stratigraphic stage oor Frans

stratigraphic stage

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Frans


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étage chronostratigraphique

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The stage was introduced by Russian stratigrapher Sofia Semikhatova in 1934.
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The stratigraphical study shows lithological and petrological units within some of these stages.
Je te le rends dès qu' ils te relâchentspringer springer
The Alboran Sea occupies the place of an old continent, of the so-called “Land of Alboran”, which has crumbled away since the Miocene Age and sunk in several tectonic stages (visible in stratigraphical unconformities of all sedimentary cycles of the Tertiary).
Mais au Sénat, «expulser» veut dire źtre chassé à jamaisspringer springer
The paleogeographic, tectonic, stratigraphic and sedimentary relationships suggest that there was no nappe stacking stage between the two groups in the BRIZ.
La délégation de la Commission à Caracas coopère avec les chambres de commerce et les ambassades des États membres situées au Venezuela pour améliorer les débouchés des sociétés européennesspringer springer
The Asselian stage was introduced into scientific literature in 1954, when the Russian stratigrapher V.E. Ruzhenchev split it from the Artinskian.
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Its stratigraphic position places it near the end of the Campanian Stage of the Late Cretaceous Epoch, at an absolute age of approximately 72 million years before present.
La mère de tom... est tombée dans une cre vasseGiga-fren Giga-fren
On account of their lithologic character, stratigraphic sequences of the Phyllite Series can be regarded as formations of preorogenic geosynclinal stages.
L'étudiant intéressé continue à bénéficier de l'allocation d'études, même s'il reçoit une bourse pour un de ces programmesspringer springer
The Adoudounien (or Adoudounian) is an obsolete geological stage used in North Africa to characterise stratigraphic formations located at the transition between the Ediacarian (last period of the Neoproterozoic) and the Cambrian (first period of the Paleozoic).
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Radiometric, paleomagnetic, and stratigraphic data all support the interpretation that diamictites at the section are the sedimentary record of an Early Pleistocene (about 1.1 Ma, isotope stage 32–34) regional glaciation(s).
Il ne doit pas être utilisé chezles femmes allaitantes, chez les patients présentant de graves problèmes de foie ou qui ont des taux élevés d enzymes hépatiques dans le sangGiga-fren Giga-fren
Despite being designed during an early and somewhat primitive stage of the science of geology, it is remarkable how accurate these sections were, describing a sequence of 36 stratigraphical levels in Derbyshire rocks with a lengthy fold-out cross-section of almost the entire width of Derbyshire.
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Furthermore, these ashes show cycles of increase, followed by a rapid decrease in incompatible trace element contents with respect to stratigraphic position, which suggests eruption of a compositionally zoned magma with successively deeper tapping of the magma chamber, followed by a dormant stage of volcanism during which incompatible elements and volatile contents build up giving rise to the next eruptive cycle.
Par cet acte, il admet sa culpabilitéspringer springer
The Oldman Formation is a stratigraphic unit of Late Cretaceous (Campanian stage) age that underlies much of southern Alberta, Canada.
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This soil belongs to the second stage of the Upper Jurassic stratigraphic.
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These new age dates, coupled with sequence stratigraphic interpretations allow to better understand the unfolding of the drowning episode, which proceeded in two stages: The first stage consisted in an important phase of marine transgression during the latest Hauterivian, during which carbonate production was highly reduced; the second stage is recorded during the latest Early Barremian by an important sequence boundary, which is associated with a phosphatized hardground, followed by rapid sea-level rise and the deposition of outer ramp sediment associated with the backstepping of the platform.
Nous étions, il fut un temps, très proches, Milesspringer springer
The presence of Nordic littorinids (L. fabalis and L. saxatilis) in the stratigraphic ensembles C II superior and especially C III, confirms this cooling initiated at stage 6.4, intensified at stage 6.2, with a mild warming up at the time of the deposit of the stratigraphical unit UA 25 (stage 6.3).
Conformément aux conclusions adoptées à ce sujet par le Conseil le # décembre #, les États membres et les pays qui ont conclu un accord monétaire avec la Communauté prévoyant l'émission de pièces en euros destinées à la circulation sont autorisés à émettre un certain nombre de pièces commémoratives en euros destinées à la circulation à condition que chaque pays n'émette pas plus d'une nouvelle pièce commémorative par an et qu'il s'agisse uniquement de pièces de # eurosParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
However, stratigraphic and paleogeographic details of the initial stages of this profound reorganization of basin geography have not previously been determined.
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However, in this country, no outcrops make it possible define the stratotype of the Bathonian Stage, as the succession is taphonomically and stratigraphically condensed.
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The base of the Artinskian stage is defined as the place in the stratigraphic record where fossils of conodont species Sweetognathus whitei and Mesogondolella bisselli first appear.
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The Capitanian was first used as a stratigraphic subdivision of the Guadalupian in 1961,[3] when both names were still only used regionally in the southern US. The stage was added to the internationally used ISC timescale in 2001.[4] The base of the Wordian stage is defined as the place in the stratigraphic record where fossils of conodont species Jinogondolella aserrata first appear.
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In turn, the Jezzinian is indirectly correlated with the Northern Tethysian Urgonian stratigraphic units where it corresponds to a rather short interval encompassing the standard Barremian - Bedoulian stage boundary.
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The Aquitanian stage was named after the region Aquitaine in France and was introduced in scientific literature by Swiss stratigrapher Karl Mayer-Eymar in 1858.
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After having outlined the essential characters of the genera encountered, the principal forms present and the characteristic associations of each stage (Hettangian, Sinemurian, Pliensbachian and Torcian) are described and illustrated by stratigraphical range charfs and numerous plates of S.E.M. photographs.
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The stratigraphic input from this work takes into account conclusions from the Holocene history of the neighbouring Flemish coastal plain, and confirms the advanced stage of infilling of the Authie esturay.
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In Alberta, the Slave Point Formation, which is stratigraphically equivalent to the Beaverhill Lake tight oil play, has also undergone a limited amount of horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing in the Otter and Evi Fields, north of the Swan Hills Field.
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Sites belonging to this period have been known in this region for a long time, but their stratigraphic context has frequently been unsure or is completely lacking. As in southern Africa and in western Europe, progress in our knowledge of this stage depends mainly on the construction of a general chronological framework, preferably correlated with worldwide climatic changes and supported by absolute dates.
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25 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.