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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Most likely his questions are answered in the book.
HESI fólkini eru Jesu lærisveinar.jw2019 jw2019
Sasha has dwarfism, most likely due to spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita.
Skulu vit altíð biðja, so onnur hoyra?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most likely not.
(Sálmur 27:4; Rómbrævið 1:20) Jú meiri tú lærir um Jehova, tess meiri veruligur verður hann fyri tær, og størri orsøk fært tú at elska hann og kenna teg tætt knýttan at honum.jw2019 jw2019
When are people most likely to be at home?
Men Jósafat er ein góður kongur, og tað var pápi hansara Asa eisini.jw2019 jw2019
This most likely occurred around the year 57.
„Tú, sum hoyrir bønir, til Tín kemur alt hold.“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Realizing that Hollywood would most likely typecast him in Nazi roles, he had his contract mandate that they must always be villains.
’Nýggja jørðin’ er eitt nýtt mannasamfelag við fólki, sum fegin vilja geva seg undir Guds ríkisstjórn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
9 Give careful thought to who among your return visits and business contacts would most likely appreciate having the current issues of The Watchtower and Awake!
Men høvdu vit verið lukkulig, um Gud hevði skapt okkum at vera sum teir?jw2019 jw2019
But if you make a sincere effort to fulfill it, your wife most likely will feel inclined to give you help and support.—Proverbs 13:10; 15:22.
Ein vakur urtagarðurjw2019 jw2019
These microbial organisms most likely evolved under similar conditions but at different points in time, and they have now been discovered interacting with one another and providing the same function to their host organism.
Tá Esau var 40 ára gamal, giftist hann við tveimum kvinnum úr Kána’anslandi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
2 Preach Where and When People Can Be Found: A good fisherman casts his line or net, not where and when it is convenient for him, but where and when the fish are most likely to be found.
Summi siga kanska, at Jesus einki leggur í, hvat vit gera.jw2019 jw2019
If so, they will most likely appreciate being able to sit toward the back where it would be less distracting for others should the parents find it necessary to leave the main hall temporarily to care for the needs of the little ones.
Í øllum heiminum, til dømis á kyrrahavsoyggjunum í Polynesia, Melanesia og Mikronesia, trúgva nógv, at ein „andi“ livir víðari, tá fólk doyggja.jw2019 jw2019
Warner, like most other large landholders in California at the time, depended primarily on Indian labor.
Jósef skilur nú, at Gud er tann ið hevur sent hann til Egyptalands, og tað av góðum grundum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
IN SOME respects, most books are like people.
4 Skulu vit halda okkum í kærleika Guds, mugu vit skilja, hvussu Gud hevur víst, at hann elskar okkum.jw2019 jw2019
Like most of the other members, Alviss dies fighting King.
Hvussu kunnu vit vera vís í, at øll jørðin verður eitt paradís?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of us like to take advantage of the nice weather by doing something different and relaxing.
8 So hvørt sum trúgvin mennist í tínum hjarta, fært tú ilt við at hava tað, sum tú hevur lært, fyri teg sjálvan.jw2019 jw2019
Very likely most of these would benefit from the training that experienced publishers can give.
Hvørja ávaring viðvíkjandi rúsdrekka áttu vit at tikið til eftirtektar?jw2019 jw2019
Like most people, you probably admire the beauty in nature.
Matvørutrot.jw2019 jw2019
Most people would like to see an end to war.
Og sama dagin sum tey ótu av tí, byrjaðu tey at doyggja.jw2019 jw2019
Like most Irish saints he appears to have been very hospitable, believing that in entertaining others he was entertaining Christ.
(2 Mósebók 20:4, 5; Sálmur 115:4-8; Esaias 42:8; 1 Jóhannes 5:21) Tú kanst altso vísa, at tú tekur støðu fyri sannari tilbiðing við at forkoma øllum tí, tú eigur, ið hevur samband við falska tilbiðing.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“They like the most prominent place,” Jesus declares.
9 Tað uggar okkum at vita, at Gud ikki er orsøkin til líðingarnar.jw2019 jw2019
Most people did not like tax collectors.
Templið vígtjw2019 jw2019
We have already learned that most Jews do not like Sa·marʹi·tans.
„Tað, sum hin hugagóði hugsar um, leiðir bert til vinning, men alt bræði bert til tap.“jw2019 jw2019
(John 13:35) Most important, you have likely begun to develop a personal relationship with Jehovah God.
Heldur tú ikki tað er deiligt at Gud vil skapa eitt nýtt paradísá jørðini?jw2019 jw2019
And most Jews do not like Sa·marʹi·tans.
Eg hevði lært at hon var í himli og hevði tí góðan hug at taka lívið av mær sjálvari, so eg aftur kundi vera saman við henni.jw2019 jw2019
Now, most Samaritans and Jews did not like one another at all.
(1 Jóhannes 5:3) Sum tú sært, mugu vit øll akta Gud.jw2019 jw2019
35 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.