neighborhood oor Faroees


(obsolete) The quality of being a neighbor, living nearby, next to each-other

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Where different-language congregations are assigned to preach in the same area, the service overseers should communicate with each other so as to avoid irritating people in the neighborhood unnecessarily.
Bardagi er millum nakrar menn ið hava valt son Sauls Isboset til kong, og teir ið vilja hava Dávid til kong.jw2019 jw2019
If congregations of different languages preach in the same neighborhood, carry literature only in the language of your congregation when going from house to house.
Men hvussu skuldi herurin hjá Kýrusi sleppa upp um Bábels múrar?jw2019 jw2019
21 No more will there be poverty, homeless people, slums, or neighborhoods overrun with crime.
5 Hvussu finna vit vegin, „sum førir til lívið“?jw2019 jw2019
“We’re showing everyone in the neighborhood this interesting issue of The Watchtower.
Tí er Gud „kelda lívsins“.jw2019 jw2019
The congregation is not required to search every neighborhood equally but may choose to focus on the more populated areas within its territory boundary and on those areas that are a reasonable distance away.
Bíblian er í veruleikanum eitt bókasavn við 66 bókum, sum umleið 40 ymiskir menn hava skrivað.jw2019 jw2019
If the householder cannot remember anyone, it is often good to give examples of places where he may have seen a deaf person, such as at work, at school, or in the neighborhood.
’Á jørðini hevur altíð verið ófriður, og soleiðis fer tað altíð at verða.’jw2019 jw2019
What will happen to homelessness, slums, and bad neighborhoods?
Kærleikin, sum ein góðir pápi hevur til síni børn, speglar tann uppaftur størri kærleikan, sum himmalski Faðir okkara hevur til okkarajw2019 jw2019
With a study located in their own neighborhood, interested ones may more readily accept an invitation to attend.
7 Jesus Kristus vísti røttu fyrimyndina við at grunda læru sína á Guds orð.jw2019 jw2019
This has caused businesspeople and neighborhood residents to feel overwhelmed on occasion, even when publishers are not preaching at the same time.
Jesus, sum stjórnar Guds ríki í himli, grøðir sjúkur í nógv størri mátistokki, enn tá hann var á jørðini.jw2019 jw2019
The conditions in a normally safe neighborhood can unexpectedly change.
Børnini hjá Ádami og Evu vórðu øll fødd aftaná at Gud hevði koyrt foreldrini hjá teimum út úr Edens urtagarði.jw2019 jw2019
2 You might use question 8 and say: “We are making brief visits in the neighborhood because many people wonder, ‘Is God to blame for human suffering?’
Eftir at hava dvølt í Karan eina tíð, livdi hann restina av lívi sínum sum flakkari, búði í tjøldum og hevði ongan fastan bústað.jw2019 jw2019
It will encourage them to learn that a number of people in their own neighborhood are interested in the truth.
Hann fær fleiri synir, teirra millum Amnon, Absalom og Adonja.jw2019 jw2019
4 Concern About Maintaining Good Health: “Many in our neighborhood are conscious of maintaining good health.
Vit skulu ikki halda at summi eru ónd bara tí tey hoyra til eitt annað fólkaslag.jw2019 jw2019
4 Our Whole Life Is Involved: Our conduct in the neighborhood, while at work or in school, and during periods of recreation causes others to form an opinion of us and of our religion.
Ísraelsmenn syrgja og gráta um Áron í 30 dagar.jw2019 jw2019
However, when going from house to house in neighborhoods that are also worked by some other language group or congregation, a publisher should generally focus on the homes of those who speak the language of the congregation that the publisher attends.
Fleiri bíbliutýðingar líkjast hesari, teirra millum tann danska løggilda og tann hjá Kalkar (legg til merkis, at í summum týðingum er talan um vers 19).jw2019 jw2019
Other-language congregations may be preaching in the same neighborhoods.
Vinir Guds bera øðrum hesi góðu tíðindini um Guds ríki. — Matteus 24:14.jw2019 jw2019
Within the boundaries of ODS are 30 active Neighborhood Associations.
Tað skal siga monnunum ið eru við Judasi hvør Jesus er.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
3 The Same Work: How should matters be handled when publishers from different congregations happen to be preaching in the same neighborhood on the same day?
Tað er ikki neyðugt at geva øðrum skyldina fyri at vit kenna vreiði og vónbrot.jw2019 jw2019
In each town and neighborhood,
Tá Satan og hansara illu andar vórðu kastaðir út úr himli, hevði tað vei við sær á jørðini.jw2019 jw2019
In doing so, there is a need to keep a watchful eye on their young ones because of potential dangers in the territory, even in the “safer” neighborhoods.
(2 Korintbræv 6:14-18) Skriftirnar banna alla avgudadýrkan.jw2019 jw2019
Well, when Zechariah speaks, all those living in the neighborhood are amazed and say to themselves: “What really will this young child be?”
HEVUR tú, tá tú hevur sæð tíðindi í sjónvarpinum onkuntíð undrast á, hvørja framtíð hesin heimurin man hava?jw2019 jw2019
Their hoax is almost revealed at a neighborhood barbecue when a fork stabs her pregnancy stomach pads.
Hann hevur teir tí eftir hjá sær í kongsborgini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5 When making return visits, you can avoid unnecessary travel by caring for calls in one neighborhood before going to another.
Tey fáa høvi at liva æviga í lukku her á jørðini undir friðarligum viðurskiftum.jw2019 jw2019
6:3) If a neighborhood is unsafe after dark, preach there during the early evening. —Prov.
Men høvuðspresturin Eli eigur tveir synir, Hofni og Pinehas, og teir bera seg ikki at sum teir eiga.jw2019 jw2019
When a new family moves into the neighborhood, stop by to welcome them.
Jordanájw2019 jw2019
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