exile oor Faroees


/ˈɛkˌsaɪl/, /ˈɛɡˌzaɪl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
The state of being banished from one's home or country.

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Jer 29:4, 7 —Why were Jewish exiles commanded to “seek the peace” of Babylon, and how can we apply the principle?
Men av tí at tey fingu fíggjartrupulleikar og ikki hildu seg hóska saman, skildust tey skjótt aftur.jw2019 jw2019
In Jerusalem itself, there was recently discovered a small, rolled-up strip of silver, apparently dating from before the Babylonian exile.
Og meðan hann talar, sendir Gud sín heilaga anda, og hesi fólkini fara at tosa ymisk mál.jw2019 jw2019
Faithful ones among the Jewish exiles in Babylon were like good figs
6 Ein góður sonur og ein óndurjw2019 jw2019
He returned to be a monitor in the 1994 elections and continued involvement in some of the trade unions he worked with in exile.
Fyri at fáa greiðu á hesum spurningunum skulu vit stutt kanna nakað, sum hendi í byrjanini av menniskjans søgu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Not long afterward, the Jews were at last freed from their exile —right on time, after the foretold 70-year desolation of their homeland.
8 Men um vit nú ikki kunnu gera við, at vit eru fátøk?jw2019 jw2019
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest , detention or exile .
(Orðtøkini 15:23; 25:11) Tað krevur vísdóm at vita hvat vit skulu siga og hvat vit ikki skulu siga, hvat vit skulu gera og hvat vit ikki skulu gera.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
DANIEL, a youth of remarkable integrity, was taken into exile in Babylon before Jerusalem was destroyed.
Men í kapittul 3 lærdu vit, at ein óndur eingil helt uppat at gera Guds vilja og fekk Ádam og Evu at synda.jw2019 jw2019
He died in exile in the United Kingdom in 1939.
Tey skunda sær innat fáa sær sitipláss við vindeyguni.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She traces the assassin to Paris and poses as a Russian exile.
Kom ein annar í fíggjarligt óføri, kundi tú verða ein ríkur góðgerðarmaður og koma honum til hjálpar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But after the exiles returned from Babylon, there were numerous obstacles, including a royal decree to halt construction.
Rekur illar andar í eitt svínafylgijw2019 jw2019
They soon are separated and Foster is exiled to a pocket dimension.
’Finna tit bikarið hjá nøkrum av okkum, kunnu tit sláa hann í hel.’WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
November 23 – Former Korean president Chun Doo Hwan publicly apologizes for corruption during his presidency, announcing he will go into exile.
Fleiri dømi úr Bíbliuni vísa, at tað er hóskandi at enda persónligar bønir ella bønir, sum verða bidnar í einari samkomu, við at siga „amen“.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to the proverbial saying referred to at Ezekiel 18:2, whom were Ezekiel’s fellow exiles blaming for their suffering, and what valuable lesson can we learn from this account?
Og tí vita vit, at vindurin er til.jw2019 jw2019
Guéï conceded defeat, going into exile on October 29, 2000.
Hvørjar eginleikar eigur tú at ala fram, um tú vilt vera Gudi til vildar, og hví eru hesir eginleikarnir týdningarmiklir?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In train compartments, ship's cabins and rented rooms, they called upon what was left to them – their bodies, their minds and if they were lucky, their books – and amidst the debris of an era of self-destruction, built their own annexes to the House of Exile.
Men teir duga ikki at siga honum hvat teir hava at týða.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jewish exiles were encouraged by Ezekiel’s temple vision because it gave them hope that pure worship would be restored.
Um tit skunda tykkum, fáa tit fatur á teimum!’jw2019 jw2019
Imagine the impact of such a proclamation when it reached far-off Jerusalem, where a remnant of Jews who had returned from exile in Babylon were struggling to rebuild a city that still had no wall to defend it.
Hann gav okkum lívið og alt tað góða, sum ger lívið deiligt.jw2019 jw2019
In exile, they worked with liberal Dutchmen and compatriot students.
Hugsa eitt sindur um hesa tvørsøgnina: Meir enn 90 prosent av fólkunum í einum ávísum landi siga seg antin vera sera lukkulig ella toliliga lukkulig.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Neither on the way home from their exile in Babylon nor in their restored land did the Israelites need to fear wild beasts or beastlike men. —Ezr 8:21, 22
Men aftur svarar Eli: ’Eg rópti teg ikki, sonur mín.jw2019 jw2019
Gekidan Exile.
Haraftrat skrivaði Pablo Besson í síni sponsku umseting fyrst í 20. øld „Jehová“ í Lukas 2:15 og í Brævi Judasar 14, og nærum 100 undirgreinir í hansara umseting siga frá, at Guds navn helst hevði verið rætta endurgevingin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sometimes sickly, at other times testing his strength with that curious band of roving exiles who searched the land above the rippling railroad ties, he explored his soul as he sought to touch the distant past.
Veitst tú, hvat tað er at vera villigur? — Tað er at gera nakað, tí vit gjarna vilja — tí vit hava góðan hug at gera tað.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the Nazi period and World War II he lived in exile, first in Scandinavia and then in the United States.
Kunnu Guds einglar eisini hjálpa okkum? — Ja, tað kunnu teir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What lesson in appreciation can be learned from the case of a certain Levite in exile?
peningakærjw2019 jw2019
Before expiring, she said: “Glory has gone away from Israel into exile.”
You Can Be God’s Friend!jw2019 jw2019
Eze 47:1, 8; 48:30, 32-34 —Why did the Jewish exiles not expect every detail of Ezekiel’s temple vision to be fulfilled literally?
Latið okkum gera sum hann.jw2019 jw2019
33 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.