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However, as opposed to whirling disease, the Henneguya infestation does not appear to cause disease in the host salmon — even heavily infected fish tend to return to spawn successfully.
गीत सूची से मिटाएँWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
DDT has saved many lives by killing mosquitoes that carry malaria and other diseases . But , when DDT accumulates in the bodies of fish , birds , and other wildlife , it acts as a pollutant .
अगले वर्ष निर्यात पहले वर्ष के स्तर ( 27लाख ) तक बना रहा लेकिन सन् 1953 - 54 में 19 लाख टन तक घट गया .en-hi en-hi
Dr. S.D. Singh, Former ADG (Inland Fisheries), ICAR, New Delhi, Guest of honour applauded the institute's initiative taken towards fish disease surveillance in networking mode across the countryand developing the institute as centre of excellence in the field of fish genomic resource documentation and conservation.
प्रत्येक बार , छिडकाव के लिए घोल में एक चिपचिपे घोल का उपयोग करें .Samanantar Samanantar
It requested India to assist in incubation methods and breeding of fresh water fish, fish disease prophylactic treatment, primary processing and storage of fish and fish products, creation of electronic data base for the pastures, monitoring, assessment and conducting of remote sensing of mountainous pastures including geo-information system.
भराष्ट्रीय कंपनियां भारतीय शेयर बाजारों से दूर रहने के लिए सूची से हटने का ही विकल्प नहीं अपना रहीं .Samanantar Samanantar
The oceans can also provide natural drugs to treat disease. For centuries, fish extracts have been used as medicine.
मेथी के सिरों के झुलसने के पीछे के कारण का पता करके ही उपचारों का उपयोग करें .Samanantar Samanantar
In 2003, malaria control was integrated with other vector borne diseases under the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) as all such diseases share common control strategies such as chemical controls (e.g. indoor residual spraying), environmental management, biological control (e.g. larvivorous fish), and personal protection strategies (e.g. insecticide treated bed-nets).
डेविड केन ने अनेक कंपनियों और संगठनों के आर्थिक स्रोतों की जांच करते समय शपथ पत्र के द्वारा उन तरीकों का वर्णन किया था जिससे संदिग्ध आतंकवादी संगठनों को आर्थिक सहायता उपलब्ध कराई जाती है
Beans, other low - fat sources of protein and certain types of fish also can reduce risk of heart disease.
ड्राईविंग लाइसंस वाले युवा लोगों को नौकरी लेने के अवसर ऐसे लोगों से दुगने मिलते हैं जिन के पास ड्राईविंग लाइसंस नही है .Samanantar Samanantar
ICAR advisories to farmers on fish/shrimp farming NEED TO BE VIGILANT AGAINST DISEASES
आसान-पहुँच रंग योजनाSamanantar Samanantar
There are five critical times during the day where washing hands with soap is important to reduce fecal-oral transmission of disease: after using the bathroom (urination, defecation), after cleaning a child's bottom (changing nappies), before feeding a child, before eating and before/after preparing food or handling raw meat, fish, or poultry.
आदत छोडने तक सिगरेट की राख एवं अधजली सिगरेट उचित प्रकार से फेंकें .Tico19 Tico19
Fishes are vulnerable to emerging climate-related diseases, particularly since their ecosystems are so fragile and water is an effective disease carrier.
इनसे यह भी पता चलता है कि विभिन्न धर्मों तथा मतो के मंदिरों की बनावट , उनकी योजना तथा संरचना लगभग एक जैसी ही थी .Samanantar Samanantar
The scheme will also focus on several new activities and areas such as Traceability, Certification and Accreditation, Aquaculture in saline/alkaline areas, Genetic improvement programmes and Nucleus Breeding Centres, Fisheries and Aquaculture start-ups, promotional activities for fish consumption, branding, GI in fish, Integrated Aqua parks, Integrated coastal fishing villages development, State-of-art wholesale fish markets, Aquatic Referral Laboratories, Aquaculture Extension Services, Biofloc, support for new/upgradation of fishing boats, disease diagnostic and quality testing labs, Organic Aquaculture Promotion and Certification and Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ) devices
इस साल इसका पहल बैच निकलेगा .Samanantar Samanantar
Prime Minister will also announce the establishment of Fish Brood Bank at Sitamarhi, and Aquatic Disease Referral Laboratory at Kishanganj, in Bihar for which assistance has been provided under PMMSY.
दो भाइयो की एक पत्नी होती है . कहीं कहीं दो से अधिक पति भी मिलते है .Samanantar Samanantar
Prime Minister will announce the establishment of Fish Brood Bank at Sitamarhi, and of Aquatic Disease Referral Laboratory at Kishanganj, for which assistance has been provided under PMMSY .These facilities will help in enhancing production and productivity of fish by ensuring timely availability of quality and affordable fish seed for the fish farmers and address the need for disease diagnosis as well as water and soil testing facilities.
संबंधित उत्पादन के लिए क्षमता के और अधिक बेहतर उपयोग के लिए कदम उठाने पर भी विचार किया गया .Samanantar Samanantar
However, as opposed to whirling disease, the Henneguya infestation does not appear to cause disease in the host salmoneven heavily infected fish tend to return to spawn successfully.
इस दुकान में प्रयोगवादी काम और टसर सिल्क पर पारंपरिक कलमकारी डिजाइन , गुजराती आरी काम वाली कांजीवरम , सूती साडियों पर असली जरी वाली खूबसूरत बंगाली जमदानी , पतली क्रेप पर पश्मीना - जामावार के बॉर्डर , आदि देश की 30 विभिन्न जगहों के बुनकरों की साडियां मिलती हैं .Samanantar Samanantar
However, as opposed to whirling disease, the Henneguya infestation does not appear to cause disease in the host salmoneven heavily infected fish tend to return to spawn successfully.
एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी की माने तो ऐसे मामलों को बडी सावधानी से चलता कर दिया जाता है .Samanantar Samanantar
All those who ate fish from this bay got a terrible illness now popularly known as the 'Minamata disease'.
माफ करें, फ़ॉन्ट का नाम बदला नहीं जा सकताSamanantar Samanantar
Fatty fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation and lower risk of heart disease.
अपने देश में सर्वसत्ता सम्पन्न सम्राट होने की बजह से वह नहीं चाहता था कि उसका अधिनस्थ व्यक्ति जननायक हो जाय .Samanantar Samanantar
Fatty fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation and lower risk of heart disease.
वादियों ने अमेरिका के टेररिज्म रिस्क इन्सयुरेन्स एक्ट 2002 के अल्प ज्ञात सेक्शन 2010 के प्रावधानो के तहत अमेरिकी में ईरान की सम्पत्ति को जब्त करने का आग्रह किया .Samanantar Samanantar
The infrastructure facilities to be funded under the FIDF will broadly cover development of fishing harbours/ fish landing centres, fish seed farms, fish feed mills/plants, cage culture in reservoirs, mariculture activities, introduction of deep sea fishing vessels, setting up of disease diagnostic and aquatic quarantine facilities, creation of cold chain infrastructure facilities such as ice plants, cold storage, fish transport facilities, fish processing units, fish markets etc.
अन्य तीन सर्वथा अशुभ हैं जैसे शनि , मंगल और सूर्य जो ? क्रूर ग्रह ? कहलाते हैं .Samanantar Samanantar
However, as opposed to whirling disease, the Henneguya infestation does not appear to cause disease in the host salmon even heavily infected fish tend to return to spawn successfully.
अवैध दस्तावेज़ स्ट्रक्चर (मुख्य डिरेक्ट्री गुम हैSamanantar Samanantar
Fish oil is among the most common natural supplement for treatment of hypertriglyceridemia or prevention of cardiovascular disease.
चंडीगढे के पीजीआइएमईआर के 1995 में कराए गए अध्ययन - जिस पर वहां फिर काम हो रहा है - से भी यही प्रतिशत निकल है .Samanantar Samanantar
Fish oil is among the most common natural supplement for treatment of hypertriglyceridemia or prevention of cardiovascular disease.
मुशर्रफ ने अमेरिका के यहूदियों की प्रशंसा करते हुए टिप्पणी की कि "Samanantar Samanantar
They claim that pollution caused by the companys mining activities has caused serious illnesses and other health problems, including skin disease, tumors, birth defects, and a decline in fish stocks, a staple food.
राह में होंगे रोडै मणिपुर में ओकरम इबोबी सिंह को सत्ता सौंपी गई .Samanantar Samanantar
Fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega-3, which may lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and support anti-inflammatory immune functions.
आधुनिक काल के ( नव्य ) कवि और साहित्यकार पुराने कन्नड साहित्य के प्रति बहुत सहानुभूतिशील नहीं है , इफर भी वे वचन साहित्य को गंभीरता से लेते हैं और प्रयासपूर्वक उसका अध्ययन करते हैं .Samanantar Samanantar
DDT has saved many lives by killing mosquitoes that carry malaria and other diseases. But, when DDT accumulates in the bodies of fish, birds, and other wildlife, it acts as a pollutant.
इंडियन अल्मुमिनियम कंपनी अलवे ने जिसको इस उद्योग के चलाने का श्रेय प्राप्त है , अपना बाक्साइट का भाग बिहार की खानों से प्राप्त किया .Samanantar Samanantar
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