very oor Faroees


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8 Regarding what was provided, the Bible relates: “God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good.”
8 Um skaparaverkið sigur Bíblian: „Og Gud sá alt tað, ið Hann hevði gjørt — og tað var sera gott.“jw2019 jw2019
He later met her again, this time in the market, and she was very happy to see him.
Seinni hitti bróðir okkara ta eldru konuna aftur, hesa ferð á sølutorginum.jw2019 jw2019
She's very pretty.
Hon er ótrúliga vøkur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
At that time, because football is very good talent, he was finally put into the squad Villa 2000 to go to England and followed Manchester United Preimer Cup 2008.
Gunnar gjørdist serliga kendur, tá hann sum fyrsti føroyingur nakrantíð, spældi við bestu ensku fótbóltsdeildini, tað var við Manchester City í ensku Premier League í 2010.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I was very inspired by Che's trip to Bolivia.
Á triðju ferð síni ferðaðist Paulus í Ásia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At one of the very worst sites, around Sandakan in Borneo, only six of some 2,500 British and Australian prisoners survived.
Á einari av teimum ringastu, kring Sandakan í Borneo, yvirlivdu bara seks av umleið 2.500 krígsfangum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is a very meaningful prayer, and a consideration of its first three petitions will help you to learn more about what the Bible really teaches.
Bønin er merkisverd, og ein útgreining av teimum trimum fyrstu umbønunum í henni kann hjálpa tær at læra meira um, hvat Bíblian veruliga lærir.jw2019 jw2019
The eyes were very small, close to each other and separated by a prominent median ridge with large ocelli at the posterior extremity.
Nógv gull varð funnið, og nøkur fá, ið høvdu eydnuna við sær, gjørdust rík eftir stuttari tíð.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
24:14) The distinction between those serving God and those not serving him is becoming very evident.
24:14) Munurin á teimum, ið tæna Gudi, og teimum, ið ikki tæna honum, verður alsamt týðiligari.jw2019 jw2019
With a very flowery and fresh delicate aroma character, the tea liquid is golden yellow.
Rátt neytakjøt við sterkum kryddi og bræddum smøri er gildismatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because lots of rain falls at that time of year, the river was very full just a few minutes before.
Fyri einari løtu síðan var fult av vatni í ánni, tí tað regnar illa hesa tíðina av árinum.jw2019 jw2019
He speaks in a very mean way, and says bad things about David.
Hann er óndur og gírigur og spillir Dávid út.jw2019 jw2019
But he never rose to the fly, and as there were no hacks to be had I was unable to gratify a very keen desire for at least one gallop in old England across country.
Heldur ikki vóru nógvir vegir millum bygda, og tað bar als ikki til at nýta bilin at ferðast úr einum enda á landinum í hin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What laws or teachings given to Christians are very similar to the Ten Commandments?
Hvørji boð og lærusetningar sum eru galdandi fyri kristin líkjast teimum tíggju boðunum nógv?jw2019 jw2019
Their very name Jehovah’s Witnesses shows that their main activity is to witness about the name and kingdom of Jehovah God, even as Christ did.
Sjálvt navnið Jehova Vitni vísir at tað týdningarmesta arbeiðið hjá teimum er at boða um Jehova Guds navn og ríki, soleiðis sum Kristus gjørdi.jw2019 jw2019
Sex relations are when a man and a woman become close in a very special way.
Tað er tað tætta sambandið, sum er millum ein mann og eina kvinnu, tá tey liggja so tætt, at kynsgøgnini møtast.jw2019 jw2019
The Egyptians were very much afraid, because of that last plague upon them.
Egyptarnir vóru bangnir aftan á ta seinastu pláguna.jw2019 jw2019
King Ar·ta·xerxʹes is very kind.
Artaxerxes kongur er stak lagaligur.jw2019 jw2019
Millions therefore can have the solid hope of seeing their loved ones alive again on earth but under very different circumstances.
Milliónir kunnu tí hava trygga vón um at síggja síni kæru á lívi aftur á jørðini, men undir heilt broyttum umstøðum.jw2019 jw2019
11 In your house, let us say that you have a very useful container that is especially delicate.
11 Latið okkum siga, at tú heima við hús hevði eitt vakurt, sera hent og heldur viðbrekið ílat.jw2019 jw2019
What the children learn will be very limited if parents provide toys or coloring books to keep them occupied and quiet.
Tað er avmarkað hvat børnini læra um foreldrini lata tey sita við leikum ella teknibókum fyri at geva teimum okkurt at gera og at binda frið.jw2019 jw2019
Viscott's signature style was to attempt to isolate an individual's source of emotional problems in a very short amount of time.
Stevnuskrá hansara var at skipa eitt samfelag við uppaftur størri skilnaði ímillum fólk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The soil is very gravelly.
Suðuroyarmálið er nógv broytt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That brings us to 29 C.E., the very year that Jehovah anointed Jesus with holy spirit.
Hetta førir okkum fram til ár 29 e.o.t., júst tað árið tá Jehova salvaði Jesus við heilagum anda.jw2019 jw2019
The Matsés are very divided and politically unorganized.
MBF er óheft partapolitiskt og átrúnaðarliga.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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