lecturer oor Galisies


A person who gives lectures, especially as a profession.

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At various times he was also director of the Royal Historical Society (1945–1955), president of the Royal Numismatic Society (1961–1966), Ford lecturer at Oxford (1956–1957), fellow of the Society of Antiquaries (from 1949) and a fellow of the British Academy (from 1958).
En diversos momentos foi tamén director da Real Sociedade Histórica (1945-1955), presidente da Real Sociedade Numismática (1961-1966), profesor externo na Universidade de Oxford (1956-1957), e membro da Sociedade de Anticuarios (a partir de 1949), da Academia Británica (a partir de 1958) e da Academia Medieval de América, entre outras institucións.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This crisis led him to apply to lecture on philosophy rather than mathematics.
Esta crise emocional levouno a solicitar dar clases de filosofía en vez de matemáticas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The library was expanded and the theatre can now host conferences and lectures, besides musical performances.
A biblioteca foi ampliada e agora o teatro pode recibir conferencias e charlas, ademais de presentacións musicais.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Following the publication of the book, Winnemucca toured the Eastern United States, giving lectures about her people in New England, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. She returned to the West, founding a private school for Native American children in Lovelock, Nevada.
Despois da publicación do libro, Winnemucca fixo unha xira polos Estados Unidos, ofrecendo lecturas sobre o seu pobo en Nova Inglaterra, Pennsylvania e Washington, D.C. Regresou ó Oeste, fundando unha escola privada para nenos nativos americanos en Lovelock, Nevada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Soon thereafter, he began to articulate his ideas on education in public lectures, culminating in a 1907 essay on The Education of the Child in which he described the major phases of child development which formed the foundation of his approach to education.
En 1907, escribiu un longo ensaio titulado A educación á luz da Ciencia Espiritual, onde describiu as fases principais do desenvolvemento do neno e suxeriu que serían as bases dun enfoque saludábel da educación.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A number of other works on the philosophy of history, religion, aesthetics and the history of philosophy were compiled from the lecture notes of his students and published posthumously.
Varias obras máis sobre a filosofía da historia, relixión estética e a historia da filosofía recompiláronse a partir dos apuntes dos seus estudantes e publicáronse de xeito póstumo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rudbeck no longer gave public lectures, and had others stand in for him.
Rudbeck, por exemplo, deixou de dar conferencias ao público, e permitía que outras persoas menos preparadas o fixesen por el.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There he attended the lectures of the engineer and geologist Alberto Carsi.
Alí asistíu ás ensinanzas de Alberto Carsi, enxeñeiro e xeólogo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And maybe we should spend less time at universities filling our students' minds with content by lecturing at them, and more time igniting their creativity, their imagination and their problem-solving skills by actually talking with them.
Talvez deberiamos investir menos tempo nas universidades a encher as mentes dos nosos estudantes con contido a través de leccións, e máis tempo a acender a súa creatividade, a súa imaxinación e as súas destrezas na resolución de problemas conversando, realmente, con eles.ted2019 ted2019
In these lectures Iqbal firmly rejects the political attitudes and conduct of Muslim politicians, whom he saw as morally misguided, attached to power and without any standing with Muslim masses.
Nestas conferencias Iqbal rexeita firmemente as actitudes políticas e a conduta dos líderes políticos musulmáns, aos que vía errados moralmente, suxeitos ao poder e arredados das masas musulmás.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Books and pamphlets What Every Mother Should Know – Originally published in 1911 or 1912, based on a series of articles Sanger published in 1911 in the New York Call, which were, in turn, based on a set of lectures Sanger gave to groups of Socialist party women in 1910–1911.
Libros e panfletos What Every Mother Should Know – Orixinalmente publicado en 1911 ou 1912, baseado nunha serie de artigos que Sanger publicou en 1911 no New York Call.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Another important academic event during this period was the invitation to deliver the Hibbert Lecture on the ideals of life which he delivered at Manchester College, Oxford in 1929 and which was subsequently published in book form as An Idealist View of Life.
Outro evento académico importante deste período foi a invitación para realizar a conferencia da Hibbert Lecture de 1929, sobre os ideais de vida, que deu no Harris Manchester College, en Oxford e que posteriormente publicou en forma de libro como An Idealist View of Live.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Between 1983 and 1985 he lectured in Spanish literature and translation at the University of Oxford.
Entre 1983 e 1985 impartiu clases de Literatura Española e Teoría da Tradución na Universidade de Oxford.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her reputation as a lecturer and her knowledge of teaching enabled her to write her first book, a textbook on basic chemistry.
A súa reputación como profesora e o seu coñecemento da ensinanza permitíronlle escribir o seu primeiro libro sobre fundamentos de química.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rutherford started his Spanish studies at Wadham College before going on to St Antony's College in 1969, although he had already started lecturing at Queen's College the previous year.
Desde a súa época de estudante universitario estivo vinculado á Universidade de Oxford: comezou os seus estudos de español no Wadham College, antes de ir, en 1969 ao Saint Anthony's College, aínda que xa empezara ditando un relatorio no Queen's College o ano anterior.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many of the tickets for these lectures were given to Faraday by William Dance, who was one of the founders of the Royal Philharmonic Society.
A miúdo, as entradas para estas conferencias eranlle proporcionadas a Faraday por William Dance (un dos fundadores da Royal Philharmonic Society).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Karl Ludwig Blum mentioned that there were traveling masters, who gave lectures to noblemen in the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
Mesmo Karl Ludwig Blum comenta que houbo mestres que deron leccións á nobreza no Gran Ducado de Moscova.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sarah Remond's older brother Charles Lenox Remond was the first black lecturer of the American Anti-Slavery Society's and considered a leading black abolitionist.
O seu irmán maior Charles Lenox Remond era o primeiro conferenciante negro da Sociedade Antiescravista Estadounidense e un destacado abolicionista negro.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Furthermore, the woman received only a "titular" degree, simply put, she wasn't awarded a degree, despite attending the lectures with men, taking the same practical courses and passing the same exams as the men.
Ademais, as mulleres recibían só o chamado grao "titular", é dicir, non se lles outorgaba o grao, a pesar de que asistían ás mesmas clases que os homes e realizaban os mesmos cursos prácticos e os mesmos exames ca eles.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hegel published The Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline (1817) as a summary of his philosophy for students attending his lectures at Heidelberg.
Hegel publicou en 1817 Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse (Enciclopedia das ciencias filosóficas) como sumario da súa filosofía para os estudantes que acoden ás súas conferencias en Heidelberg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the Cratylus, Socrates jokes that if he could have afforded the fifty drachma lectures he would now be an expert on "the correctness of names."
No Cratilo, Sócrates di que se se puidese ter permitido o curso de cincuenta dracmas sería un experto na "corrección dos nomes".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She is a lecturer of Biology at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where she has been teaching Environmental and Science Education since 1988.
É profesora da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, onde ensina Didáctica das Ciencias Experimentais e Educación Ambiental, dende 1988.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fraser was born in Glasgow, the daughter of Rose, a college lecturer and nurse, and Alister Fraser, a screenwriter and businessman.
Fraser é a filla de Rose, unha profesora universitaria e enfermeira, e Alister Fraser, un guionista que tamén traballou en empresas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For three years he was experimental assistant to Alfred Donné (1801–1878) in his course of lectures on microscopic anatomy.
Durante tres anos foi asistente experimental de Alfred Donné (1801-1878) no seu ciclo de palestras sobre anatomía microscópica.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Nazi anti-tobacco campaign included banning smoking in trams, buses, and city trains, promoting health education, limiting cigarette rations in the Wehrmacht, organizing medical lectures for soldiers, and raising the tobacco tax.
A campaña antitabaco dos nazis consistiu en prohibir fumar nos tranvías, autobuses e trens urbanos, promover a educación saudable, limitar as racións de cigarros na Wehrmacht, organizar clases médicas para os soldados e incrementar os impostos sobre o tabaco.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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