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Worthy of note; significant.

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4:5; Acts 20:35) Their labors of love are noticed and appreciated by Jehovah.
4:5; Áps. 20:35) Jehova leggur til merkis og virðismetir kærleiksverk teirra.jw2019 jw2019
Notice the contrast between Job and David.
Legg til merkis munin á Job og Dávidi.jw2019 jw2019
But when Natoy decided to buy food and drinks, he did not notice that Clara is spying on them, and so as Natoy was buying food, Clara entered the car and immediately abducted Irene.
Men Georgius ákallaði tey og segði at um tey samtyktu at gerast kristin og lótu seg doypa, so vildi hann drepa drekan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
7 Welcoming Strangers: If we love our neighbors, we will be alert to notice any stranger who visits our meeting place and will make him feel welcome.
7 Við at taka væl ímóti fremmandum: Elska vit næsta okkara, munnu vit alt fyri eitt leggja til merkis, tá onkur nýggjur kemur á møti hjá okkum, og fáa viðkomandi at kenna seg vælkomnan.jw2019 jw2019
When introducing a scripture, avoid saying, “The apostle Paul wrote” or, “Notice what Jeremiah foretold.”
Tá ið vit leggja upp til skriftstøðini, skulu vit ikki siga: „Paulus ápostul skrivaði“ ella „Legg til merkis, hvat Jeremias boðaði frá.“jw2019 jw2019
Notice what this says.”
Hygg, hvat stendur her.“jw2019 jw2019
12 Next, notice how watchful Elijah was.
12 Legg nú til merkis, hvussu eftiransin Elias var.jw2019 jw2019
Notice the subject of their conversation:
Gev gætur eftir samrøðuni teirra millum:jw2019 jw2019
Notice the first paragraph on page 6.”
Legg til merkis hvat stendur í fyrsta stykkinum á síðu 6.“jw2019 jw2019
Notice that 2 Corinthians 7:1 begins by saying: “Since we have these promises.”
Legg til merkis, at Seinna Korintbræv 7:1 leggur fyri við at siga: „Táið vit nú hava hesi lyfti.“jw2019 jw2019
Notice the danger if our definition of what is good is different from God’s.
Sambært hesum versinum í Bíbliuni er tað vandamikið, um okkara útlegging av hvat, ið er gott, ikki samsvarar við Guds.jw2019 jw2019
Question: Notice the question on the front of this tract as well as some possible answers.
Spurningur: Á forsíðuni á hesum faldaranum er ein spurningur og eisini nøkur svar.jw2019 jw2019
After noticing a growing problem, the idea for delivering hot meals to them was born, and a positive impact was soon to follow.
Heldur var umráðandi, at lendisviðurskiftini vóru góð til velting og at ein góð matará rann framvið.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Notice what the Bible says about God.
Legg til merkis, hvat Bíblian sigur um Gud.jw2019 jw2019
Notice what a man who was enormously wealthy wrote.
Legg til merkis, hvat ein, ið var ógvuliga ríkur, skrivaði.jw2019 jw2019
While they almost always give the same thought, you will notice that the translations printed in more recent years are generally easier to understand.
Gaman í geva tær ymsu umsetingarnar vanliga ta somu hugsanina, men tú sært at tær nýggjaru í flestu førum eru lættari at skilja.jw2019 jw2019
Notice the reason we dream of living longer.
Legg til merkis, hvat Bíblian fortelur um grundina til, at vit droyma um at liva longur.jw2019 jw2019
But notice God’s view of this.
Men hygg, hvat Bíblian sigur um tað.jw2019 jw2019
Due to the problems noticed during the commissioning and to some ongoing tests on the emergency cooling systems performed in the United States, until 1980 it received a series of six-month license extensions, then increased to one year.
Amerikanarar vórðu skelkaðir, tá ið granskarar gjørdu vart við í 1980, at ein nýggj sjúka hevði tikið seg upp í USA.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So Jehovah asks: ‘Have you noticed Job, that he serves me and does nothing bad?’ —Job 1:6-8.
spyr Jehova. ’Job tænir mær, og hann ger einki ilt.’ — Job 1:6-8.jw2019 jw2019
Notice that the next chapter in the book asks, ‘What Has God Been Doing?’
Greið frá hvussu bíbliulestrarskráin hjá okkum er ein hjálp í so máta.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Thessalonians 5:11, 14) We can be sure that God notices and appreciates our efforts to encourage and console fellow believers whose hearts are weighed down with sadness.
(1 Tessalonikabræv 5:11, 14) Vit kunnu vera vís í, at Jehova bæði varnast tað og verður glaður, tá ið vit uppbyggja og troysta okkara trúarfelagar, sum ikki hava tað gott.jw2019 jw2019
Before he is able to ask any questions, he notices policemen nearby and flees.
Fyrst hon er komin, heldur hon seg mest við bøgarðar og úthús.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Notice your mate’s body language and tone of voice
Legg til merkis kropsmálið og tónalagiðjw2019 jw2019
He further noticed, near a Oualy, the site of an old church which had been completely razed.
Hann hevði eisini verið formaður fyri byggingini av Klaksvíkar kirkju, sum var bygd um somu tíð.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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