disdainful oor Galisies


/dɪsˈdeɪn.fʌl/ adjektief
Showing contempt or scorn; having a pronounced lack of concern for others viewed as unworthy.

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de desprezo

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He only fights knights and nobles, and disdains facing the common warriors.
Só loita con cabaleiros e nobres, desdeñando enfrontarse con guerreiros comúns.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Disdaining what he believed to be the ignorance of the centuries preceding the era in which he lived, Petrarch is credited or charged with creating the concept of a historical "Dark Ages".
Desdeñando o que cría ser a ignorancia dos séculos que precederon o seu tempo, dise que Petrarca usou a expresión "Idade das Tebras" para referirse á Idade Media.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Soon after its introduction, the bottle became extremely popular with the soft drink and brewing industries mainly in Europe, Asia and Australasia, though some alcohol drinkers disdained the use of the bottle.
Despois da súa introdución, a botella fíxose extremadamente popular en Europa, Asia e Australia, así como os bebedores de alcol desdeñaban o seu uso.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Type 35C featured a Roots supercharger, despite Ettore Bugatti's disdain for forced induction.
O Tipo 35C contou cun compresor Roots, malia o desdén de Ettore Bugatti pola indución forzada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both in the Nature response and during a later episode of Quirks and Quarks, Benveniste especially complained about Stewart, who he claimed acted as if they were all frauds and treated them with disdain, complaining about his "typical know-it-all attitude".
Tanto na resposta de Nature coma nun episodio do programa radiofónico científico Quirks and Quarks, Benveniste queixouse especialmente de Stewart, do que afirmou que actuaba como se todos eles fosen uns fraudulentos e os trataba con desdén, queixándose da súa "típica actitude de sabelo todo".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This antifat bias has become so integral, so ingrained to how we value ourselves and each other that we rarely question why we have such contempt for people of size and where that disdain comes from.
Esta tendencia antigordura volveuse tan integral e arraigada con respecto a como nos valoramos a nós e aos demais que raramente nos cuestionamos a causa deste desprezo pola xente con sobrepeso e de onde procede este desdén.ted2019 ted2019
His most popular creation is the anarchic sailor Kuddel Daddeldu with his drunken antics and disdain for authority.
A súa creación máis coñecida é o mariñeiro anarquista Kuddel Daddeldu coas súas falcatruadas de borracho e desprezo pola autoridade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For most of his adult life, he was disdainful of cars, preferring to ride a bicycle.
Desdeñaba dos automóbiles e prefería montar en bicicleta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His disdain for the koala, evident in his description of the animal, was typical of the prevailing early 19th-century British attitude about the primitiveness and oddity of Australian fauna: "... the eye is placed like that of the Sloth, very close to the mouth and nose, which gives it a clumsy awkward appearance, and void of elegance in the combination ... they have little either in their character or appearance to interest the Naturalist or Philosopher.
O seu desdén polo coala é evidente na súa descrición do animal, algo habitual na actitude británica prevalente nos comezos do século XIX sobre a primitividade e rarezas da fauna australiana: "... o ollo sitúase ó igual que no Preguiceiro, moi preto da boca e do nariz, o que lle da unha estraña aparencia torpe, e baleira de elegancia na combinación ... teñen pouco no seu carácter e na súa aparencia como para ser do interese do Naturalista ou Filósofo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Just once, and that was enough for the whole family to condemn her,’ said Flora, full of disdain.
Unha vez, e iso foi suficiente para que toda a familia a condenase —dixo Flora chea de desprezo.Literature Literature
Contemporaries praised him for disdaining material wealth, sharing what he had with his friends, and refusing bribes.
Os seus contemporáneos encomiábano por desdeñar a riqueza material, compartindo o que tiña entre os seus amigos e rexeitando subornos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The eye which glints with so much scorn darts down to me so dire with threat, unmotherlike, and grins with doom behind your tongue's endearing notes which it disdains:
O ollo que brilla tan desdeñoso e con lampexo me ameaza, tan pouco maternal, ri, agoirento, do ton meloso da vosa lingua, que, aliás, despreza.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Delhi Sultanate in Northern India, Muhammad bin Tughluq, had a particular disdain for Hinduism, and the Deccan culture of the south.
O líder do sultanato de Delhi ó norte de India, Muhammad bin Tughluq, profesaba un desprezo particular polo hinduísmo e pola cultura Decán do sur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
cried the sailor, who did not disdain to celebrate his own triumph in this way.
—berrou o mariño que non se esqueceu de celebrar así o seu propio triunfo—.Literature Literature
But the Armenians viewed the 1921 Kavburo decision with disdain and felt that in their efforts they were correcting a historical error through the principle of self-determination, a right also granted in the constitution.
Os armenios vían con desdén a decisión de 1921, considerando á súa vez que os seus esforzos estaban destinados a corrixir un erro histórico baixo o principio da autodeterminación, un dereito así mesmo contemplado na Constitución soviética para as súas repúblicas conformantes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Why do those people guess so much and shave so little, and are so disdainful of hearing aids?
Por que estas persoas supoñen tanto e se barbean tan pouco, e son tan desdeñosos cos audiófonos?Literature Literature
It was looked upon with disdain by the mainstream press and the existing political parties, for the Congress openly attacked the political process as an illegitimate means of change and foreshadowed the future power of syndicalist trade unions such as the CNT.
Para o Congreso o ataque aberto ó proceso político era considerado como un medio lexítimo de cambio e presaxio para o futuro poder dos sindicatos como a CNT.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He disdained the policy of alliance with Persia that had come into favor under Lysander, and he stated that if the choice were his, he would seek peace with Athens.
Desdeñou a política de alianza con Persia que fora aprobada baixo Lisandro, e declarou que se a elección fose súa, buscaría a paz con Atenas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her hair was like curly silk and she had a delicate little nose which seemed to be disdaining things, and she had large laughing eyes.
O seu cabelo era crespo como a seda, e ela tiña un nariz delicado pouco que parecía ser desdeñando as cousas, e ela tiña grandes ollos rindo.QED QED
But finding an abundance of pigeons & popinnayes , they disdained any more to eat those great foules calling them Wallowbirds, that is to say lothsome or fulsome birdes.
Pero ó atopar unha grande abundancia de pombas e papagaios, desprezaron comer esas grandes aves chamándoas Wallowbirds, querendo dicir paxaros repugnantes ou excesivos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cuarón's disdain for back-story and exposition led him to use the concept of female infertility as a "metaphor for the fading sense of hope".
O desdén de Cuarón polos contextos e exposicións levouno a empregar o concepto de infertilidade feminina como unha "metáfora do sentido desaparecido da esperanza".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This elite disdained research done for money and felt that natural philosophy was for gentlemen, not tradesmen.
Esta elite desdeñaba as investigacións feitas por diñeiro e pensaba que a filosofía natural era apropiada para os cabaleiros, non para os comerciantes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An expression of profound disdain shone in the woman’s eyes, her mouth became as thin as a knife blade.
Un xesto de profundo desdén brillou nos ollos da muller, a súa boca afiouse como un coitelo.Literature Literature
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