turboprop oor Galisies


A type of gas turbine aircraft engine that drives and obtains essentially all thrust from an external (typically unducted) propeller.

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turbine engine which powers an aircraft propeller using a reduction gear

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Due to the high price of turboprop engines, they are mostly used where high-performance short-takeoff and landing (STOL) capability and efficiency at modest flight speeds are required.
Debido ao alto prezo dos motores turbohélice son principalmente usados cando se precisa eficiencia en velocidades de voo modestas e unha boa actuación en capacidades de aterraxes e engalaxes curtas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Turbomeca Astazou is a highly successful series of turboprop and turboshaft engines, first run in 1957.
A Turbomeca Astazou é unha exitosa serie de motores turbohélice e turboeixo encendida por primeira vez en 1957.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The An-14's successor, the An-28 with turboprop engines, is still manufactured at PZL Mielec factories in Poland, under the names PZL M28 Skytruck and PZL M28B Bryza.
O sucesor do An-14, o Antonov An-28 equipado con motores turbohélice, aínda segue producíndose nas fabricas de PZL Mielec en Polonia, baixo os nomes PZL M28 Skytruck e PZL M28B Bryza.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1948, the Douglas C-54 Skymaster was introduced on those routes, and in 1957 two new Vickers 759 Viscounts were acquired, the first turboprop airliners to be operated by an Icelandic airline.
En 1948 introduciron o Douglas C-54 Skymaster para esas rutas, e en 1957 mercaron dous Vickers 759 Viscount, os primeiros turbohélices en ser operados por unha aeroliña islandesa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The 2000 was the first commercial aircraft to use the 4,591shp Rolls-Royce AE 2100 turboprop engines (then built by Allison), driving slow turning six-bladed Dowty Rotol propellers.
O 2000 foi o primeiro avión comercial en usar os motores Rolls-Royce AE 2100 (entón fabricados por Allison).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is essentially a turboprop-powered development of the An-2, designed to upgrade or replace it.
É esencialmente un turbopropulsor desenvolvido a partir do Antonov An-2 para a súa actualización ou substitución.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Douglas' previous thinking about the airliner market seemed to be coming true; the transition to turbine power looked likely to be to turboprops rather than turbojets.
Nese momento, o pensamento previo de Douglas sobre o mercado dos avións comerciais parecía facerse realidade; a transición das turbinas parecía que ía cara ás turbohélices en vez de cara aos turborreactores.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The An-28 is similar to the An-14 in many aspects, including its wing structure and twin rudders, but features an expanded fuselage and turboprop engines, in place of the An-14's piston engines.
O An-28 é semellante ao An-14 en moitos aspectos, coo a estrutura da á e as dúas derivas, pero ten unha fuselaxe máis grande e motores turbohélice en lugar dos motores de pistón do An-14.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
2011 to 2015, Avies operated the line with a 19-seater Jetstream 32 turboprop aircraft.
De 2011 ata 2015 Avies operou esa liña con avións turbohélice Jetstream 32, con capacidade para 19 pasaxeiros.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The most common application of turboprop engines in civilian aviation is in small commuter aircraft, where their greater power and reliability offsets their higher initial cost and fuel consumption.
A aplicación máis común destes motores en aviación civil é en pequenos avións rexionais, onde a súa maior fiabilidade compensan o seu alto custo inicial.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Dart and Tyne turboprop engines were particularly important, enabling airlines to cut times for shorter journeys whilst jet airliners were introduced on longer services.
Os motores turbohélice Dart e Tyne eran particularmente importantes, permitindo ás compañías aéreas baixar os tempos nas viaxes máis curtas, mentres que os jets introducíronse nos servizos máis longos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By August 1977 RAS had started regional services from Sainte-Marie to Mayotte with a 32-seat Hawker Siddeley HS 748 turboprop.
Cara agosto de 1977 RAS iniciou servizos rexionais dende Sainte-Marie ata Mayotte cun Hawker Siddeley HS 748 de 32 asentos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Antonov An-28 (NATO reporting name Cash) is a twin-engined light turboprop transport aircraft, developed from the Antonov An-14M.
O Antonov An-28 (designación da OTAN: Cash) é un bimotor turbohélice lixeiro desenvolvido a partir do Antonov An-14M.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Vickers Viscount and Lockheed L-188 Electra inaugurated turboprop transport.
Os Vickers Viscount e Lockheed L-188 Electra inauguraron o transporte de turbohélices.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Following the company convention for naming gas turbine engines after rivers, this turboprop design was named after the River Dart.
Segundo a convención da compañía de bautizar os seus motores de turbinas con nomes de ríos, o deseño deste turbohélice recibe o seu nome do río Dart, en Devon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beginning with the successful contract bid in June 1946, the B-52 design evolved from a straight wing aircraft powered by six turboprop engines to the final prototype YB-52 with eight turbojet engines and swept wings.
A partir da obtención do contrato o 5 de xuño de 1946, o B-52 pasou por varias etapas de deseño; dende o primeiro prototipo de á recta propulsado por seis motores turbohélice ata o prototipo final YB-52, de á en frecha e propulsado por oito turborreactores.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At medium speeds, where the propeller is no longer efficient, turboprops have been replaced by turbofans.
A velocidades medias, cando a hélice xa non é eficiente, os turbohélices foron substituídos por turboventiladors.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beginning in September 1959, KLM introduced the four-engine turboprop Lockheed L-188 Electra onto some of its European and Middle Eastern routes.
En setembro de 1959 KLM incorporou o tamén catrimotor turbohélice Lockheed L-188 Electra nalgunhas das súas rutas en Europa e Oriente Medio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Airbus A400M is powered by four Europrop TP400 engines, which are the second most powerful turboprop engines ever produced, after the eleven megawatt-output Kuznetsov NK-12.
O Airbus A400M está impulsado por catro motores Europrop TP400, que son os terceiros turbohélices máis potentes fabricados, despois dos Kuznetsov NK-12 e os Progress D-27.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Turbojets have been replaced in slower aircraft by turboprops because they have better specific fuel consumption.
Os turborreactores foron substituídos nos avións máis lentos por turbohélices debido a que estes teñen un mellor consumo de combustible.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Canadair CL-44 was a Canadian turboprop airliner and cargo aircraft based on the Bristol Britannia that was developed and produced by Canadair in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
O Canadair CL-44 foi un avión de pasaxeiros e carga turbohélice canadense baseado no Bristol Britannia e desenvolvido por Canadair entre finais dos anos 50 e principios dos 60.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Saab 340 is a Swedish twin-engine turboprop aircraft designed and initially produced by a partnership between Saab AB and Fairchild Aircraft in a 65:35 ratio.
O Saab 340 é un avión bimotor turbohélice deseñado e producido nun principio por un consorcio entre Saab e Fairchild.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It began operations in 1985 flying a 15-seat Embraer Bandeirante turboprop aircraft between Waterford and Gatwick Airport with the aim of breaking the duopoly on London-Ireland flights at that time held by British Airways and Aer Lingus.
A aeroliña comezou a operar cun Embraer EMB 110 Bandeirante de 14 asentos, voando entre Waterford e o aeroporto de Gatwick co obxectivo de romper o duopolio dos voos entre Irlanda e Londres, que nese momento estaban operados por British Airways e Aer Lingus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
British Aerospace marketed the aircraft as a quiet, low-consumption, turbofan aircraft, which would be effective at replacing the previous generation of turboprop-powered feeder aircraft.
British Aerospace comercializou o avión como un aparello silencioso e de baixo consumo que sería efectivo substituíndo á anterior xeración de turbohélices.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Consequently, in 1968, production switched to the Skyvan Series 3 aircraft, which replaced the Astazou engines with Garrett AiResearch TPE331 turboprops of 715eshp.
A produción pasou en 1968 ao Skyvan Series 3, que substituía o motor Astazous por Garrett AiResearch TPE331.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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