most probably oor Faroees

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Most probable seems to be September 15.
Mariumessa síðara (seinna) er 15. september.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most people probably think so.
Tað munnu tey flestu meina.jw2019 jw2019
“Like most people, you probably admire the beauty in nature.
„Eins og flest onnur gleðir tú teg ivaleyst um vakurleikan í náttúruni.jw2019 jw2019
Most of us could probably be more conscious of using this practical aid in the field ministry.
Tey flestu av okkum kundu uttan iva lagt størri dent á at nýtt hetta henta amboðið í boðanini.jw2019 jw2019
The walleye is probably the most prized fish on the river.
Klaksvíkin er størsti fiskivinnubýur í Føroyum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They probably disintegrated long ago, most of them in ancient Israel.
Tær eru helst langt síðan molnaðar burtur í tí forna Ísrael.jw2019 jw2019
Had Jesus told the lawyer directly that non-Jews also were his neighbors, not only would the man not have accepted this but most of the audience would probably have taken his side in the discussion with Jesus.
Hevði Jesus nú bart út sagt við hin lógkøna at eisini ein ikki-jødi var næsti hansara, hevði hann noktað góðtaka tað, og tey flestu av teimum sum lurtaðu høvdu helst tikið undir við honum í orðaskiftinum við Jesus.jw2019 jw2019
The plateau on which the park is situated is probably one of the finest and most distinctive examples of a complex karst landform in Southeast Asia.
Landslagið her er eitt av tí vakrasta og mest dramatiska, sum ein kann finna í Suðuronglandi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
8 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.