normally oor Faroees


In the expected or customary manner.

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In October 2014, the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate at Parliament House in Canberra decreed that female visitors wearing a face covering would have to sit in the separated glassed-in areas of the public gallery normally reserved for schoolchildren.
Í oktober 2014 kravdi talarin og forseti senatsins í Canberra, at kvinnuligir vitjandi, ílatnir andlitsfjalandi klædnaði, skuldu sita aftanfyri ein glasrút, ið vanliga var nýttur tá skúlabørn komu at vitja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
17 In the congregation, there may be times when no elders and ministerial servants are available to perform a task normally assigned to them, such as conducting a meeting for field service.
17 Í samkomuni kann tað koma fyri, at eingin elsti ella samkomutænari er til at taka sær av einari uppgávu, ið teir vanliga hava um hendi, sum til dømis at leiða eitt boðanarmøti.jw2019 jw2019
Is It Normal to Feel This Way?
Eru slíkar kenslur vanligar?jw2019 jw2019
GOD’S spirit can also supply “power beyond what is normal” to those who serve him.
GUDS andi kann eisini geva teimum ið tæna honum „ómetaliga kraft“.jw2019 jw2019
Kyle normally has the angrier reaction of yelling, "You bastards!" following Stan's exclamation of the popular catchphrase, "Oh my God, they killed Kenny" after one of Kenny's trademark deaths.
Tey fyrstu fimm árini, varð Kenny, ein av høvuðspersónunum, dripin á mangar ymsar groteskar hættir – og altíð við útsøgnini "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!" í kjalarvørrinum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eventually, a gypsy grew them to slightly less than normal size, and Dotty disappeared.
Í meturskipanini var gramm ikki bara ein vanlig eind, hetta var ein grundeind.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Notes one reference work: “After her husband’s death, normally a widow had to rely on her sons for support; if she had none, she might have to sell herself into slavery, resort to prostitution, or die.”
Eitt uppslagsverk sigur: „Tá ið ein kona hevði mist mann sín, mátti hon vanliga líta á, at synirnir tóku sær av henni; átti hon ongan son, noyddist hon kanska at vera trælkvinna, skøkja ella doyggja.“jw2019 jw2019
(Mark 12:33) Many of the things we acquire, and perhaps feel are normal, may be viewed as luxuries in other parts of the world.
12:33) Nógv av tí vit keypa, og kanska halda vera vanligt og neyðugt, verður í stórum pørtum av heiminum mett sum luksus.jw2019 jw2019
But if after studying the Knowledge book, which may have taken longer than would normally be the case, the person has not decided that he wants to become associated with the congregation, the publisher would do well to discuss the situation with one of the elders on the Congregation Service Committee.
Men hevur næmingurin eftir at hava studerað ’Kunnskaparbókina’, kanska drúgførari enn vanligt, ikki avgjørt, um hann vil knýta seg at samkomuni, eigur boðarin at ráðføra seg við ein av teimum elstu í tænastunevndini.jw2019 jw2019
Is it normal to experience feelings of guilt and anger?
Er tað vanligt at brigsla sær sjálvum og at gerast illur?jw2019 jw2019
Normally, humans pass on their unclean, sinful state to their offspring.
Vanliga arva børn ófullkomileikan hjá foreldrunum.jw2019 jw2019
A sister should wear a head covering and would normally be seated when conducting a meeting for field service.
Ein systir skal hava á høvdinum og situr vanliga niðri, tá ið hon leiðir eitt boðanarmøti.jw2019 jw2019
Grief is a normal reaction to loss, and it is not wrong for your grief to be obvious to others.
Tað er vanligt at syrgja tá ein kærur er farin, og tað er ikki skeivt at lata onnur síggja sorgina hjá sær.jw2019 jw2019
One woman whose daughter had been killed found it reassuring when the mother of another girl who had died told of her own return to normal living.
Ein kvinna sum misti dóttrina ið varð dripin, kendi seg uggaða tá mamman at eini aðrari gentu sum hevði latið lív segði henni hvussu hon aftur hevði fingið eina vanliga tilveru.jw2019 jw2019
15 We should not be surprised that this Devil-ruled world would make it seem normal and right for you to have sexual relations with a person to whom you are not married.
15 Tað eigur ikki at koma óvart á okkum at hesin heimurin, sum er stýrdur av Sátani, fær tað at tykjast vanligt og heilt í lagi at hava kynsligt samband uttan fyri hjúnabandið.jw2019 jw2019
The strand is first twice as thick as the normal dark-coloured one, then constrictions appear on them.
Hetta var fyrsta tyrlan við einum tyrli, og síðan hava tyrlur líktst henni.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One observer noting how sluggish and quiet the normally noisy birds were, wondered whether there was some narcotic effect the plant imparted on the birds.
Óheppið er at nýta litin og litsetingina sum eyðkenni at greina músvák eftir, av tí at fuglarnir eru so ójavnir á liti.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
4 Although we normally offer the magazines as a set, we usually feature only one of them in our presentation.
4 Vanliga bjóða vit bæði bløðini saman, men vit vísa sum oftast bert til tað eina blaðið.jw2019 jw2019
Many sincere believers have found it to be confusing, contrary to normal reason, unlike anything in their experience.
Nógv sonn trúgvandi halda læruna vera fløkta, í stríð við skilagóðan hugsunarhátt og vanligar royndir.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus is not saying that people in Noah’s day and in Lot’s day were destroyed simply because they pursued the normal activities of eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, and building.
Jesus sigur ikki at fólk á Nóa døgum og á Lots døgum gingu til grundar einans tí tey hildu áfram við dagligum gerðum, eitt nú at eta, drekka, keypa, selja, planta og byggja.jw2019 jw2019
Realizing that guilt —real or imagined— is a normal grief reaction can be helpful in itself.
Men fatanin av at skuldarkensla — hvørt hon er grundað ella ikki — er vanlig í samband við sorg, kann í sjálvum sær vera ein hjálp.jw2019 jw2019
In spite of the war, everyone in the community strives to lead normal lives.
Í heila tikið skulu øll vaksin fólk kunna velja umboð Vanligt valbæri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The lifestyle led by undercover agents is very different compared to other areas in law enforcement, and it can be quite difficult to reintegrate back into normal duties.
Orðið útbúgving verður vanliga nýtt um at fáa sær kunnleika í ávísum yrki og at gerast dugnaligur til ávíst lønt arbeiði.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most people today have allowed the normal pursuits of life to crowd out spiritual pursuits.
Tey flestu í dag hava latið gerandislívið skúgva tað andaliga til viks.jw2019 jw2019
Pray for “power beyond what is normal,” and force your mind to focus on other matters. —2 Corinthians 4:7; 1 Corinthians 9:27; see the box “How Can I Break a Bad Habit?”
Bið um ’hina ómetaligu kraftina frá Gudi’, og noyð teg sjálvan at hugsa um okkurt annað. – 2 Korintbræv 4:7; 1 Korintbræv 9:27; sí rammuna „Hvussu vinni eg á einum ringum vana?“jw2019 jw2019
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