honeydew oor Hindi


adjektief, naamwoord
A sweet sticky substance deposited on leaves by insects.

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The ants care for them protect them from their natural enemies and transport them to their feeding grounds and in return for all these troubles enjoy the honeydew , which they obtain by stroking the aphids with their antannae .
यहां यह भी उल्लेखनीय है कि स्पंज बनाने के लिए गैस के प्रयोग का कोई औचित्य नहीं है . क्योंकि गैस के और अधिक अच्छे उपयोग हो सकते हैं जैसे कि फर्टिलाइजर तथा ऊर्जा उत्पादन में .en-hi en-hi
The various insects found in ant colonies are called myrmeco - philes of which we know : i . symbiotes like membracid , fulgorid , coccid , psyllid and aphid bugs , caterpillars of lycaenid butterflies , all of which depend on ants for shelter and protection and in return reward ants with sugary secretions ( honeydew ) ; ii . mess - mates or unwelcome guests like staphylind beetles , which rob the ants of their food , hiding in the ant nest and generally ignored by ants as petty thieves or often also tolerated as unavoidable evils .
लेकिन यह इच्छानुरूप काबू नहीं हो पाया .en-hi en-hi
They secrete copious honeydew , to which ants are attracted : the ants guard and protect the cowbugs and milk them regularly for the sweet secretion .
वे सभी एक ही दिशा में नहीं बढे रहे ; हरभजन सिंह को इंग्लौंड के खिलफ शृंखल जीतने से पहले अचानक टीम से हटाने का फैसल इसका ताजा नमूना है .en-hi en-hi
They are always attended by a large number of ants , which regularly milk them for the sweet honeydew they secrete .
45 को घोलकर उसका पन्द्रह दिनों में एक बार छिडकाव करें .en-hi en-hi
The manna mentioned in the Bible , is the dried and solidified honeydew secreted by the bug Trabutina , living on the tamarisk tree .
वह धूर्त्तता को सहन नहीं कर सकता था .en-hi en-hi
Flavours include Green Apple, Orange, Cranberry, Raspberry, Citrus (Lemon), Vanilla, Strawberry, Black Cherry, Watermelon, Lime, Blueberry, White Grape, Melon (Honeydew/Cantaloupe), Pomegranate, Passion Fruit, Pear, Peach, Pineapple, Mango, Coconut, and most recently Amaretto.
आलू खेती हुई थी .Samanantar Samanantar
They are always attended by a large number of ants, which regularly milk them for the sweet honeydew they secrete.
रेस रिलेशन्ज ऐक्ट के अंदर भेदभाव न करने वाले प्रावधानों का विस्तार करना और उन्हें मजबूत बनानाः औरSamanantar Samanantar
But necessarily a loss of sugary matter still remains in this exudation and is swallowed by ants and other insects as honeydew.
और यहां तक कि इस समस्या के अन्तिम समाधान के लिये फिलीस्तीनियों के वापसी के अधिकार की मांग की है ( सिफारिश क्रमांक 17 )Samanantar Samanantar
The manna mentioned in the Bible, is the dried and solidified honeydew secreted by the bug Trabutina, living on the tamarisk tree.
मध्य सितंबर में अफ्रीकियों ने इस सीमा क्षेत्र पर एक साथ हमला बोला .Samanantar Samanantar
The ants care for them protect them from their natural enemies and transport them to their feeding grounds and in return for all these troubles enjoy the honeydew, which they obtain by stroking the aphids with their antannae.
वाक्यांश फ़ाइल से लोड करेंSamanantar Samanantar
Besides causing direct physical injury and considerable drain on the vital fluid of the plant - system, these insects secrete a kind of sweet fluid generally referred to as honeydew.
श्वेत संतुलनSamanantar Samanantar
The various insects found in ant colonies are called myrmeco - philes of which we know: i. symbiotes like membracid, fulgorid, coccid, psyllid and aphid bugs, caterpillars of lycaenid butterflies, all of which depend on ants for shelter and protection and in return reward ants with sugary secretions - LRB - honeydew - RRB -. ii. mess - mates or unwelcome guests like staphylind beetles, which rob the ants of their food, hiding in the ant nest and generally ignored by ants as petty thieves or often also tolerated as unavoidable evils.
स्क्रीन सेवरSamanantar Samanantar
They secrete copious honeydew, to which ants are attracted: the ants guard and protect the cowbugs and milk them regularly for the sweet secretion.
आप नेट पर अभ्यास करने जायें तब भी आपको इस तरह से खेलना चाहिए जैसे कि आप किसी मैच में खेल रहे है . कल्पना करें कि कोई खास गेंदबाज आपको आउट करने के लिए कैसी फील्ड की व्यवस्था करेगा .Samanantar Samanantar
The clever ant then 'milks' the aphid of its sap or honeydew like a farmer milks a cow.
वस्तुएं नक़ल करेंSamanantar Samanantar
Inside these leafy nests the ants keep mealy - bugs, which they bring out periodically for them to feed on leaf and milk them regularly for the sweet honeydew which is of course merely the concentrated plant sap sucked by the bug.
इसी प्रकार उसे चंद्र भी कहते हैं जिसका अर्थ है नारायण की बाईं आंख , क्योंकि सूर्य उसकी दाहिनी आंख है .Samanantar Samanantar
Genus of ants with large colonies and honeydew producing insects.
प्रारंभ किया जा रहा हैSamanantar Samanantar
The flies feed on honeydew, plant exudations and many types of sweet pulp and juices of ripe injured fruits, including the fluid oozing out from the punctures made for oviposi - tion.
26 जुलाई 1876 को उन्होंने ' इंडियन एसोशियन ' की स्थापना की , जिसका उद्देश्य एक अखिल - भारतीय राजनीतिक आंदोलन के केंद्र का निर्माण था .Samanantar Samanantar
Their sucking activity, when they are in large number, devitalizes the plant and they produce honeydew which encourages growth of a sooty mould, giving a very unhealthy look to the plant as a whole.
इस बात की पूरी संभावना थी कि वह ऐसे हमले फिर करता और संभवत :Samanantar Samanantar
They feed on honeydew and other sweet material available in nature.
एक भारतीय मित्र ने जिनको वह जानते थे और जिनके साथ वह स्टैनफोर्ड यूनीवर्सिटी के कैम्पस में रह चुके थे उन्हे सलाह दी कि वह अपना नाम बदल डालें ताकिं अतीत मिट जाए और वह एक नए जीवन की शुरूआत कर सकें .Samanantar Samanantar
Besides inflicting this direct damage, the pest produces honeydew which spreads on the leaf and leads to mould development which gives a very unhealthy blackish appearance to the crop and adversely affects photosynthesis.
ध्यान दीजिए इसलिए कि चाइल्डमाइंडर्ज स्वत : रोजगार होते हैं , आप अपनी इच्छानुसार फीस ले सकते हैं .Samanantar Samanantar
Aphids also secrete honeydew on which sooty mould grows, which hampers the photosynthetic activity.
11 सितंबर की घटना के पश्चात् के सप्ताहों में कुरान की बिक्री पांच गुना अधिक बढ गई .Samanantar Samanantar
Vitamin C-rich vegan foods: Vegan foods which are packed with vitamin C are orange, grapefruit, lemon, guava, honeydew melon, papaya, pineapple, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, kiwi, tomato, cantaloupe, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red and green bell pepper and spinach.
एक्स-स्नोcolorSamanantar Samanantar
The manna mentioned in the Bible, is the dried and solidified honeydew secreted by the bug Trabutina, living on the tamarisk tree.
फिलहाल , न्यूयॉर्क में उनकी प्रदर्शनी चल रही है और अगली बोस्टन में होगी .Samanantar Samanantar
The honeydew produced by such a large number of individuals covers practically the whole surface of leaves and the tender shoots and a kind of black mould develops on this which not only gives a black unhealthy look to the crop but also INSECT. interferes with the photosynthetic activities of the plant.
अधिक जानकारी के लिये अपनी लोकल अथारिटी से सम्पर्क करें .Samanantar Samanantar
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