drop area oor Galisies

drop area

An area in a PivotTable or PivotChart report where you can drop fields from the Field List dialog box to display the data in the field. The labels on each drop area indicate the types of fields you can create in the report.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Galisies

área de colocación

An area in a PivotTable or PivotChart report where you can drop fields from the Field List dialog box to display the data in the field. The labels on each drop area indicate the types of fields you can create in the report.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
By draining the area, the mosquito population dropped as did the frequency of the diseases they spread.
Fallou a decifraxe do asinante do certificado. Isto significa que podería mesmo non ter sido calculada, en contra de simplesmente non atopar o resultado agardadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In aircraft, active sonar is used in the form of disposable sonobuoys that are dropped in the aircraft's patrol area or in the vicinity of possible enemy sonar contacts.
Applet para ver as tarefas de impresión en espera e configurar novas impresorasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Evidence for this includes concentric ridges (moraines "dropped" by glaciers), a knobby area (caused by ice sublimating), and a smooth section that flows over other deposits (debris-covered glacial ice).
& ConfiguraciónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rain dropped by tropical systems is an important component of the area's annual precipitation and is vital for replenishing the water supply of communities around Tampa Bay.
Limpar ContidosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Work your way out of the spiral, digging to trap enemies just before you emerge from the tunnels. Proceed up to the top left. As you run right, drop into the zig-zag area before the enemy does, so as to get to the top side at the right. After collecting the gold, dig to trap enemies at the bottom, then exit at the top left
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The operation was a failure from the start due to intelligence gathered earlier by the local authorities about German operations in the area due to the defection of Abwehr agent Erich Vermehren earlier in February 1944, mismanagement of the parachute drop, and the cold reception their presence in the area encountered from local Palestinians.
Imaxe de referenciaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the 21st century, flying boats maintain a few niche uses, such as dropping water on forest fires, air transport around archipelagos, and access to undeveloped areas.
Escoller & todoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Carlos Sainz Jr. lost speed and retired on track due to an electrical failure, the race saw a brief Virtual Safety Car period on laps 33 and 34, after which the first drops of rain hit the circuit, initially hitting the area around the pit lane.
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Already, the percentage of forested area in the region surrounding the Three Gorges Dam has dropped from twenty percent in 1950 to less than ten percent as of 2002, negatively affecting all plant species in this locality.
URL non válidoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The mice have been reported to clear away their own faeces from areas they regularly inhabit or use, either by picking up the droppings in their mouths or pushing them along the ground with their snouts.
Interpreta a entrada como unha lista de campos separados por delimitadoresWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The run-off area is narrower than in other turns taken at this speed, and behind the protective barriers there is a 7–8 meter drop.
Recalcular a Folla de CálculoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is the filter to apply to the file list. File names that do not match the filter will not be shown. You may select from one of the preset filters in the drop down menu, or you may enter a custom filter directly into the text area. Wildcards such as * and? are allowed
Simulando a copia do CDKDE40.1 KDE40.1
This is the filter to apply to the file list. File names that do not match the filter will not be shown. You may select from one of the preset filters in the drop down menu, or you may enter a custom filter directly into the text area. Wildcards such as * and? are allowed
Configuración das coresKeywordsKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Resize: The size of the picture will be increased by creating new areas to the right and/or bottom (filled in with the background color) or decreased by cutting it at the right and/or bottom. Scale: The picture will be expanded by duplicating pixels or squashed by dropping pixels. Smooth Scale: This is the same as Scale except that it blends neighboring pixels to produce a smoother looking picture
Non hai nada seleccionadoKDE40.1 KDE40.1
14 sinne gevind in 22 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.