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/tjɜː(ɹ)ˈɪn/ eienaam, naamwoord
Province of Piedmont, Italy.

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Turín - Torino

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Levi died on 11 April 1987 after a fall from the interior landing of his third-story apartment in Turin to the ground floor below.
Levi morreu o 11 de abril de 1987, despois de caer no oco da escaleira interior do edificio de tres andares onde vivía.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despite the fact that the depression of 1929 had brought many Turin carmakers to their knees, Giovanni Bertone's shrewd management allowed the company to carry on creating cars with great appeal.
A pesar do feito de que a depresión de 1929 levara a moitos fabricantes de automóbiles de Turín case a quebra, a astuta xestión de Giovanni Bertone permitiu á compañía seguir creando coches con grande atractivo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From 1920 to 1924, he taught in Turin, and he was the head of the zoological institute of the University of Florence from 1940 to 1962.
Dende 1920 a 1924, ensinou en Turín, e foi xefe do instituto zoolóxico da Universidade de Florencia dende 1940 até 1962.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His son, Carlo Dusio continued to run a refinanced Cisitalia company in Turin (1948–1964).
O seu fillo, Carlo Dusio, continuou dirixindo a refinanciada compañía Cisitalia Torino (1948-1964).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1982 the two-litre 208 was succeeded by a turbocharged and fuel injected version, the 208 GTS turbo unveiled at the Turin Motor Show.
En 1982 os 208 dous litros foi sucedido por unha versión turbo e con combustible inxectado, o 208 GTS Turbo presentado no Salón de Turín. foi o primeiro coche Ferrari turbo de estrada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despite this precarious social position, Occitan was one of the official languages of the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics.
Cabe mencionar que, pese á súa precaria posición social, o occitano foi unha das linguas oficiais dos Xogos Olímpicos de Turín.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Itala was a car manufacturer based in Turin, Italy from 1904-1934, started by Matteo Ceirano and five partners in 1903.
Itala Fabbrica Automobili foi un fabricante de automóbiles con sede en Turín, Italia, de 1904-1934, fundada por Matteo Ceirano e cinco socios en 1903.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 3 January at 11.00 CET, the first RAI television announcer presented the day's schedule, which was broadcast from the service's Milan headquarters and relay stations in Turin and Rome.
O 3 de xaneiro de 1954 as 11:00, a primeira grella de televisión foi emitida desde a oficina de Milán e desde as subsés de Turín e Roma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gianni Lancia was born on 24 November 1924 in Turin.
Gianni Lancia naceu o 24 de novembro de 1924 en Turín.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It inspired imitators in Spain and abroad, such as the French work Proverbiorum Vulgarium Libri Tres (1531) and the Italian Opera quale contiene le Dieci Tavole de proverbi (Turin, 1535).
Os más abundantes entre os refráns estranxeiros son os portugueses e italianos; para os franceses inspiraríase na obra de Caroli Bovili, Proverbiorum Vulgarium Libri Tres (1531) e para os italianos, na anónima Opera quale contiene le Dieci Tavole de proverbi (Torino, 1535).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The next year, the University of Turin also granted him his full professorship.
Ao seguinte ano, a Universidade de Turín tamén lle outorgou un posto de profesor titular.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Well, I say nothing, but actually there is one teeny weeny little research unit in Turin, Italy called the Hackers Profiling Project.
Bueno, digo nada, pero en realidade hai unha diminuta unidade de investigación en Turín, Italia chamada Proxecto de Perfís de Hackers.QED QED
Also in 1908, Peano took over the chair of higher analysis at Turin (this appointment was to last for only two years).
Tamén en 1908 tomou a cátedra de análise superior en Turín (este nomeamento só durou dous anos).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Stratos Zero, which was presented at the 1970 Turin Motor Show, evoked a timeless blend of architecture, sculpture and industrial design.
O Stratos Zero, presentado no Salón do Automóbil de Turín en 1970, evocou unha mestura intemporal de arquitectura, escultura e deseño industrial.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The second season consisted of a European Cup and a separate Grand Prix in the city center of Turin.
A segunda tempada consistiu nunha Copa de Europa e un gran premio separado no centro da cidade de Turín.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Three D46's topped the local Coppa Brezzi (held with the 1946 Turin Grand Prix), Dusio taking 1st.
Tres D46 encabezaron a local Coppa Brezzi (calebrada co Gran Premio de Turín de 1946, Dusio terminou 1o.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 11 February 2006, he won the silver medal in the 5000 m at the 2006 Winter Olympic in Turin.
O 11 de febreiro de 2006, gañou a medalla de prata nos 5000 m. nos Xogos Olímpicos de Inverno de 2006 en Turín.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Capturing the attention of public and experts alike at the 1992 Turin Motor Show was the aggressively futuristic Blitz barchetta, a showcar which featured an electric engine and avant-garde construction solutions.
Capturando a atención de público e expertos por igual no Motor Show de Turín de 1992, foi o agresivamente futurista Blitz barchetta, un showcar que contaba cun motor eléctrico e solucións de construción vangardistas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After finishing second in the first European Championships at Turin in the 5000 m in 1934, Kusociński decided to retire from athletics, but made a comeback in 1939 by winning the 10 000 m at the Polish National Championships.
Despois de rematar segundo nos primeiros Campionatos de Atletismo de Europa en Turín nos 5.000 m, Kusociński decidiu retirarse do atletismo, aínda que volveu en 1939 gañando os 10.000 m nos Campionatos Nacionais de Polonia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He saw his first cars in Turin and Milan.
Viu os seus primeiros coches en Turín e Milan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A mutual meeting halfway between Maranello and Turin was the negotiated solution.
Un encontro mutuo a medio camiño entre Maranello e Turín foi a solución negociada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Turin hosts the headquarter of the Intesa Sanpaolo banking group, the second largest banking group in Italy measured by market capitalization.
A cidade tamén acolle ó grupo bancario Intesa Sanpaolo, considerado o segundo do país en termos de capitalización bolsista.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rotarit (or Rotharit) (died Turin, 702) was a Lombard duke, the last Duke of Bergamo.
Rotarit ou Rotharit, finado en Turín en 702, foi un duque longobardo, último duque de Bérgamo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Opposing him was the Duke of Turin Raginpert, the son of Godepert and therefore an exponent of the ruling Bavarian dynasty.
Opostos eran o duque de Turín Raghinperto, fillo de Godeperto e, xa que logo, tamén el un expoñente da dinastía bávara reinante.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Turin on 2 August 1985, West Germany, the UK and Italy agreed to go ahead with the Eurofighter, and confirmed that France, along with Spain, had chosen not to proceed as a member of the project.
O 2 de agosto de 1985 estes tres países accederon en Turín a seguir adiante co Eurofighter, e confirmouse Francia e España elixiran non seguir como membros do proxecto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
54 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.