parachute inspector oor Frans

parachute inspector

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Frans

contrôleur de parachutes


contrôleuse de parachutes


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
After having occupied the post of commandant inspector of the French Army Light Aviation, he assumed command of the 11th Parachute Division 11e DP at Pau.
° à adapter le cas échéant leur législation permettant de rendre opérationnelle la procédure simplifiéeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Auditor of the IHEDN 25th session, he was transferred to the General Inspectorate of the Army in 1973 before becoming the commander of the 1st parachute brigade in 1974, and then the commander of ESM and EMIA in 1975.
Les allégations de santé visées à l’article #, paragraphe #, point a), du règlement (CE) no #/# n’entrent dans le champ d’application des mesures transitoires prévues par l’article #, paragraphe #, de ce règlement que si elles remplissent les conditions qui y sont fixées, parmi lesquelles figure l’obligation d’être conformes au règlementParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The purpose of this staff instruction is to provide Inspectors with the information, procedures and guidelines necessary to process an application and issue a Special Flight Operations Certificate - Parachuting (in or into controlled airspace or an air route) required by Part VI, Subpart 3, Division III of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs).
Les Croates de Bosnie, qui ont appuyé les accords de Dayton, rźvent malgré tout, de faēon peut-źtre un peu secréte, d'źtre rattachés à la CroatieParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
During the game, Inspector Gadget, you will find yourself in a difficult situation, when the hero falls in the sky, inexorably approaching the ground, and the only way to survive – away from the enemy parachute.
ll m' avait dit, Frank:" Tu peux lui dire au revoir "ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Purpose The purpose of this staff instruction is to provide Inspectors with the information, procedures and guidelines necessary to process an application and issue a Special Flight Operations Certificate - parachuting (over or into a built-up area or an open-air assembly of persons) required by Part VI, Subpart 3, Division III of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs).
La DA va ajouter une chargeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
5 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.