new zealand oor Faroees

new zealand

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New Zealand

/ˈnu ˈzi.lənd/, /ˈnjuː ˈziː.lənd/ eienaam, naamwoord
A country in Oceania, to the east of Australia. Official name: New Zealand. Abbreviation: NZ or Aotearoa

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Faroees


eienaammanlike, onsydig
country in Oceania

New Zealand

country in Oceania

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Wild South: Saving New Zealand's endangered birds.
Minnist tú hvør ið fekk Ádam og Evu at vera ólýðin móti Gudi og eta fruktina, sum Gud hevði sagt tey ikki skuldu eta?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1907 – The New Zealand Parliament Buildings are almost completely destroyed by fire.
FátækdømiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1642 – Abel Tasman is the first recorded European to sight New Zealand.
Soleiðis gav Jehova við sínum profetum eina rættiliga neyva lýsing av tí, sum Messias skuldi gera, og tí, sum honum skuldi vera fyri í lívinum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Labour was opposed to New Zealand involvement in the war and made troop recall a major platform.
Nei, tí bæði Pætur og Paulus søgdu, at henda profetiin úr Sálmi 110:1 gekk út við Jesusi, eftir at hann var risin upp: „[Jehova] segði við Harra mín: ’Set Teg við høgru hond Mína, inntil Eg leggi fíggindar Tínar sum skammul fyri føtur Tínar!’“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Therefore New Zealand appears to have an advantage over Australia.
Nú skalt tú hoyra hvar teir fara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In general, New Zealanders have faith in their democracy.
Jehova væntar, at vit eftir førimuni gera alt fyri, at bøn okkara kann verða eftirlíkað.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since that date, all service in the New Zealand Armed Forces has been voluntary.
(Orðtøkini 24:10) Antin Satan ber seg at sum „ein brølandi leyva“ ella sum ein „eingil ljóssins“, er hansara ákæra tann sama. Hann stendur fast uppá, at heldur uppat at tæna Gudi, tá tú verður royndur ella freistaður.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
June 1 – New Zealand's first television station begins broadcasting in the city of Auckland.
Byrja vit við ár 455 f.o.t. og leggja 483 ár aftrat, koma vit til ár 29 e.o.t.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Centrepoint Theatre is a prominent professional theatre and the only one outside the main centres of New Zealand.
17 Men hvussu við øllum skaðanum, sum er voldur ta drúgvu tíðina, uppreisturin ímóti Gudi hevur staðið við?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some rulesets (notably, New Zealand derived rules and Ing rules) allow suicide of more than one stone.
Hann hevur stjórnað í 40 ár, men nú er Sálomo kongur í Ísrael.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Lucy Lawless, Mrs New Zealand 1989".
Sjálvandi er tað ymiskt hvussu ymisk fólk viðgera sorgina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fun fact: Niue is owned by New Zealand and they're both located in Oceania.
(2 Tessalonikabræv 1:6-9) Satan og hansara illu andar skulu ikki longur villleiða tjóðirnar.Kost Fost Kost Fost
1952) 2015 – Jonah Lomu, New Zealand rugby player (b.
Tín vígsla og tín dópur eru byrjanin til eitt sera tætt vinalag við Gud — eitt trúnaðarsamband við hann. — Sálmur 25:14.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aside from observations of killer whales feeding on common threshers off New Zealand, adults have no known natural predators.
Vit mugu ikki vænta, at okkara trúarfelagar eru fullkomnir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An elder in New Zealand reported: “It helped one of our teenagers get back on the road to life.”
So fer Guds ríki at gera alla jørðina til eitt vakurt paradís.jw2019 jw2019
Many a jovial debate was had around camp fires arguing as to who actually built the first machines to adorn New Zealand roads.
Ezekiel sær tað, og hann skrivar tað upp.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In New Zealand this demographic is growing in size, is more likely to listen to the radio and listens to radio for longer hours.
Har koma menn við svørðum og gøssum!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Back home in New Zealand, armed with the sage words of his celebrity mentor, Ben then attempts to emulate their road to success in his own misguided fashion.
Summi halda, at hon er ov torskild.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 28 June 2004, Air New Zealand released details of the upgrade to its long-haul product, which was aimed to turn around the profitability of its international services.
Teir fáa seg ikki at trúgva tí.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In line with many other New Zealand insurance companies, TOWER announced on 10 April 2013 that it was moving away from full replacement house policies towards nominated sum insured covers, blaming international reinsurers.
Ímeðan angraði Farao og fólkið hjá honum at tey høvdu sent ísraelsmenn avstað.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Member Agents are supposed to adhere to the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand property management code of practice which according to the REAA outlines industry best practices for dealing with the public.
At enda sigur Josva við prestarnar ið bera sáttmálaørkina: ’Komið upp úr Jordan.’WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During this period of Irish immigration, especially in the nineteenth century, many Irish-born immigrants would have called themselves British instead of Irish, probably because loyalty towards the British Empire increased as with many other European settlers in New Zealand.
Ja, so kanst tú vera vísur í, at tað nívir Gud uppaftur meira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
22 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.