Malik oor Galisies


/m‌əˈlik/ eienaam
A male given name.

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the leader of a town or community in some parts of Asia Minor and the Indian subcontinent; "maliks rule the hinterland of Afghanistan under the protection of warlords"

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Guy le Strange claims that Abd al-Malik used materials from the destroyed Church of Our Lady to build the mosque and points to possible evidence that substructures on the southeast corners of the mosque are remains of the church.
Guy le Strange afirmou que Abd al-Malik empregou materiais da destruída Igrexa da Nosa Señora para construír a mesquita e sinala como posible evidencia que as estruturas das esquinas do sueste da mesquita son restos da igrexa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, when Malik et al. examined T. vaginalis for the presence of 29 genes known to function in meiosis, they found 27 such genes, including eight of nine genes that are specific to meiosis in model organisms.
Porén, cando Malik et al. estudaron a presenza en T. vaginalis de 29 xenes que se sabe que exercen a súa función na meiose, atoparon que 27 deles estaban presentes, incluíndo 8 dos 9 xenes que son específicos da meiose en organismos modelo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Abd al-Malik is credited with centralizing the administration of the Caliphate and with establishing Arabic as its official language.
O califa Abd Al-Malik impón a lingua árabe como idioma oficial da administración.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Malik-Shah was succeeded in the Anatolian Sultanate of Rûm by Kilij Arslan I, and in Syria by his brother Tutush I, who died in 1095.
No Sultanato de Rüm, en Anatolia, Malik Shah I sería sucedido por Kilij Arslan I, e en Siria polo seu irmán Tutush I, que morreu en 1095.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since these two species are descendants of lineages that are highly divergent among eukaryotes, Malik et al. noted that these meiotic genes were likely present in a common ancestor of all eukaryotes.
Como estas dúas especies son descendentes de liñaxes que son moi diverxentes entre os eucariotas, Malik et al. sinalaron que estes xenes meióticos probablemente xa estaban presentes no antecesor común de todos os eucariotas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After being eliminated as a solo performer, Malik was brought back into the competition, along with four other contestants, to form the boy band that would become known as One Direction.
Ao ser eliminado, Malik, xunto a outros catro concursantes expulsados, formou a boy band coñecida como One Direction.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The pyxis has an inscription on the rim of its lid which allows it to be dated rather precisely to between 1004, when the hajib Abd al-Malik received the title he bears in the inscription, Sayf al-Dawla, and 1007, when he received the higher title of al-Muzaffar.
A píxide ten unha inscrición no bordo da súa tampa que permite datalo con bastante precición entre 1004, cando o hajib Abd al-Malik recibiu o título leva a inscrición, Sayf al-Dawla, e 1007, cando el recibiu o título máis alto de al-Muzaffar}}.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Malik left the group in March 2015 and subsequently signed a solo recording contract with RCA Records.
Malik deixou a agrupaición en marzo de 2015 e firmou un contrato como solista co selo RCA Records.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most scholars agree that the mosque's reconstruction was started by Abd al-Malik, but that al-Walid oversaw its completion.
Moitos estudosos concordan en que a reconstrución da mesquita comezou con Abd al-Malik, pero que al-Walid a completou.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In contrast, Creswell, while referring to the Aphrodito Papyri, claims that Abd al-Malik's son, al-Walid I, reconstructed the Aqsa Mosque over a period of six months to a year, using workers from Damascus.
En contraste, Creswell, en referencia ao Aphrodito Papyri, afirma que o fillo de Abd al-Malik, al-Walid I, reconstruíu a mesquita nun período comprendido entre seis meses e un ano, utilizando traballadores de Damasco.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The covered mosque building was originally a small prayer house erected by Umar, the second caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate, but was rebuilt and expanded by the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik and finished by his son al-Walid in 705 CE.
A mesquita orixinal foi un pequeno lugar de oración erixido polo Omar, o segundo califa ortodoxo, pero foi reconstruída e ampliada polo califa omeia Abd al-Malik e rematada polo seu fillo al-Walid no ano 705.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1107, he ventured east and captured Mosul but died the same year fighting Malik Shah's son, Mehmed Tapar.
En 1107, iniciou unha campaña cara o leste, capturando Mosul, pero ese mesmo ano morrería loitando contra o fillo de Malik Shah I: Mehmed I o Grande Selxúcida.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These innovations incidentally had the effect of leading the Islamic Caliph Abd al-Malik, who had previously copied Byzantine styles but replacing Christian symbols with Islamic equivalents, finally to develop a distinctive Islamic style, with only lettering on both sides.
Estas innovacións acabaron por provocar que o califa Abd al-Malik, que xa viña copiando o sistema e o estilo bizantino nas súas moedas, cambiase os símbolos cristiáns por outros de orientación islámica, unicamente con lendas en ambas as faces.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was proclaimed king/malik of Hejaz in 1926, and raised Nejd to a kingdom as well in 1927.
Foi proclamado rei/malik de Hejaz en 1926 e elevou tamén a Nejd á categoría de reino en 1927.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In planning his magnificent project on the Temple Mount, which in effect would turn the entire complex into the Haram al-Sharif ("the Noble Sanctuary"), Abd al-Malik wanted to replace the slipshod structure described by Arculf with a more sheltered structure enclosing the qibla ("direction"), a necessary element in his grand scheme.
No deseño do seu proxecto para o Monte do Templo, no que pretendía transformar todo o complexo no Haram al-Sharif ("o Nobre Santuario"), Abd al-Malik quixo substituír a vella estrutura descrita por Arculf cunha máis protexida que incluíra a qibla ("dirección"), un elemento necesario no seu gran esquema.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the wake of the death of Malik Shah I in 1092, political instability and the division of the Great Seljuq Empire prevented a coherent defence against the Latin states.
A inestabilidade política e a división do Gran Imperio selxúcida tras a morte de Malik Shah I impediu unha defensa coherente ante a invasión dos estados latinos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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