seem oor Faroees


/siːm/ werkwoord
(copulative) To appear; to look outwardly; to be perceived as.

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“Would you agree that people today seem to live under more pressure than ever before?
„Heldur tú eisini, at tað trýstið fólk liva undir í dag, er størri enn nakrantíð?jw2019 jw2019
I have tried to answer three problems which always seemed to me to be fundamental: the problem of eternity; the problem of human personality; and the problem of evil.
Eg havi roynt at svara trimum spurningum sum fyri mær altíð hava verið avgerandi: Ævinleikaspurninginum; spurninginum um mannalyndið; spurninginum um óndskapin.jw2019 jw2019
Since spiritism brings a person under the influence of the demons, resist all its practices regardless of how much fun, or how exciting, they may seem to be.
Við spiritismu kemur eitt menniskja undir ávirkan av illum andum, vís tí alt slíkt frá tær, hvussu stuttligt ella spennandi tað enn kann tykjast.jw2019 jw2019
4 When things seem to be going our way, it is only natural that our hopes rise.
4 Tá ið alt tykist at ganga eftir vild, er tað bara natúrligt at hava góðar vónir um framtíðina.jw2019 jw2019
They enter into it readily enough because they think that it will suit their needs, but they expect to be able to get out of it as soon as it seems to be challenging.
Tey gifta seg við gleði, tí tey halda, at tað fer at nøkta teirra tørv, men tey vænta eisini at kunna fara frá hvørjum øðrum, so skjótt sum hjúnabandið gerst ov krevjandi.jw2019 jw2019
“There seems to be a growing interest in vampires, witches, and sorcerers.
„Tað sær út til, at vaksandi áhugi er fyri vampýrum, heksum og gandakallum.jw2019 jw2019
There are seeming pockets of unusual concentrations within Europe.
Eisini fleiri evropear nema sær útbúvin í Argentina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many people seem to be aware that she eats people, but they respond only by running away or appeasing her.
Flest fólk hava okkurt serstakt ting ella fleiri, tey bara ikki klára at síggja, hoyra ella føla.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Genesis 21:33; 26:25; 32:9; Exodus 6:3) When Jehovah later revealed his purpose to deliver their descendants, the Israelites, from slavery in Egypt and give them “a land flowing with milk and honey,” this may have seemed impossible.
(1 Mósebók 21:33; 26:25; 32:9; 2 Mósebók 6:3) Tá Jehova seinni opinberaði, at hann hevði í hyggju at fría eftirkomarar teirra, ísraelsmenn, úr trældóminum í Egyptalandi og geva teimum eitt ’land, ið fleyt í mjólk og hunangi’, ljóðaði tað kanska ómøguligt.jw2019 jw2019
Instead, it seems, he was on a downward spiral into a mire of bitterness, self-pity, and wounded pride.
Tað tykist heldur, sum hann gjørdist meira og meira beiskur, tók synd í sær sjálvum og var bangin fyri, at hansara umdømi var dálkað.jw2019 jw2019
However, given the general quality of the men Gallienus appointed to high office, it seems unlikely that the Emperor would have advanced Volusianus to such heights on the mere basis of a shared origin had the man no other quality to recommend him.
Hesin bilflutningur vant so nógv upp á seg, at tú skuldi vera heppin at fáa bilin við, um tú ikki hevði biðið um pláss frammanundan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By this time he seems to have had a considerable rank.
Her sæst hann um somu tíð sum grágrælingurin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5 Keep Harvesting: Even if our territory has been covered repeatedly and seems unresponsive, there is good reason to work with zeal and a sense of urgency.
5 Halt fram at heysta. Hóast vit hava gjøgnumgingið økið ofta, og tað ikki sær út til, at fólk hava áhuga, so hava vit kortini góða grund til at vera íðin í boðanini og minnast, at arbeiðið hevur skund.jw2019 jw2019
Hidden in the background, almost obscured by the draperies, his grandmother seems to beckon to him—perhaps she is hiding a gift for him too, behind the heavy curtains.
Reiðrið hevur hann millum steinar, ella hann heingir tað upp undir væðingina á húsum — sethúsum líka væl sum úthúsum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Genesis 3:1; Revelation 12:9) This powerful angel, or invisible spirit creature, used a serpent to speak to Eve, even as a skilled person can make it seem that his voice is coming from a nearby doll or dummy.
(1 Mósebók 3:1; Opinberingin 12:9) Hesin veldigi eingilin, ein ósjónligur andaskapningur, fór at tosa við Evu gjøgnum ein orm, nakað sum tá ein búktalari fær tað at ljóða, sum røddin kemur úr einari dukku.jw2019 jw2019
HAPPINESS on earth—it does not seem possible to enjoy it even for a short time.
UM TAÐ so bert er fyri eina styttri tíð tykist tað ógjørligt at gerast lukkuligur á jørðini.jw2019 jw2019
More to the point, how did Hannah’s faith in Jehovah help her to cope with what often seemed like an impossible situation?
Og av enn størri týdningi, hvussu hjálpti sterka trúgvin Hannu at klára eina støðu, sum ofta kendist púra vónleys?jw2019 jw2019
Others seem overly eager to send such messages, hoping to be the first to reveal the information to their friends.
Onnur tykjast sera ágrýtin at senda slíkar upplýsingar, í vón um hvør sær at vera hin fyrsti at bera vinum sínum tíðindi.jw2019 jw2019
As we deal with these situations, we are confident that, when it comes to helping, it does not matter to Jehovah how many the opposers are or how vulnerable his servants seem to be.
Vit ætla framvegis at taka okkum av hesum og eru samstundis sannførdir um, at Jehova kann hjálpa, uttan mun til hvussu nógvir andstøðingarnir eru, ella hvussu viðbreknir tænarar hansara kunnu sýnast.jw2019 jw2019
12:20, 21) Even if he seems firm in his opposition, one day he may become our brother.
12:20, 21) Hóast hann hevur sterkar meiningar, verður hann kanska einaferð bróðir okkara.jw2019 jw2019
A wise Christian avoids not only entertainment that is clearly in violation of Bible principles but also types that are dubious or that seem to include elements that are spiritually unhealthy.
Eru vit skilagóð, halda vit okkum ikki bara frá undirhaldi, sum beinleiðis gongur ímóti meginreglunum í Bíbliuni, men eisini undirhaldi, ið er ivasamt, ella sum tykist at hava innihald, ið kann skaða okkum andaliga.jw2019 jw2019
3 When people think of the man Jonah, they often seem to focus on negative traits, such as his lapses into disobedience or even his hardheadedness.
3 Tá ið fólk hugsa um Jónas, hava tey ofta lyndi til at leggja dent á hansara ringu síður, eitt nú at hann stundum var ólýðin og treiskur.jw2019 jw2019
There is no record of Steers's direct involvement in the project, although he produced a survey of the completed docks in 1707, and seems to have been employed as a surveyor for the estate.
Við sonevndu Skotlandslógini varð hetta sett í verk, og skotar sluppu fyrstu ferð síðani sameiningina í 1707 at velja tjóðarting í 1999.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You could prepare more than one introduction and plan to use the one that seems most fitting for the situation.
Tú kundi fyrireikað meira enn eina innleiðslu og sett tær fyri at brúka ta sum tykist hóska best í hvørjum einstøkum føri.jw2019 jw2019
15 We should not be surprised that this Devil-ruled world would make it seem normal and right for you to have sexual relations with a person to whom you are not married.
15 Tað eigur ikki at koma óvart á okkum at hesin heimurin, sum er stýrdur av Sátani, fær tað at tykjast vanligt og heilt í lagi at hava kynsligt samband uttan fyri hjúnabandið.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.