traffic oor Faroees


werkwoord, naamwoord
Pedestrians or vehicles on roads, or the flux or passage thereof.

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Since 2006 he has played in Traffic and also in Outloudz since 2010.
Als ikki!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Due to the massive transportation of coal, what was a very smooth route in the summer is now clogged up with immense traffic jams.
Nakrir eita Andrias, Pætur (ið eisini kallaðist Símun), Filip og Natanael (eisini nevndur Bartolomeus).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Indira Gandhi International Airport, situated to the southwest of Delhi, is the main gateway for the city's domestic and international civilian air traffic.
Á hvønn hátt var Sára ein góð fyrimynd hjá giftum konum?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Would you want to drive in heavy traffic if there were no traffic laws?
Hvat sigur Bíblian meðni um framtíðina?jw2019 jw2019
The team examined the various implications fracking is having on not only air quality, but water and soil quality, traffic and noise/vibration and light as well.
Møgulig leið úr EgyptalandiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One popular approach to riding in motor vehicle traffic is vehicular cycling, occupying road space as car does.
Nevn trý dømi um tað, sum Jesus lærdi lærisveinar sínar at biðja um.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
High mortality rates from road traffic were recorded until 1999, before a Shearwater Protection Program was established to remove and re-locate birds on roads to safer areas.
BÍBLIAN er øðrvísi enn allar aðrar bøkur, tí í henni er holl leiðbeining frá Gudi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 14 July in Nice, at approximately 22:30, just after the end of the Bastille Day fireworks display, a white 19 tonne Renault Midlum cargo truck emerged from the Magnan quarter of Nice turning eastward on to the Promenade des Anglais, then closed to traffic, near the Fondation Lenval Children's Hospital.
(Matteus 28:19) Jesus vísti okkum vegin við sjálvur at verða doyptur í vatni.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The bridge was open to vehicular traffic until a truck crashed into the eastern span and damaged it in 1965, thus making the bridge virtually impassable.
Hon sigur: „Tað er ræðuligt hjá eini mammu at eiga eitt deytt barn.“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rails increased in weight and strength as traffic changed.
Teir høvdu frætt, at Jesus hevði fingið kraft frá Gudi at grøða allar sjúkur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It started major repairs within 5 years of its completion Providing central hinge bearing, poor maintenance, coupled with wear and tear caused by the unprecedented surge in traffic, made the structure vulnerable.
Hann hevur stjórnað í 40 ár, men nú er Sálomo kongur í Ísrael.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Traffic grew rapidly.
Hvat vóru lærisveinarnir púra vísir í viðvíkjandi Jesusi?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The following table provides details of the major traffic flows out of Multan in terms of passenger numbers, aircraft movements, cargo as well as mail.
Tað tykist, sum stjórnarvaldið hjá Hoseasi varð grundfest ella møguliga fekk stuðul frá assýriakonginum, Tiglat-Pileser III, uml. 748WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ministerial Regulation Number 13 of 2014 about Traffic Signs.
Hví mugu vit altíð hugsa um trygdina?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These efforts were largely unsuccessful, and by the 1990s, the bridge had become the city's worst traffic bottleneck, despite the addition of an extra traffic lane, bringing the total number of lanes to seven.
Far og vita hvussu teir hava tað.’WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because all traffic is forced onto these roads, they are often heavy with traffic all day.
7. (a) Hví doyðu Ádam og Eva?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It carries both commercial and passenger traffic and represents a permanent overland link between the two countries.
Tí ivast teir ikki í at hann livir aftur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The two projects initially went through the approval process simultaneously and shared consultants on issues such as traffic and the waterfront,but were separate projects with separate funding.
Tey spotta Jehova og siga at Ezekias eins væl kann geva seg yvir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The crime index when adjusted for age is 162 for traffic law and 383 for special laws.
Kallar Matteus; etur við tollarum; spurningur um føstuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What have congregations with areas of high pedestrian traffic been encouraged to do?
’Hann skalt tú salva við olju.’jw2019 jw2019
Tables and carts with attractive displays and literature in several languages were strategically placed in areas of the city with high pedestrian traffic.
Stutt eftir at Josias kongur er farin undir at beina fyri avgudunum, sigur Jehova við Jeremias at hann skal vera profetur.jw2019 jw2019
"In Study Of Gun Traffic, Va.
Bíblian svarar: „Tú skalt elska [Jehova] Gud tín av øllum hjarta tínum, av allari sál tíni og av allari styrki tíni.“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The traffic block stretched for 21 km here and thousands of cars clogged the highway.
(Opinberingin 4:11) Og í einum lovsangi til Gud segði Dávid kongur: „Hjá Tær er kelda lívsins.“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Traffic being impeded the inhabitants of Moruya are seriously inconvenienced.
Minst til at hann og Áron gloymdu at geva Gudi æruna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Imagine a busy city without any traffic laws, where everybody could drive in any direction at any speed.
3. (a) Hvat sigur Bíblian um at brúka myndir, og hví hava summi kanska ilt við at skilja Guds áskoðan?jw2019 jw2019
37 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.