salt oor Faroees


/sɑlt/, /sɒlt/, /sɔlt/ naamwoord, adjektief, werkwoord
(chemistry) One of the compounds formed from the reaction of an acid with a base, where a positive ion replaces a hydrogen of the acid.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Faroees


sodium chloride


to add salt to







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Salt, Jordan

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salted and boiled whale meat
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Your answer when gracious and seasoned with salt
Hví er skilagott at fylgja teimum leiðreglunum, Gud hevur givið?jw2019 jw2019
The king grants Ezra “everything he requested” for Jehovah’s house —gold, silver, wheat, wine, oil, and salt, all worth well over $100,000,000 (U.S.) at modern values
Eitt stórt torn verður bygtjw2019 jw2019
The station served the Salt Lake City area.
Hvat gjørdi hann meðni?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“But if even the salt loses its strength, with what will it be seasoned?
Eitt húski í Japan keypti sær hús, meðan búskaparvøksturin í landinum var út av lagi høgur.jw2019 jw2019
Counsel that is salted with kindness is easier to accept and lets the one receiving it keep his dignity. —Colossians 4:6.
’Banna Gudi og doyggj so.’jw2019 jw2019
At London, the water is slightly brackish with sea salt, being a mix of sea and fresh water.
(Matteus 28:19) Fert tú upp í eydnuríku familjuna av Jehova Vitnum, kanst tú fáa ævigt vinalag við Gud.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Japan salt is even considered sacred as they believe salt is cleansing and is often a defining flavour of Japanese dishes.
Í veruleikanum er hetta lykilin til eitt eydnuríkt familjulív.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Plasma —which is 90 percent water— carries scores of hormones, inorganic salts, enzymes, and nutrients, including minerals and sugar.
Viðhvørt halda vit kanska, at tað hevur ótrúliga stóran týdning at eiga eitt ávíst leikutoy.jw2019 jw2019
Possibly having in mind his apostles’ argument among themselves, Jesus urges: “Have salt in yourselves, and keep peace between one another.”
(Jóhannes 17:3) Grunda ella djúphugsa um tað, sum tú lærir úr Guds orði, við at spyrja teg sjálvan: ’Hvat vísir hetta mær um Jehova?jw2019 jw2019
Plant life is heavily influenced by the salt spray, strong winds and acidic peaty soils.
Visti tú tað? — Tá ið menniskju klára at senda boð so langan veg, heldur tú so ikki, at Gud eisini dugir? — Akkurát sum einki!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In his Sermon on the Mount, he said that his disciples are “the salt of the earth,” meaning that they have a preserving influence on people, even as literal salt is a preservative.
Reglulig bøn til Jehova hjálpir okkum at nærkast honum. — Jákup 4:8.jw2019 jw2019
Rather, salt is a preservative.
’Jú,’ svarar Jesus.jw2019 jw2019
71 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by salt-water oceans.
Tá hann ræður sum Guds kongur, nýtist okkum ikki at stúra fyri nøkrum!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What does it mean to ‘season our utterances with salt’?
Einkií grikska teksti [Nýggja Testamentisins] gevur nakra ábending um, at talan er um tveir træbjálkar.“jw2019 jw2019
Ottinger painted scenery for the Salt Lake Theater and took photos of local buildings and landscapes.
’Tó er so nógv sum eg vildi ynskt at eg hevði sagt ella gjørt,’ sigur tú kanska.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sidetable tries to say something when Steve runs into the kitchen to help Mr. Salt find flour to make some chocolate chip cookies for the neighbors' snack.
Skilið hevði eg tó framvegis, um eg var nakað fjar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Bible advises: “Let your words always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should answer each person.”
Á tær hevur Gud skrivað tíggju lógir, sum hann hevur givið fólkinum.jw2019 jw2019
Its name derives from the water being, in fact, salt water.
Tá Bíblian sigur, at Jehova er tann, ið „virkaði jørðina og gjørdi hana“, sigur hon eisini, at hann „grundfesti hana — ikki til at liggja í oyði, nei, til bústað hjá fólki virkaði Hann hana“.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ancient peoples sometimes put salt on the wicks of lamps to increase their brightness.
Har eru eisini fikur og granatepli.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If the mixture of salts is right, the organisms may obtain liquid water at times of high atmospheric humidity, with salts capture enough to be capable of supporting life.
20 At loysa familjutrupulleikar verður munin lættari, um vit brúka ráðini og vegleiðingina, sum Bíblian gevur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A large heap of it lay near the altar at Jehovah’s temple, and priests officiating there used it to salt the offerings.
Men hugsar tú so nærri um skriftstøðini, sum víst verður á, sært tú uttan iva vísdómin í Jehova boðum.jw2019 jw2019
Salt, to be sure, is fine,” Jesus continues.
Men einki er at stúra fyri.jw2019 jw2019
There is an old Salt Silo on Drelnes which is a ruin, but there is a plan called Project Salt which intends to restore the Saltsilo into a concert hall and cultural house.
Tá Gud einaferð vildi hava Jesus at gera nakað, sum var serliga torført, segði Jesus: „Hevði Tú viljað tikið henda kalik [hesa uppgávu] frá Mær!“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The road from Eton to Salt Hill was clogged with carriages; the broad fields as far as eye could range were covered with human beings.
Hvussu kanst tú vísa takksemi í sambandi við gávuna, sum Gud gav okkum við endurloysingini?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1 “Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.”
Hví doyggja vit øll?jw2019 jw2019
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