common good oor Galisies

common good

the general interest of the population as a whole.

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Ben común

community, benefit

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Perhaps the law should not permit it, for the common good.
Talvez a lei non debería permitilo, polo ben común.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The primary purpose of a State is to provide for the common good.
O Estado non ten outro fin que asegurar o ben común.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Social distinctions can be founded only on the common good.
As distincións sociais só poden fundarse na utilidade común.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In economics, the terms “public good” and “common good” have technical definitions.
En economía, os termos ben público e ben común teñen definicións técnicas diferenciadas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because of these factors, purely self-interested behaviour often detracts from the common good.
Por causa destes factores, o comportamento puramente motivado polos intereses persoais con frecuencia choca co ben común.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under one name or another, the common good has been a recurring theme throughout the history of political philosophy.
A través de diversas denominacións, o concepto de ben común empregouse de maneira recorrente ao longo da historia do pensamento político e filosófico.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It implies not only freedom of speech, but the obligation to speak the truth for the common good, even at personal risk.
Implica non só a liberdade de expresión senón a obrigación de falar coa verdade para o ben común, mesmo fronte ao perigo individual.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
With the revolution, the concept of common good gave way to that of popular sovereignty, as theorized by Moreno, Castelli and Monteagudo, among others.
Coa revolución, o concepto de ben común deu lugar ao da soberanía popular, teorizado por Moreno, Castelli e Monteagudo, entre outros.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Social choice theory aims to understand processes by which the common good may or may not be realized in societies through the study of collective decision rules.
A teoría da elección social intenta entender os procesos a través dos que se pode acadar o ben común en sociedade, por medio do estudo de sistemas de toma de decisións colectivas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Citizens only do work which they enjoy and which is for the common good, leaving them with ample time for the cultivation of the arts and sciences.
Os cidadáns dedícanse ás labores que máis lles agrada e que se orientan ao ben común, permitíndolles contar con moito tempo libre para cultivar as artes e as ciencias.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus, any system of policies that benefited one group would by definition harm the other, and there was no possibility of economics being used to maximize the commonwealth, or common good.
Xa que logo, calquera sistema de políticas que beneficiasen a un grupo por definición tamén farían dano a outro ou outros, e non existía a posibilidade de que a economía fose empregada para maximizar a riqueza común, ou o ben común.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this supreme hour the Irish nation must, by its valour and discipline, and by the readiness of its children to sacrifice themselves for the common good, prove itself worthy of the august destiny to which it is called.
Nesta hora suprema a nación irlandesa debe, co seu valor e disciplina e a disposición dos seus fillos a sacrificarse polo ben común, probarse merecedora do venerable destino ao que está chamada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Until then, the conception of the common good prevailed: while royal authority was fully respected, if an instruction from the crown of Spain was considered detrimental to the common good of the local population, it was half-met or simply ignored.
Até entón, a concepción do ben común prevaleceu: mentres a autoridade real foi plenamente respectada, unha instrución da coroa de España foi considerada prexudicial para o ben común da poboación local, que foi simplemente ignorada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Though these thinkers differed significantly in their views of what the common good consists in, as well as over what the state should do to promote it, they nonetheless agreed that the common good is the end of government, that it is a good of all the citizens, and that no government should become the "perverted servant of special interests," whether these special interests be understood as Aristotle's "interest of the rulers," Locke's "private good," Hume's and Madison's "interested factions," or Rousseau's "particular wills."
A pesar de que estes pensadores diferiron significativamente sobre en que consistía o ben común, e de que xeito un goberno ou un Estado debería promovelo, todos concordaban en que se trataba do obxectivo final do goberno porque beneficiaba ao conxunto da cidadanía, e que ningún goberno debería caer na perversión dos intereses especiais ou particulares, definidos por Aristóteles como os intereses dos que mandan, por Locke como bens privados, por Madison e Hume como partes interesadas e por Rousseau como vontades particulares.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All property and goods were held in common; Christian virtues were exercised, especially peace and charity.
Todas as propiedades e bens eran de propiedade común, os valores cristiáns eran exercidos, especialmente paz e caridade, todos tiñan que estudar a Biblia e facer obras de caridade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The phospholipid is a good example of a common oily compound prevalent in the prebiotic seas.
Os fosfolípidos son un bo exemplo dun composto graxo que se cre que foi prevalente nos mares prebióticos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Epictetus teaches that the preconceptions (prolepsis) of good and evil are common to all.
Epicteto ensina que os prexuízos do ben e do mal son comúns a todos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A once common characteristic is an egalitarian distribution of goods, frequently with the total abolition of money.
As utopías socialistas e comunistas centráronse na distribución equitativa dos bens, con frecuencia anulando completamente a existencia do diñeiro.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The CSIs that are restricted to a particular clade or group of species, generally provide good phylogenetic markers of common evolutionary descent.
Os CSIs que están restrinxidos a un clado particular ou grupo de especies, proporcionan xeralmente bos marcadores filoxenéticos sobre a descendencia evolutiva común.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The most common philosophical dichotomy is perhaps the one of good and evil, but there are many others.
A máis común dicotomía filosófica talvez sexa aquela que opón o ben e o mal, mais hai moitas outras.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
English as the school language helped to provide economic stability, because one community could communicate with another and goods could be traded and sold in a common language.
O inglés como a lingua escolar axuda a proporcionar a estabilidade económica ao poder comunicarse uns con outros, e os bens poden ser cambiados e vendidos nunha lingua común.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Puma became a common vehicle for British special forces, such as the SAS, and has been described as being "good for covert tasks".
O Puma converteuse nun vehículo común para as forzas especiais británicas, como o SAS, e foi descrito como "bo para misións encubertas".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although unpopular with the aristocracy, among the common folk, Polish and Ukrainian/Ruthenian alike, these reforms created a reservoir of good will toward the emperor which lasted almost to the end of Austrian rule.
Aínda que impopular entre a aristocracia, a xente común, polacos e ucraínos, rutenos por igual, viu ben estas reformas, que xeraron unha boa vontade cara ao emperador que se prolongou case ata o final do goberno austríaco.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Perhaps that is why at Pentecost 33 C.E., Jehovah arranged for “devout Jews from every nation under heaven” to hear the good news in their “own native language,” even though they likely spoke a common language, such as Hebrew or Greek.
Esa é a posible razón pola que, no Pentencostés do ano 33 n. e., Xehová fixo que os “xudeus piadosos de tódalas nacións da terra” escoitasen as boas novas no seu “propio idioma nativo”, inda que soubesen falar unha lingua común, coma o hebreo ou o grego (Feit.jw2019 jw2019
The common features among all the different forms of capitalism is that they are based on the production of goods and services for profit, predominantly market-based allocation of resources and they are structured upon the accumulation of capital.
Por suposto, todas comparten características como a produción de bens e servizos beneficio, a asignación de recursos baseada principalmente no mercado, e a estruturación arredor da acumulación de capital.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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