iceland oor Faroees


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/ˈaɪslənd/, /ˈaɪs.lənd/ eienaam, naamwoord
A country in Europe. Official name: Republic of Iceland.

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1890) 1975 – Gunnar Gunnarsson, Icelandic author (b.
(Kolossebrævið 3:5) Aftrat hesum grundleggjandi krøvunum eru eisini ávísir spurningar viðvíkjandi bøn, sum vit mugu hava skil á.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was born and raised in Skagafjörður in northern Iceland.
Nýt tað, tú lærir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The company's service area extends to 20 communities in the south-west part of Iceland.
Hon fortelur okkum um hann og um alt tað góða, hann fer at gera fyri okkum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1990, new legislation was passed to give the suffragan bishops greater responsibility as assistants to the Bishop of Iceland in pastoral matters and together the three bishops form the Bishops' Council.
Hann fer avstað við nógvum dýrgripum úr templinum hjá Jehova.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although no open warfare continued, the Danish king was still wary of an insurrection and ordered the destruction of all Icelandic arms and armor.
hava tær báðar ættirnar í tí sunnara ríkinum havt tað gott í nógv ár.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Faroe Islands joined FIFA on 2 July 1988 and the male national team played its first official match—a 1–0 defeat against Iceland—on 24 August 1988.
Jehova skapti kynsgøgnini til nakað ávíst, nevniliga til tað serliga sambandið, sum ein maður og ein kvinna, ið eru gift, kunnu hava.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Steaming in that direction meant a return passage north or south of Iceland, with the enemy's air forces now fully alerted to their presence and the possibility of other heavy units between them and Scapa Flow.
Bíbilskur lesnaður, sum til dømis heftið Hvat krevur Gud av okkum?, kann hjálpa tær at skilja, hvat Bíblian sigur um ymisk evni.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He represented the East constituency as a member of the Althing (Icelandic Parliament) from 1974 to 1978 and from 1979 to 2003, when he was elected to represent the Reykjavík North constituency.
So ein dagin ger No’omi av, at hon vil fara alla ta longu leiðina aftur til sítt egna fólk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Icelandic Architecture
Man hetta dáma pápa hennara?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Páll Guðlaugsson (born 9 September 1958) is an Icelandic former footballer and current football coach.
Nógvum dámdi ikki, tá Pætur segði, at Jesus var sonur Guds.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Iceland, the Icelandic law states that anyone may purchase and use fireworks during a certain period around New Year's Eve.
Jesus veit at lærisveinar hansara á jørðini ikki fara at síggja hann tá hann kemur aftur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Geir H. Haarde, the Foreign Minister of Iceland, succeeded him on 15 June 2006.
Tað vita vit av tí at Guds profetur Ezekiel hevur greitt okkum frá øllum tí ónda ísraelsmenn gjørdu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2006 she took part in the Christmas concert "Frostroses" in Reykjavik, Iceland as a part of a group of singers named "European Divas".
Evnið er nágreiniligari viðgjørt í kapitlunum 2 til 4 í bókini Findes der en Skaber som interesserer sig for os? sum Jehova Vitni hava givið út.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
2012 Skriv i sandet, in Danish translation by Hugin Eide, Torgard (Publishing House) 2014 Skriv i sanden, in Norwegian translation by Lars Moa, Samlaget 2015 Skrifa i sandinn, in Icelandic translation, Bókaormurin 2012 Eg undrist, At týða týdningin, Allar línur spennast, Vit hava hits áður.
Deyðin kann samanberast við djúpan svøvn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Iceland is eliminated.
(Efesusbrævið 3:14, 15) Og hvat sigur Bíblian so um leiklutin hjá teimum ymisku familjulimunum?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Icelandic women's movement has a long history.
Hvør hevur lært fuglarnar at syngja?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since 1996, the date has been celebrated in Iceland as Icelandic Language Day.
Á Bíbliunnar døgum varð navnið Jesus kanska framborið Jesjua ella møguliga Jehosjua — tað veit eingin við vissu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Score and result list Iceland's goal tally first.
Veitst tú hvat prestarnir gera?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The 2008 Iceland earthquake was a doublet earthquake that struck on May 29 at 15:46 UTC in southwestern Iceland.
Hugsa tær hvussu keddir teir eru tá skipið skal avstað og teir mugu siga Paulusi farvæl!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maassluis was historically dependent on the fishing near the coast and off Iceland.
Í kapittul 3 í hesi bókini umrøddu vit signingarnar, sum komandi paradísið ber við sær.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Reykjavík, as Iceland's only city, was central to such ideas.
Alt hitt gamla er farið.’WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The national currency of Iceland is the Icelandic króna (ISK).
Hvat merkir tað, tá Bíblian sigur, at vit skulu ’halda fram at biðja’, og hví er tað ein uggi?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the qualifying rounds for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Iceland reached the playoffs before losing to Croatia.
Kortini elskar hann Gud, hann biður til Gud, og hann ger eisini nógv gott fyri onnur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He represented Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2004 and finished 19th.
(Job 38:7) Hvørja støðu hava teir í Guds ætlan?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was perhaps the first Icelander to make a living as an author, and is frequently cited as the first Icelandic woman novelist.
Aftan á ta síðstu pláguna bað Farao ísraelsmenn fara avstað.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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