until oor Faroees


/ənˈtɪl/ samewerking, pre / adposition
Up to the time of (something happening).

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The Castle of Tawseelah was maintained until 1163–1192.
(Sálmur 19:12) Eisini tú fært at síggja, at tað meir enn so loysir seg at liva sítt lív soleiðis, sum Gudi dámar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This fulfilled the prophecy at Psalm 110:1, where God tells him: “Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.”
29, um heystiðjw2019 jw2019
It worked until 2000 and managed in this time several trans boundary problems concerning hazardous waste.
At enda sendi Gud tveir einglar til Lot fyri at siga honum at Gud fór at oyðileggja Sodoma og býin Gomorra nærindis, fólkini vóru so ónd.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although Jesus does not deny that David is the physical ancestor of the Christ, or Messiah, he asks: “How, then, is it that David by inspiration [at Psalm 110] calls him ‘Lord,’ saying, ‘Jehovah said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies beneath your feet”’?
Nú vórðu talvurnar goymdar í sáttmálaørkini.jw2019 jw2019
So when saying that his disciples would not complete their circuit of preaching “until the Son of man arrives,” Jesus was prophetically telling us that his disciples would not complete the circuit of the entire inhabited earth with the preaching about God’s established Kingdom before the glorified King Jesus Christ would arrive as Jehovah’s executional officer at Armageddon.
Sum vit lærdu í kapittul 5, varð Jesus sendur niður á jørðina at geva lív sítt sum eitt loysigjald, kundi keypa okkum leys frá synd og deyða.jw2019 jw2019
Until early 1993 the race was open to amateur cyclists only and most of its winners came from Poland.
Var tað hetta, Gud ætlaði mær og allari mannaættini?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Other Germanic words were borrowed in more recent times; for example, the words for the cardinal directions (norte, este, sur, oeste — 'north', 'east', 'south', 'west') are not documented until late in the 15th century.
Men hví eru Jósef og Maria ikki her?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The newspaper was founded on 12 July 1925 and is still being published until today.
Og so siga teir við høvdingarnar í Ísrael: ’Jeremias eigur at verða dripin afturfyri at hann hevur talað ímóti býi okkara.’WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He makes his choice and the entire world explodes - incinerated in a flash of heat until only black consciousness remains.
Jónas biður Jehova hjálpa sær.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Initial discussions were along the lines of Flag Football until the team were ready to think about entering an application for kitted league football.
5 Legg til merkis, hvørjar avleiðingar bardagin í himli skuldi fáa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are 66 days remaining until the end of the year.
Ísraelsmenn greiða frá at Kýrus kongur, tá teir vóru í Bábylon, segði við teir: ’Farið til Jerúsalem og byggið tempul Jehova Guds tykkara.’WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You need not wait until a Bible study has been established. —Re 22:17
(2 Korint 11:13-15) Ein átrúni er falskur, tá hann ikki lærir sannleikan úr Bíbliuni.jw2019 jw2019
“What man of you with a hundred sheep, on losing one of them, will not leave the ninety-nine behind in the wilderness and go for the lost one until he finds it?
Frá 1 f.o.t. til 1 e.o.t. er eitt ár (einki 0 ár var).jw2019 jw2019
At that time Zedekiah, the last king of Judah to sit on Jehovah’s throne, was told: “Lift off the crown. . . . it will certainly become no one’s until he comes who has the legal right, and I must give it to him.”—Ezekiel 21:25-27.
20 Dina kemur illa fyrijw2019 jw2019
Unclean worship spread from ancient Babylon until it held harmful spiritual dominion over people earth wide.
(2 Korintbræv 11:14, 15) Men í veruleikanum eru illu andarnir óndir.jw2019 jw2019
If not, the elders may ask you to continue the campaign until the end of November.
Hinir skulu sendast heimaftur, sigur Gud.jw2019 jw2019
Gilbert studied graphic design at Leicester Polytechnic until 1971; he then became an abstract painter, taking on part-time jobs to help support himself.
Hann hugsaði um teirra avmarkingar og kropsliga tørv.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The mill closed in 1930 and lay derelict until it was restored in 1980.
Job fekk 10 vøkur børn aftur, og tvær ferðir so nógvan seyð, kamelar og neyt sum hann hevði áður.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We can never know who is “rightly disposed for everlasting life” until we offer a witness, perhaps many times.
12 Alt, sum hevur við Jehova Gud at gera, má koma fyrst í bønum okkara.jw2019 jw2019
From 2011 until 2014 Vestager served as Minister for Economic and Interior Affairs in the three-party Social Democrat-led coalition government of Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
Jónas biður Jehova hjálpa sær.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Loud explosions were heard until the next evening, 11 April.
Hann leiðir okkum eisini trygt inn í ta dýrdarríku nýggju heimsskipanina, sum nú er nær.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are 47 days remaining until the end of the year.
Bábylonska ríkiðWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Secretary General of NATO from August 2009 until October 2014.
(Opinberingin 12:9) Hevði Gud skapt Satan Djevulin?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Park Chung-hee was the President of South Korea from 1963 until his assassination in 1979.
Teir eita Josva og Kaleb.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Historically, women competed over 3000 metres until this was matched to the men's 5000 metres event in 1996.
Einasta nýtslan av blóði, sum Gud góðkendi, var í sambandi við slík offur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
201 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.