crackle oor Galisies


werkwoord, naamwoord, adjektief
A fizzing, popping sound.

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The wicker basket crackled between the two bodies like a skeleton in the air.
O cesto de vimbio crepitou entre os dous corpos coma o esqueleto do aire.Literature Literature
A few moments later, the three hunters found themselves before a crackling fire.
Algúns instantes despois os tres cazadores encontrábanse diante dunha cacharela que estalaba.Literature Literature
The men, led by the groans of Tom, scrambled and crackled through stumps, logs and bushes, to where that hero lay groaning and swearing with alternate vehemence.
Os homes, liderados polos xemidos de Tom, revoltos e crepitou través de tocos, troncos e arbustos, onde que o heroe estaba xemendo e Xing con vehemencia alternativo.QED QED
Thus we kept on like true idealists, rejecting the evidence of our senses, until at a turn in the road we heard the crackling and actually felt the heat of the fire from over the wall, and realized, alas! that we were there.
Así, continuou como idealistas certos, rexeitando a evidencia dos nosos sentidos, ata nunha curva da estrada, escoitamos o crepitou e realmente sentín a calor do o lume de enriba do muro, e entender, por desgraza! que estabamos alí.QED QED
At other exhibits, he remembered how a flashlight that shone on a photoelectric cell created a crackling sound, and how the sound from a tuning fork became a wave on an oscilloscope.
Noutras exhibicións, lembraba como unha lámpada que iluminaba unha célula fotoeléctrica creaba un son renxente, e como o son dun diapasón convertíase nunha onda nun osciloscopio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Down he fell into the chasm, crackling down among trees, bushes, logs, loose stones, till he lay bruised and groaning thirty feet below.
Para abaixo, el caeu no abismo, torresmo para abaixo entre as árbores, arbustos, troncos, pedras soltas, ata que estaba ferido e xemendo por baixo de 30 pés.QED QED
A faint crackle was heard, and a wispy bluish flame appeared, producing an acrid smoke.
Oíuse un pequeno estalo e saíu unha lixeira labarada azul, producindo un fume acre.Literature Literature
At the time of Brahmanic sacrifices, in Hittite rituals and during festivals held by Semites and Greeks at the time of the new moon, salt was thrown into a fire where it produced crackling noises.
Nos sacrificios brahmánicos, nos rituais hititas e durante os festivais dos semitas e gregos nas datas de lúa nova é habitual lanzar sal ó lume, producindo un ruído de pequenos estalidos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I threw off an overcoat, took an armchair by the crackling logs, and awaited patiently the arrival of my hosts.
Tirei o abrigo, acomodeime nunha poltrona ao pé dos troncos crepitantes e agardei con paciencia polos meus anfitrións.Literature Literature
Literature – Presented to L. Ron Hubbard, ardent author of science fiction and founding father of Scientology, for his crackling Good Book, Dianetics, which is highly profitable to mankind, or to a portion thereof.
Literatura - L. Ron Hubbard, apaixonado autor de ciencia ficción e pai fundador da Ciencioloxía, polo seu libro Dianética, que é altamente beneficioso para a humanidade, ou para unha parte dela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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