perseveringly oor Frans


In a persevering manner; with perseverence.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Frans


In a persevering manner.
D'une manière persévérante.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He had married somebody else, but she remained perseveringly attached to the colour.
" À mi- chemin, sur la route de la vie, je me réveille dans les ténèbres d' un bois," m' étant écarté du droit chemin. "Literature Literature
17. As for the defense of religion, if you wish to undertake it in a worthy manner, and to carry it on perseveringly and efficaciously, two things are first of all necessary: you must model yourselves so faithfully on the precepts of the Christian law that all your actions and your entire lives may do honor to the faith you profess, and then you must be closely united with those whose special office it is to watch over religion, with your priests, your bishops, and above all with this Apostolic See, which is the pivot of the Catholic faith and of all that can be done in its name.
Si vous avez des découvertes importantes qui sont sur le point d'être publiées dans une revue scientifique et qui peuvent attirer l'attention des médias ou si vous prévoyez faire une annonce publique des résultats de recherches financées par les IRSC, en entier ou en partenariat, il importe aussi que vous avertissiez à l'avance la Direction des communications des IRSC pour obtenir de l'aide et vous assurer que l'appui des IRSC est
In April that passage was found which had been so perseveringly and vainly sought for during three centuries.
Tu as tué une légendeLiterature Literature
In this regard, I learned with pleasure of the effort being made to listen attentively and perseveringly to the word of God, through organized monthly meetings in various diocesan centres and the spread of the practice of lectio divina.
En #, la France et
These words refer to the previous setting in which Luke described the small company of disciples that had gathered perseveringly in Jerusalem after Jesus' Ascension into Heaven (cf. Acts 1: 12-14).
La présente convention a pour objet de promouvoir, protéger et assurer la pleine et égale jouissance de tous les droits de l’homme et de toutes les libertés fondamentales par les personnes handicapées et de promouvoir le respect de leur dignité intrinsè
These are the perspectives that Your Excellency has happily stressed and which guide, in actual fact, the international action that the Holy See is perseveringly pursuing.
Une plainte officielle a été déposée contre le Royaume d'Espagne, le # mars #, par la société Blue
I resolutely and perseveringly kept my attention riveted upon the body.
Alors on vous retrouve demain à El MirageLiterature Literature
Nevertheless, every family is structured upon 2 Biblical sentences : "You shall honor your father and your mother", and "You shall leave your father and your mother" ; amidst the ambiguities intersecting our family lives, there are many who dare enter into a respectful yet demanding dialogue, perseveringly seeking to stand for truth, for the sake of growing life.
Non-opposition à une concentration notifiée (Affaire COMP/M.#- Swiss Life/AWDUN-2 UN-2
In these days the Church, like the first group of disciples, finds herself mysteriously "in the situation of the Upper Room", remaining perseveringly in prayer "with Mary, the Mother of Jesus" (Acts 1:14).
Vous avez des enfants?
This inheritance has struck deep roots in the awareness of the Church in an utterly new way, quite unknown previously, thanks to the Second Vatican Council, which John XXIII convened and opened and which was later successfully concluded and perseveringly put into effect by Paul VI, whose activity I was myself able to watch from close at hand.
Et nous voilà... à quelques mois du tournage... sans star, et il nous en fallait une absolumentCommon crawl Common crawl
It is also certain that in the present historical situation of Christianity and the world the only possibility we see of fulfilling the Church's universal mission, with regard to ecumenical questions, is that of seeking sincerely, perseveringly, humbly and also courageously the ways of drawing closer and of union. Pope Paul VI gave us his personal example for this.
Fait à Bruxelles, le #
They must also be persuaded that, to the right of receiving from the responsible organism all possible assistance to help them to shake off the heavy yoke of illiteracy, there corresponds the duty of continuing perseveringly their effort towards spiritual, moral and cultural enrichment; that the improvement of their living conditions must entail a proportionate effort to contribute to improving the quality of life for the whole community and its social progress.
La procédure suivie ainsi que les décisions notifiées avaient pour objectif de ne pas porter atteinte aux intérêts des béné
Even within a nation, as you honorable members of the Senate need not be told, the only genuine guarantee of peace is to be sought not in force, but in the soul of a nation ; that is to say, in the inner life of its people, which will be exerted perseveringly in the defence of the family, of the children, of the worker and his employer; so that all, guided by the Christian principles of justice and charity, may enjoy the blessed fruits of brotherly love and make, each, his due contribution to the common good.
Toutes ces créations ont une chose bien simple, mais tout de même complexe, en commun — elles ont toutes commencé par une idé
The family, the school and other education institutions must, if only for humanitarian reasons, work perseveringly for the reawakening and refining of that sensitivity towards one's neighbour and his suffering of which the figure of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel has become a symbol.
L'opportunité du maintien des limitations OML pour la classe # ou OSL pour la classe # peut être reconsidérée par la SMA dix-huit mois après la date de renouvellement du certificat médicalCommon crawl Common crawl
This must therefore form the basis to which one must loyally and perseveringly adhere in order to establish true "peace on earth".
Que cherche Arthur Trent?
Be assured of our desire to collaborate loyally and perseveringly, in order to attain by God’s grace the unity willed by Christ the Lord".
Les avantages fiscaux octroyés par le régime des qualifying companies ne sont pas liés aux investissements, à la création d'emplois ou à des projets spé
I wish to thank Prof. Andrea Riccardi for the words and greeting which he has offered on behalf of all. Along with him, I wish to extend my thanks to the Community of Sant’Egidio for having perseveringly followed the road laid out at Blessed John Paul II’s historic meeting in Assisi: to keep the light of hope burning, by praying and working for peace.
• Comprendre les répercussions des politiques et des programmes des milieux physique et social sur la santé et en tenir compte à toutes les étapes de la
We have sown and we continued to sow, patiently and perseveringly, in the certainty that it is the Lord who gives growth to what we have sown (cf.
Le présent règlement est obligatoire dans tous ses éléments et directement applicable dans tout État
To do her justice, she executed her plans conscientiously, perseveringly.
Détruisez cette lettreLiterature Literature
I encourage you to live them carefully and perseveringly in order to love in truth.
demande à la Commission de faire en sorte que les entreprises respectent réellement leurs responsabilités sociales et financières, agissent d'une manière responsable au niveau de l'entreprise et soient équitables envers toutes les parties intéressées, y compris les autorités des communes et des régions où elles sont implanté
In order that this unity and the constant and systematic collaboration which leads to it may be perseveringly continued, I beg on my knees that, through the intercession of Mary, holy spouse of the Holy Spirit and Mother of the Church, we may all receive the light of the Holy Spirit.
Cette liste ne peut comprendre que des biens situés sur le territoire de la Région wallonne, à l'exception du territoire de langue
And so in this way the Church intends to continue perseveringly the quest for justice and peace.
Ce n' est pas toi qui dé
This is why it is also important in the international forums that there be sound agreement between your country and the Holy See, to defend rigorously and promote perseveringly those values which give dignity to human life.
J' ai été conçu pendant la
It is my prayer that you yourselves will think thoughts of peace, engender new attitudes of peace in the younger generation, and effectively and perseveringly promote the conditions that lead to peace.
° L' « AZ Waasland »,
Healing also comes about through an awareness of our sickness and of a personal and communal decision to be cured by patiently and perseveringly accepting the remedy.[ 20]
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180 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.