Drunken oor Galisies


/ˈd(ʒ)ɹʌŋkn̩/ adjektief, werkwoord
Drunk, in the state of intoxication after having drunk an alcoholic beverage

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drunken revelry
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Two of the four surviving mutineers, Young and Adams, assumed leadership and secured a tenuous calm, which was disrupted by the drunkenness of McCoy and Quintal's after the former distilled an alcoholic beverage from a local plant.
Dous dos catro amotinados superviventes, Young e Adams, asumiron o liderado e aseguraron unha calma tenue, que se viu rota pola embriaguez de McCoy e Quintal cando este último destilou unha bebida alcohólica a partir dunha planta local.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
04, 00:25:42:16, in the early morning hours of Christmas day 1951, 04, 00:25:47:16, drunken cops had beaten seven prisoners arrested after a bar fight,
á primeira hora da mañá do día de Nadal de 1951, policías bébedos golpearan e arrestaran a sete tipos tras unha pelexa nun bar,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After divorcing her husband, she drifted between cheap hotels in Brooklyn and New York City and was arrested several times for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct.
Tras o seu divorcio, viviu en hoteis baratos de Nova York e foi arrestada varias veces por embriaguez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One such story in 1881 of drunken dock worker dying after he grabbed a large electric dynamo led Buffalo, New York dentist Alfred P. Southwick to seek some application for the curious phenomenon.
Una historia desa clase publicada en 1881 sobre un traballador bébedo que morreu despois de tocar una gran dínamo eléctrica, levou ao dentista Alfred P. Southwick de Buffalo, Nova York, a buscar algunha aplicación para o curioso fenómeno (Brandon, 1999, pp. 12–14).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The source of the first shot is disputed, some witnesses claiming it was a drunken rioter, others claiming it was unprovoked.
Descoñécese quen disparou primeiro, algunhas testemuñas afirmaron que fora un manifestante bébedo, e outros afirmaron que se disparou sen provocación.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hence, before you ask about becoming an unbaptized publisher, you need to be free of serious sins, such as sexual immorality, drunkenness, and drug abuse. —Read 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; Galatians 5:19-21.
Polo tanto, para poderes solicitar ser evanxelizador, ou predicador, sen bautizar, é imprescindible que a túa vida estea libre de pecados graves, como a inmoralidade sexual, o abuso do alcohol e o consumo de drogas (le 1a Corintios 6:9, 10; Gálatas 5:19-21).jw2019 jw2019
He is a regular participant in their events, including the annual Santa Rampage (a public Christmas party involving pranks and drunkenness) in Portland, Oregon.
É un participante habitual nos seus acontecementos, incluíndo o SantaCon (unha festa de Nadal pública que inclúe bromas e borracheiras) que se celebra anualmente en Portland.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The second was the arrest of drunken British officers who were causing a disturbance in the streets of Rio.
O outro incidente foi o arresto de varios oficiais británicos bébedos que provocaran disturbios nas rúas da cidade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was close upon four before the door opened, and a drunken- looking groom, ill - kempt and side- whiskered, with an inflamed face and disreputable clothes, walked into the room.
Era case catro horas antes de que a porta aberto, e un noivo borracho parecido, malQED QED
Hereward took revenge on the Normans who killed his brother while they were ridiculing the English at a drunken feast.
Hereward vingouse dos normandos que mataran o seu irmán mentres eles ridiculizaban os ingleses nunha troula de bébedos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" By tomorrow you will have served your time for drunken behaviour. "
Mañá cumprirás a túa sentencia por consumo de alcohol; de esta vez sairás libre.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I hear he's a drunken little lecher, prone to all manner of perversions.
Oín que é un pequeno borracho lascivo, propenso a todas as formas de perversión.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Drunkenness at Christmas lost another day.
A borracheira de Nadal fixo perder outro día.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His most popular creation is the anarchic sailor Kuddel Daddeldu with his drunken antics and disdain for authority.
A súa creación máis coñecida é o mariñeiro anarquista Kuddel Daddeldu coas súas falcatruadas de borracho e desprezo pola autoridade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
People, if you obey the new king believe in Allah, cease all fornication, lying, and drunkenness... you will go to paradise when you die.
Xente, se obedecen ao novo rei... e cren en Alá,... e afástanse da fornicación,... da mentira e a embriaguez,... irán ao paraíso cando morran.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
During the 15 or so days that Stevenson spent on Butaritari the islanders were engaged in a drunken spree that threatened the safety of Stevenson and his family.
Durante os 15 días aproximadamente que Stevenson pasou en Butaritari os insulares estaban metidos nunha borracheira que ameazaba a seguridade de Stevenson e a súa familia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He would swing from aggressive arrogance to drunken camaraderie.
Pasaba dunha chulería agresiva a unha camaradaxe ebria.Literature Literature
(Proverbs 14:30; 22:24, 25) For example, adhering to God’s law against drunkenness protects us from deadly diseases and accidents.
Aplicar os principios bíblicos incluso é bo para a nosa saúde (Proverbios 14:30; 22:24, 25).jw2019 jw2019
Has excessive drunkenness ever caused you to lose your job?
Algunha vez deixaches de ir ao traballo por ir de chea?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Much of his later work involved self-parody and the portrayal of drunken has-beens.
Gran parte dos seus últimos traballos incluían a parodia de si mesmo e o retrato de artistas acabados bébedos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Last night we had a tavern riot, a brothel fire, three stabbings and a drunken horse race down the Street of Sisters.
Pola noite tivemos unha liorta nunha taberna, un incendio nun bordel, tres acoitelamentos e unha carreira de borrachos a cabalo pola Rúa das Irmás.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well what he does is he moves around in a very drunken fashion on his head in a very unpredictable and extremely slow movement.
O que fai é moverse arredor da súa cabeza coma se estivese bébedo nun movemento moi impredecible e extremedamente lento.QED QED
The Drunken Revelers return (again to the "Song of the Volochobniki") interrupted several times by the Barker's boasts.
Os esmorguistas bébedos regresan (novamente coa Canción do Volochobniki) interrompidos varias veces polo pregoeiro.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1890 a prestigious and remunerative commission to write an opera with lyrics by Paul Verlaine was aborted by the poet's drunken inability to deliver a libretto.
En 1890, un prestixioso e remunerado encargo de escribir unha ópera con letra de Paul Verlaine viuse truncado pola incapacidade do poeta ao estar bébedo para entregar un libreto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Three years ago he stood trial for drunken driving, hit-and-run.
Hai tres anos foi a xuízo por conducir ebrio, atropelar alguén e marchar:OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
47 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.