formerly oor Faroees


at some time in the past

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Bridegroom-men formerly had important duties.
Jehova hevur loyvt tí afturfyri at fólkið í landinum hevur verið ónt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He formerly served as the director of the Queen's School of Music.
Prógvini um, at vit nærkast endanum á ’síðstu døgunum’, eru púra greið.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A brother who owns a store invited an employee who was formerly a priest.
Minnast vit at takka menniskjum her á jørðini, munnu vit eisini minnast at takka Faðir okkara í himli.jw2019 jw2019
Track 4 formerly had a weighbridge, but this is no longer in operation.
Fyrsti maðurin og kvinnanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
3: How Should We Feel About Any Images That We May Formerly Have Venerated?
12 Tungan ger tað tíðum torført at varðveita tað friðarliga sambandið við onnur.jw2019 jw2019
The astronomical work is a sort of computus of four books, in prose and verse, preserved only in a manuscript which belonged formerly to the monastery of Saint-Amand in northern France, and is now at Valenciennes.
Og best av øllum — vinalag títt við Jehova gerst bara sterkari, sum øldirnar líða.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(b) How might a formerly decent, honest person become a thief?
Tað er gott at takka, eisini fyri sovorðin smáting.jw2019 jw2019
Western Sahara, formerly Spanish Sahara, was annexed by Morocco in 1975, as Spain pulled out.
„Ikki fyrr enn tað var ov seint, skiltu vit, at okkara betrivitan máaði støðið undan sjálvsálitinum hjá foreldrunum,“ viðgongur hann.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Walsingham House hotel formerly occupied the site of the Ritz.
Tí segði stóri Lærarin við okkum: ’Venjið tykkum við at geva.’WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A third branch of Ossetian, Jassic (Jász), was formerly spoken in Hungary.
Hvaðani skalt tú tá fáa lívgevandi vatn?’WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2010, Freddy won an award for Best Villain (formerly Most Vile Villain) at the Scream Awards.
Veitst tú, hvat tað var? — Hann hugsaðibert um seg sjálvan og um at fáa tað gott.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Formerly violent people have become peaceable.
Í veruleikanum segði hann: ’Gud sýtir tykkum nakað gott.jw2019 jw2019
As a result, Herod and Pilate, who had formerly been enemies, become good friends.
Víst á tíðarlinjunijw2019 jw2019
During ethnic conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, formerly part of Yugoslavia, over a million were forced from their homes and tens of thousands were killed.
Og teir vísa at teir angra tað, tí teir fara aftur at tilbiðja Jehova.jw2019 jw2019
To them, anything even formerly connected with idolatry was offensive.
Jesus er aftur hjá Faðir sínum í himli, og hann úthellir Guds heilaga anda yvir lærisveinarnar.jw2019 jw2019
Some of us formerly practiced a different religion, while others did not believe in God.
„Klæði Míni býta teir ímillum sín, um kyrtilin kasta teir lut.“jw2019 jw2019
The Socialist Party and its partners had entered into the acquisition of the existing station, formerly owned by Union Course Laboratories of Woodhaven, after having received assurances from the Federal Radio Commission that a broadcasting license would be promptly granted upon purchase.
Latið okkum lesa meiri í Bíbliuni, sum vísir okkum, hvat vit mugu vita og trúgva um Jesus: Matteus 7:21-23; Jóhannes 4:25, 26; og 1 Timoteus 2:5, 6.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What a privilege it will be for us to see the time when Abraham lives again and at last grasps the divine purpose that he could formerly see only in hazy outline!
Men knappliga kemur ein bjargingarmaður fram undir liðini á tær.jw2019 jw2019
Joh 9:38 —In what sense did the formerly blind beggar do obeisance to Jesus?
(Tekstens opstilling ses i den trykte publikation)jw2019 jw2019
In particular, he replaces the épée he formerly favored with a stronger cavalry saber, and dons a mail shirt for greater protection.
Eva tók fruktina, át av henni og bjóðaði so manni sínum burturav.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Genius (formerly Rap Genius) is an American digital media company.
Í Bíbliuni eru profetiir, sum vísa, hvar vit eru stødd á tíðarinnar streymi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some resent the time their spouse uses for worship that was formerly spent with the family.
Eg hevði lært at hon var í himli og hevði tí góðan hug at taka lívið av mær sjálvari, so eg aftur kundi vera saman við henni.jw2019 jw2019
Formerly married to actor Paulo Betti, she is the mother of two girls, Juliana and Mariana Betti, both actresses themselves.
Nógvar kvinnur blivu eisini lærisveinar hjá Jesusi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Each family was encouraged to move its family study to the night formerly used for the book study, if practical, and to use this time for unhurried Bible discussion and study tailored to the needs of the family.
Kanna vit, hvussu orðið „sál“ verður brúkt í Bíbliuni, síggja vit týðiliga, at grundorðini merkja (1) fólk, (2) dýr, (3) tað lívið, sum eitt menniskja ella eitt dýr hevur.jw2019 jw2019
A tradition is held amongst Dunbarton folk, that a chapel formerly stood on the mound and it is said that part of the walls about 100 years ago remained.
Helst PereaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
37 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.