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The part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water.

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The Israelites are ready to cross the Jordan River into the land of Caʹnaan.
Ísraelsmenn eru til reiðar at fara yvir um Jordanánna, inn í Kána’ansland.jw2019 jw2019
1 As you may know, there are many Hindus living in various lands, including this country.
1 Tú veitst sikkurt, at nógvir hinduistar búgva í ymiskum londum, um ikki her á landi.jw2019 jw2019
2 Years ago, in many lands the witness work was different because, for the most part, people lived more tranquil lives, and they felt secure.
2 Nøkur ár aftur í tíðina var boðanin øðrvísi í nógvum londum, tí tey flestu livdu eitt lív í friði og náðum og tað gav eina ávísa trygd.jw2019 jw2019
But Jehovah promises that he will bring his people back to the land after 70 years.
Men Jehova lovar at hann skal leiða fólkið heimaftur til landið tá 70 ár eru umliðin.jw2019 jw2019
This city is in the land of Canaan, where the people do not believe in Jehovah.
Tað er ein býur í Kána’anslandi, har fólkini ikki trúgva á Jehova.jw2019 jw2019
For example, Jesus selects Saul (later better known by his Roman name, Paul) to spearhead the disciple-making work in other lands.
Jesus velur til dømis Saul (sum seinni verður kendur undir rómverska navninum, Paulus) at ganga undan í arbeiðinum við at gera lærisveinar í øðrum londum.jw2019 jw2019
From up there Moses can look across the Jordan River and see the beautiful land of Caʹnaan.
Haðani sær Móses tvørtur um Jordanánna, og hann sær tað vakra Kána’ansland.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah had promised to give the land of Caʹnaan to the Israelites.
Jehova hevur lovað ísraelsmonnum Kána’ansland.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah plagues Egypt, and Moses leads the sons of Israel out of that land.
Jehova slær Egyptaland við plágum, og Móses leiðir ísraelsmenn út haðani.jw2019 jw2019
‘I know that Jehovah will give you this land,’ she tells the spies.
’Eg veit at Jehova fer at geva tykkum hetta landið,’ sigur hon við njósnararnar.jw2019 jw2019
(Genesis 21:33; 26:25; 32:9; Exodus 6:3) When Jehovah later revealed his purpose to deliver their descendants, the Israelites, from slavery in Egypt and give them “a land flowing with milk and honey,” this may have seemed impossible.
(1 Mósebók 21:33; 26:25; 32:9; 2 Mósebók 6:3) Tá Jehova seinni opinberaði, at hann hevði í hyggju at fría eftirkomarar teirra, ísraelsmenn, úr trældóminum í Egyptalandi og geva teimum eitt ’land, ið fleyt í mjólk og hunangi’, ljóðaði tað kanska ómøguligt.jw2019 jw2019
While the Witnesses number into the millions and live in over 200 lands, they are bound together as one in an unbreakable bond.
Hóast vitnini telja milliónir og búgva í meira enn 200 londum, eru tey knýtt saman av einum óslítandi bandi.jw2019 jw2019
With a length of 2,500 meters and 45 meters wide, this airport runway can be landed by aircraft like Boeing 737 series and the Airbus A320.
Landingar- og startbanin er 2400 metrar langur og 45 metrar breiður, og flogfør av slagnum Airbus A320 kunnu lenda har.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Witnesses described a shell landing every two minutes in the city, with no definite targets.
Hesir leikarar hava fingið landsliðsboð innanfyri seinastu 12 mánaðirnar, men ikki til HM endaspælið.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rapid means of transport move Bible literature to distant parts of the earth, reaching people in 235 lands.
Við skjótum flutningstólum verða bíbilsku útgávurnar sendar til fjarøki heimsins í 235 londum.jw2019 jw2019
28:19) In 232 lands and island groups around the earth, over five million praisers of Jehovah God provide living testimony to the fulfillment of Jesus’ command.
28:19) Í 232 londum og oyggjabólkum um alla jørðina eru meira enn fimm milliónir lovprísarar av Jehova Gudi nú ein livandi vitnisburður um, at orð Jesusar ganga út.jw2019 jw2019
The main purpose of the MCCE is coordinating and optimising the use of airlift, sealift and land movement assets of the armed forces of the member countries.
Endamálið við SDWG er á burðardyggan hátt at verja og styrkja búskaparligu støðuna, mentanina og heilsuna hjá íbúgvunum í Arktis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It will be easy to take the land.’
Tað verður lætt at taka landið.’jw2019 jw2019
Why is missionary training not a requirement to preach successfully in a foreign land?
Hví er undirvísing á Gilead ikki eitt krav, um tað skal roynast einum væl at boða í einum øðrum landi?jw2019 jw2019
Between classes she went on auditions and eventually landed several commercials and a role on USA High for the USA Network.
Í staðin fekk hon fleiri diplomatuppgávur, og luttók eitt nú í fleiri altjóða ráðstevnum og fundum sum tann útsendi hjá USA.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In terms of style, the murals have much in common with churches from the southwestern Bulgarian lands.
Á Borgundarhólmi eru fýra rundar kirkjur úr miðøldini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And now, with Jehovah’s help, all the land that was promised to them finally becomes theirs.
Og nú, at enda, hjálpir Jehova teimum at fáa alt tað landið sum er lovað teimum.jw2019 jw2019
Finally, Joshua was chosen to lead the Israelites into the land of Canaan.
Síðan varð Josva útvaldur at leiða ísraelsmenn inn í Kána’ansland.jw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 11:9) People will no more learn what is bad, but “righteousness is what the inhabitants of the productive land will certainly learn.”
(Esaias 11:9) Menniskju skulu ikki longur læra tað sum er ónt, men tá „læra tey rættferð, sum á jarðarríki búgva“.jw2019 jw2019
10 Leaving his land involved sacrifice.
10 Tað var allarhelst torført hjá Ábrahami at fara frá øllum hentleikunum í Ur.jw2019 jw2019
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