whereas oor Faroees


/ʍɛːɹˈæz/ naamwoord, bywoord, samewerking
Alternative spelling of whereas.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Faroees


conjunction adposition
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations ,
Gud var eisini illur.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
TBE buffer is preferred for small DNA pieces, whereas TAE is better suited for fragments greater than 1500 base pairs.
Veitst tú hvat so hendir?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To enable this, Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the only emirates who have veto power over matters of national importance, whereas the other emirates only have a vote on such matters.
8 Allar køkur, ið verða bakaðar í einum formi við buklu í, fáa sama brekið svarandi til bukluna. Á sama hátt kundu maðurin og kvinnan, sum nú vóru ófullkomin, eisini bara fáa ófullkomin børn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From this point, Taylor began to use bounced and reflected light gaining a more naturalistic look, whereas the use of direct light was still the common practice by his contemporaries.
5 Tveir einglar hjálptu tí rættvísa Lot og døtrum hansara at sleppa undan við lívinum, tá teir báðir gudleysu býirnir, Sodoma og Gomorra, vórðu lagdir í oyði.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In fact, prohibited matters in Islam are relative; some of them are minor prohibitions whereas others are major, and each has its own ruling.
Farao hevur sett meg at stýra øllum landinum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(1 Corinthians 15:45; 1 Timothy 2:5, 6) Whereas Adam passed death on to his children, Jesus’ legacy is life eternal.
Men Jehova er nógv sterkari enn deyðin.jw2019 jw2019
Whereas they had earlier looked to the religious leaders for what little dropped from the spiritual table, now the Scriptural truths imparted by Jesus are filling their needs.
Hvussu kunnu vit vita, at tey frættu tað? — Jú, okkurt um 40 ár seinni komu ísraelsmenn til landið, sum Jehova hevði givið teimum; tað æt Kána’an.jw2019 jw2019
Whereas in foreign media, they are regularly described as Die Mannschaft (The Team).
Bábelsmenn tilbóðu til dømis tríeindir av gudum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This reinvigorates his passion for photography, and, whereas he used to take pictures of violent and dangerous situations, now his work has a theme of love and simple pleasures.
Men sært tú hvaðani teir koma?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Many believe it’s good for religion to be involved in politics, whereas others feel that religion and politics shouldn’t mix.
Hirðarnir fóru beinanvegin at leita eftir Jesusi, og nú hava teir funnið hann.jw2019 jw2019
Whereas Huayangosaurus still possessed sixteen back vertebrae, this number was reduced to thirteen in Hesperosaurus.
Tað kann vera ein lætti at tosa um tað.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind , and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief an d freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people ,
Men har verða teir ikki leingi.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Content words always have at least one stressed syllable, whereas function words are often completely unstressed; shorter spellings help to reflect this.
20 Gud er ein ósjónligur andi, og tí ber sjálvandi ikki til at síggja hann.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Whereas North American students may be familiar with impoverished conditions on a localized level in their own nations, the program allows them to peer into the less developed societies of Latin America.
Tey fóru at sigaHarrin í staðin fyri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So he counsels: “But you, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers.
Fert tú uttanlands, verður tú eisini varur við, at navnið hjá tær ljóðar nógv øðrvísi á einum øðrum máli.jw2019 jw2019
Is Gehenna really a place of fiery torment, whereas when Hades is translated “hell” it simply means the grave?
Og 133 ár aftaná varð ríkið sunnanfyri við tveimum ættum eisini lagt í oyði.jw2019 jw2019
Whereas an educated person might easily accept reading and questioning, that method might make someone with little formal education uncomfortable.
(Ápostlasøgan 13:22) Og Dániel profetur var í Guds eygum „stórliga elskaður“. — Dániel 9:23.jw2019 jw2019
Today, some hospitals are religious in their name only, whereas others are still partially staffed by members of the clergy.
11 Hvat hendir, tá ið menniskjað doyr?jw2019 jw2019
4 Because of our sinful nature, pride and haughtiness arise easily in most of us, whereas humility is a rare quality that we need to work hard to cultivate and maintain.
20 Jehova vil ikki, at vit skulu tæna honum av tvingsli.jw2019 jw2019
Some languages, like Latin, make pluperfects purely by inflecting the verb, whereas most modern European languages do so using appropriate auxiliary verbs in combination with past participles.
Hvussu tá?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Some believe in a Creator, whereas others feel that such belief is unscientific and unreasonable.
Hann stóð eisini fast uppá, at Job fór at venda Gudi bakið, um hann varð royndur.jw2019 jw2019
But their strict interpretation of what constitutes work has made the Sabbath burdensome, whereas it was meant to be a joyous, spiritually upbuilding time.
Vit skulu einans tilbiðja Gud. — Matteus 4:10.jw2019 jw2019
Thus, a citizen of the United States is an usonano, whereas an amerikano is an inhabitant of the Americas.
EgyptalandsáWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agreement on minor details may stamp the testimony as accurate and honest, whereas serious discrepancies can expose it as a fabrication.
Hví er Jesus ein framúrskarandi kongur?jw2019 jw2019
Whereas true religion glorifies God, false religion displeases him.
Hann er ein ímynd og lýsir nakað, sum hevur sera stóran týdning.jw2019 jw2019
52 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.