him,” “I want to” study notes on Mt 8:3, nwtsty)
Mt 8:1-3 – Jesus vísti sjáldsama samkenslu fyri einum spitølskum manni („rørte ved ham“, „Det vil jeg“ – lestrarviðmerkingar til Mt 8:3, nwtsty)jw2019 jw2019
Tradition has it that she was also known for her exceptional strength, which, for example, she showed by driving nails into the wall with her bare hands and cracking nuts between her fingers.
Hann skuldi eisini vita, at í eini krossfesting vóru sjálvir naglarnir drignir ígjøgnum handliðin og ikki ígjøgnum lógvan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He married Sarai, a woman who was exceptional not only for her beauty but also for her great faith in Jehovah.
Hann gifti seg við Sáru, sum ikki bara var sjáldsom í vakurleika, men eisini í síni sterku trúgv á Jehova.jw2019 jw2019
7 The apostle Paul wrote: “Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God.”
7 Paulus ápostul skrivaði: „Hvørt menniskju veri teimum yvirvøldum lýðið, sum yvir tí eru!jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 5:32) Consider here a few exceptional situations that some have viewed as a basis for separation.
(Matteus 5:32) Latið okkum nevna nakrar heilt serligar umstøður, ið nøkur hava mett sum grundarlag fyri sundurlesing.jw2019 jw2019
This was the period of greatest inactivity in the history of the Navy, and there was little to do, even for a very active man, except routine work.
Tí var vøllurin fyrstu árini minni enn teir flestu, og tí var ikki óvanligt at spælt var við færri leikarum á hvørjum liði.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If householders already have the book, publishers may offer any 192-page book printed on paper that discolors or any book published prior to 1992 with the exception of Creation, Greatest Man, Mankind’s Search for God, and Young People Ask.
Hevur tann vitjaði longu hesa bókina, kunnu vit bjóða eina 192-síðu bók.jw2019 jw2019
▪ Why does Jesus make an exception with the former demoniac, instructing him to tell others about what He did for him?
▪ Hví gjørdi Jesus eitt undantak í samband við mannin sum fyrr var settur av illum andum, og bað hann siga øðrum frá tí Jesus hevði gjørt?jw2019 jw2019
So Jesus tells the Jewish leaders: “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet.”
Tí sigur Jesus við hinar jødisku leiðararnar: „Ónd og ótrúgv ætt krevur tekin; men henni skal einki tekin verða givið uttan tekin Jónasar profets.“jw2019 jw2019
They are the most widely used of the country codes published by ISO (the others being alpha-3 and numeric), and are used most prominently for the Internet's country code top-level domains (with a few exceptions).
Tær eru tær mest nýttu av landakotunum frá ISO (hinar eru alpha-3 og numeric), og verða tær m.a. nýttar til internetdomeni hjá londum og økjum við fáum undantøkum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They go to Da·riʹus and say: ‘We have agreed, O king, that you should make a law saying that for 30 days no one should pray to any god or man except to you, O king.
Teir fara til Darius kong og siga: ’Kongur, vit eru komnir ásamt um at tú eigur at gera eina lóg um at fólk í 30 dagar ikki mugu biðja til nakran annan enn teg, hvørki til nakran gud ella nakað menniskja.jw2019 jw2019
26 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.