environmental management oor Hindi

environmental management

Measures and controls which are directed at environmental conservation, the rational and sustainable allocation and utilization of natural resources, the optimization of interrelations between society and the environment, and the improvement of human welfare for present and future generations. (Source: UNUN)

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environmental resource management
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An environmental management standard or system or protocol attempts to reduce environmental impact as measured by some objective criteria.
इस प्रकार के सभी मंदिर जो बिना छत वाले तथा खुली हवा वाले थे , छतविहीन मंदिरों की श्रेणी में आते हैं .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
o Supporting the development and expansion of policy and measures, including innovative instruments and financing mechanisms for environmental management, to promote sustainable patterns of consumption and production.
टीसीपी/आईपी पताmea.gov.in mea.gov.in
These measures include early case detection and prompt treatment, vector control, community participation, environmental management and source reduction methods, and an effective monitoring and evaluation infrastructure on the ground.
सर्वर इंटरेक्शन के इंतजार में टाइम आउटmea.gov.in mea.gov.in
It recognizes that the environmental management cannot be treated separately from other development concerns and that the poor are seen not as a problem but as a part of the solution.
इंगलैंड और वेल्स में साल से छोटी उम्र वाले युवाओं के मामले आम तौर पर जुवेनाइल कोर्ट बच्चों की अदालत व्दारा निबटाए जातेmea.gov.in mea.gov.in
We need a holistic approach, which looks at creation of infrastructure, generation of economic activity, development of local capacity and Industry and issues such as energy availability and environmental management in a coherent manner.
फ़्लोटिंग पाइंट मूल्य, इसे शून्य से अधिक होना चाहिएmea.gov.in mea.gov.in
Environmental resource management can be viewed from a variety of perspectives.
स्थानीय स्तर पर जवाबदेही प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए कारगुजारी के मापदंड विकसित करना .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
CONSIDERING ALSO that ISRO has developed and operationalised a series of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) for natural resources and environmental management, and the data from these satellites are operationally received over many earth stations around the world;
एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार यूरोपीय संघ ने फिलीस्तीनियों को इस वर्ष 2.5 विलियन डालर की आर्थिक सहायता दी है .mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
In advance of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, the authorities are pushing for a regionally integrated plan to balance economic growth with environmental management, including the greening of manufacturing processes and the elimination of “excess capacity” in energy production.
यही वजह है कि अभी तक किसी ने ' ' निजी कार्य ' ' और ' ' पारिवारिक जिमेदारी ' ' जैसे मामूली बहानों पर छुट्टीं लेने वालं के प्रस्ताव पर आपैत्त नहीं जाहिर की है .ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
31. Promote cooperation in environmental management and climate change, including exploring cooperation to support the implementation of relevant strategic measures as outlined in the ASCC Blueprint 2025, priorities of the ASEAN Senior Officials on Environment (ASOEN), and the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change (AWGCC) Work Plan 2016-2025.
उसे विरासत में खाली खजाना मिल है तथा अर्थव्यवस्था मंदी के दौर में है .mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
In 2003, malaria control was integrated with other vector borne diseases under the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) as all such diseases share common control strategies such as chemical controls (e.g. indoor residual spraying), environmental management, biological control (e.g. larvivorous fish), and personal protection strategies (e.g. insecticide treated bed-nets).
नहीं चल रहा हैworldbank.org worldbank.org
The ISO 14001 standard is the most widely used standard for environmental risk management and is closely aligned to the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).
इसलिए यदि आपका बच्चा अचानक अपनी ही मर्जी का मालिक हो जाए या खोया - खोया रहे तो झट - पट कोई निष्कर्ष मत निकालिए .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Recognising that rapid economic development, while contributing to sustainable development and poverty eradication in the region, poses new challenges in dealing with greater energy consumption, regional and global energy security concerns; and that growing urbanisation increases the need for environmental management, given the projected doubling of Asia's 1.7 billion urban population between 2000 and 2030;
11 सितंबर की घटना के ग्रुप लीडर मोहम्मद अट्टा विमान में चढते समय अपने सूटकेस में कुरान साथ लेकर चढा था .mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
* Another important dimension is to look at increasing the sustainability of maritime transportation through creating an economically vibrant catchment area, i.e. looking to integrate SEZs, availability of energy, ICT etc. on the one hand and, on the other, creating clusters of economic activity to strengthen, for instance, the regional food basket, local industry, capacity development and employment, and promote tourism and environmental management.
अब तक सभी विरोधाभासों का समाधान नहीं किया गया है. फ़ाइल सहेजा नहीं गयाmea.gov.in mea.gov.in
They will also strengthen co-operation in other areas such as the environmentally sound management of waste, including in the preparation of the 9th Conference of the Basel Convention on hazardous waste.
जब अरब इजरायली यहूदियों से अधिक इरानी इस्लामवादियों से चिंतित है तो यह अपने आप में एक अवसर है .mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
* In the past, India has received official visits by nine Special Rapporteurs since the year 2000 on different themes such as right to food, environmentally sound management/ disposal of hazardous substances and wastes; violence against women.
प्रश्न :mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
Yet another challenge before us is to reduce and manage adverse environmental impact of enhanced production and consumption of oil & gas.
समय समय पर यह देखने के लिये कि सिस्टम काम कर रहा है .mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
The Environmental Monitoring System and Disaster Management modules will give real time information to Citizens and Government.
अभी तक चली आ रही सीमित और विभाजित भावना की बजाय , छोटी , मध्यम तथा बडी इकाइयों के लिए एक समन्वित तथा सुगठित भावना पर भी इसमें जोर दिया गया है .pmindia pmindia
Revenue from park-entrance fees and similar sources can be utilised specifically to pay for the protection and management of environmentally sensitive areas.
स्कूल के गवर्नरों को यह बात यकीनी बनानी पडती है कि स्टेटमैंट में रेखांकित की गई जरुरतमंद विशेष मदद आप के बच्चे को प्राप्त हो .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Similar innovations are helping India fight environmental challenges and air pollution, manage industrial effluents, and seek alternate energy sources.
उल्लास का माडल अब्बास के तर्क के विपरीत है .mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
The rising external security concerns together with the cost of managing the environmental concerns on global warming are making huge impact on the country’s energy security.
वर्तमान समय दिखाएँmea.gov.in mea.gov.in
o Encouraging environmentally sustainable planning and management of the region's forests, while strengthening forest law enforcement and governance to combat illegal logging and other harmful practices;
11 सितंबर की घटना के संदिग्ध आरोपी अल कायदा के आरोपी फ्लोरिडा के रहने वाले सउदी मूल के अदनान गुलशेर एलशुकी जुमाह के परिजनों की भावना मियामी हेरल्ड ने कुछ यूं व्यक्त की "mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
v) Environmental and Forest monitoring and data management;
पहला सीधा -सादा ढंग जिससे हरेक पुस्तक पढी जाती है .pmindia pmindia
This will be done within the broader framework for capacity building in the state including the strengthening of planning, financial management and environmental and social protection systems, and audit activities.
अपने भोजन का आनंद लें .worldbank.org worldbank.org
The Program will help HP adopt a river-basin approach in the assessment and management of the environmental risks associated with large-scale hydropower development.
ब्रिटेन में आतंक की पीठ पर सवारी ऐतिहासिक परिपेक्ष्य में जिहाद कुरान का अध्ययनworldbank.org worldbank.org
* A far greater challenge, however, for you would be how you manage Climate Change and the environmental stress.
देवता के धातु से बने चेहरे आदि की सफाई की जाति है .mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
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