bilge drain oor Frans

bilge drain

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Frans

drain de cale


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

bilge drain valve
drain automatique
fuselage bilge drain valve
drain automatique


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The blower unit can be removeably attached to a bilge drain on the watercraft.
Ce dernier scénario découle souvent de pratiques anticoncurrentielles, dans le cas où une société dominante, tirant profit d'une économie d'échelle ou de gamme, diminue ses prix sous le prix coûtant afin d'éliminer un concurrent.patents-wipo patents-wipo
In the preferred embodiment, the blower unit includes a housing that attaches to the bilge drain with a threaded connector.
Comme j' ai dit à Cutty, je suis professeur maintenant, en quelque sorte, et c' est comme ça que je connais Namondpatents-wipo patents-wipo
When the blower unit is attached and power is supplied, the bilge blower draws air and vapor from the watercraft's bilge through the bilge drain.
Je ne crois pas à la psycho à moins de # $ de l' heurepatents-wipo patents-wipo
(2) The master shall ensure that grain is not loaded onto a vessel, other than one designed to carry liquid bulk cargoes, unless the bilges in every hold are free of extraneous material and can allow water outside the bilges to drain to the bilge suctions while preventing grain from entering the bilges.
sénateurs sont présentsGiga-fren Giga-fren
(2) The master shall ensure that grain is not loaded onto a vessel, other than one designed to carry liquid bulk cargoes, unless the bilges in every hold are free of extraneous material and are capable of allowing water outside the bilges to drain to the bilge suctions while preventing grain from entering the bilges.
Arrête, et ne parlons plus de cette horrible vieilleGiga-fren Giga-fren
“I’ve been told it drains into the bilge tank.
Les traitements annuels, repris à l'article # se rapportent à l'indice # (indice # au #er septembreLiterature Literature
(4) Before dangerous goods are loaded into a cargo space, the master shall ensure that (a) the space is cleaned of all loose debris, dunnage and oil residue and is dry; and (b) the bilges in the space are substantially dry and free from extraneous material and can allow water outside the bilges to drain to the bilge sections while preventing the cargo from entering the bilges.
prendre elle-même les mesures de réparation nécessairesGiga-fren Giga-fren
(4) Before dangerous goods are loaded into a cargo space, the master shall ensure that (a) the space is cleaned of all loose debris, dunnage and oil residue and is dry; and (b) the bilges in the space are substantially dry and free from extraneous material and are capable of allowing water outside the bilges to drain to the bilge sections while preventing the cargo from entering the bilges.
Mais couvrez les copras avant de partir, d' accord?Giga-fren Giga-fren
Installations for draining engine room bilges must be so devised that the oil or oily water pumped out from the bilges remains on board.
Sais- tu pour mon Julian?lls me l' ont tuéEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Installations for draining engine room bilges must be so devised that the oil or oily water pumped out from the bilges remains on board
Le Membre du Collège réuni, compétent pour la Politique de l'Aide aux Personneseurlex eurlex
Start drain pumps on the after-bilges and stand by.
Dans l'article #bis, alinéas #er et #, de la même loi, inséré par la loi du # décembre # et modifié par la loi du # décembre #, les mots « compétente en matière de politique de santé publique en vertu de l'article #bis et de l'article #ter » sont remplacés par les mots « visée aux articles #, # ou # de la Constitution »OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Drain all water from the boat, including the bilge, live well and engine cooling system.
Pilote, quittez l' orbiteGiga-fren Giga-fren
The main bilge pumps were secured to manufacturer-supplied horizontal mounting brackets that were located in the bilge drain wells.
si l'étiquetage est effectué au moyen d'une impression directe sur l'article, une seule couleur contrastante avec celle du fond est suffisanteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Engine levels and charging capacity, like all the vital systems, have to be monitored: fresh water pumps, bilge draining systems, etc.
Ceux-ci engendrent une pression sur la cohésion économique, sociale et territoriale.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When the vehicle was stopped or moving slowly ahead, there was a loss or reduction of the venturi suction effect of the water flowing by the ends of the open bilge drain valves.
Né sur une plantation cubaine, d' après ce qu' on dit!- Peut- être ne vous aime- t- il pas!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Training for routine in-service operation also calls for drivers to check the operation of the bilge pumps while afloat, as well as the operation and securing of the bilge drain valves when the vehicle is ashore and parked between road tours.
Six défaites consécutives en avant- saison suivies par un revers humiliant à DallasParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Bilge pumps Bilge pumps To drain your boat bilge water, SEIMI has selected Albin Pump Marine, Rule and Spx Johnson Pump bilge pumps.
° l'interdiction d'utiliser les établissements où les délits ont été commis. »ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
13/ 00 Conduits for emptying or ballasting; Self-bailing equipment; Scuppers (draining means for hatches B 63 B 19/26; centrifugal bilge-water separators B 04; pipes in general F 16 L) 13/ 02 . Ports for passing water through vessels' sides
Training for routine in-service operation also called for drivers to check the operation of the bilge pumps while afloat, as well as the closure of the bilge drain valves and plugs before starting service and when the vehicle was ashore and parked between tours.
Du point de vue de la protection des données, il est important de définir l'autorité responsable des données utilisées pour la production des statistiquesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
One pump of 1250 US gal/h (78.8 L/min) maximum rated capacity and another of 630 US gal/h (39.7 L/min) maximum rated capacity were located in port and starboard bilge drain wells that extended below the hull bottom near the mid-length of the vehicle.
Ce crédit est destiné à couvrir les frais relatifs à l’organisation de réunions internesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The instructions call for all bilge drain valves to be fully opened when the vehicle is returned to the company garage in Hull at the end of each day's operations and for these valves to be closed before the vehicle is returned to passenger-carrying service the following day.
Non, c' estjuste son sourire qui m' a fait tourner la têteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
An efficient bilge pumping system shall be provided, capable of pumping from and draining any watertight compartment other than a space permanently appropriated for the carriage of fresh water, water ballast, oil fuel or liquid cargo and for which other efficient means of pumping are provided, under all practical conditions
Le règlement (CE) no #/# de la Commission du # juin # portant modalités communes d’application du régime des certificats d’importation, d’exportation et de préfixation pour les produits agricoles et le règlement (CE) no #/# de la Commission du # août # établissant des règles communes pour l’administration des contingents tarifaires d’importation pour les produits agricoles gérés par un système de certificats d’importation doivent s’appliquer, sauf dispositions contraires prévues par le présent règlementeurlex eurlex
An efficient bilge pumping system shall be provided, capable of pumping from and draining any watertight compartment other than a space permanently appropriated for the carriage of fresh water, water ballast, oil fuel or liquid cargo and for which other efficient means of pumping are provided, under all practical conditions
Evite Ringooj4 oj4
.1.1 An efficient bilge pumping system shall be provided, capable of pumping from and draining any watertight compartment other than a space permanently appropriated for the carriage of fresh water, water ballast, oil fuel or liquid cargo and for which other efficient means of pumping are provided, under all practical conditions.
Le document comporte également unesection sur l'Union européenne, qui a abordé certains aspects de la diversité de la propriété et son impact sur la diversité des idées.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
110 sinne gevind in 22 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.