interesting oor Hindi


/ˈɪntrɛstɪŋ/, /ˈɪntəɹəstɪŋ/ adjektief, werkwoord
Arousing or holding the attention or interest of someone.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hindi


adjektiefmasculine, feminine
arousing or holding the attention of
Are you reading an interesting book?
आप कोई दिलचस्प किताब पढ़ रहें हैं क्या?


arousing or holding the attention
Nor is it any the less interesting as a novel .
और यह सब किसी उपन्यास से कम रोचक भी न हो .


arousing or holding the attention of

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In particular, we expressed an interest in exploring modalities toattract private sector financing to support infrastructure connectivity across the region.
बाद में श्रमिकों को दूर के स्थानों से भी लाना पडा परंतु यह कोई बडी गंभीर समस्या नहीं थी
So we put up a tent on an open piece of ground on the farm of an interested person.
रासायनिक खाद का प्रयोग करें .jw2019 jw2019
Recent events suggest, however, that the nation state remains the primary unit of international politics, and regional architecture cannot end competition among nation states; it can however moderate it through the quest for common interests.
फसल की किस्म - शिवनेरीतरीका - जैविकखादें - जैविक खादें इस्तेमाल की गयी हैं
They will work together in the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space in Vienna, the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, the UNGA First Committee in New York and other fora to advance their shared interests.
यदि पॉंच टेस्ट मैचों की श्रृंखला हो तो बाकी दो दिल्ली और कानपुर में खेले जाते हैं
Though he was less interested in pedantic works, he also published many major Telugu works along with translations written by him or other copiers closely monitored by him.
फ़ाइल % # खोल नहीं सकता तथा वाक्यांश सूची लोड नहीं कर सकताWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unless a teacher is convinced of the value of education and is also interested in young people, it is impossible for him or her to become a good, successful, motivated, and satisfied teacher.”
प्रतीक्षारतjw2019 jw2019
And although their work of tentmaking was humble and fatiguing, they were happy to do it, working even “night and day” in order to promote God’s interests—just as many modern-day Christians maintain themselves with part-time or seasonal work in order to dedicate most of the remaining time to helping people to hear the good news.—1 Thessalonians 2:9; Matthew 24:14; 1 Timothy 6:6.
शिवानंद नए नस्लवाद की अवधारणा को आगे बढा रहे हैं जो आप्रवासियों से संबंधित है न कि नस्लवाद से . - यह ऐसा नस्लवाद है जो भूतपूर्व उपनिवेशवादी क्षेत्रों में अश्वेतों के लिए प्रयोग होने वाले नस्लवाद से भिन्न है .jw2019 jw2019
Those of them who were not really interested in the freedom movement but had agreed to back the Congress in return for its support to the Khilafat now found the atmosphere of the Congress uncongenial and were wooed and won over by the Loyalist group .
एफ . बी . आई के सिएटल कार्यालय के डेविड गोमेज ने टिप्पणी की , "en-hi en-hi
We are very happy that the Foreign Minister of UAE has brought along a powerful delegation of business leaders with diverse areas of interest.
अब तक प्याज को सल्फेट नहीं दी गयी है
The Project will be financed by a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) – the World Bank’s concessionary lending arm – which provides interest-free loans with 25 years to maturity and a grace period of five years.
आपने ऋण देने वाले सप्लायर से आमने - सामने बात की थी , ( फोन पर नहीं ) , और
At first, some are apprehensive about calling on businesspeople, but after they try it a few times, they find it both interesting and rewarding.
ऐतिहासिक हथियारों की लेकर स्थान - स्थान पर नृत्य भी किए जाते है .jw2019 jw2019
A vibrant India and a resurgent Africa are witnessing an intensification of relations and growing convergence of interests in their common quest for sustainable economic growth and development.
वाहन चलाने के पहले अथवा खतरनाक मशीन पर काम करने के पहले अथवा दवा लेने के पश्चात मद्यपान नहीं करना चाहिये
Why is sexual interest in anyone who is not one’s own marriage mate unacceptable?
गडबडी वाले किसी सामान से आगर आपको नुकसान हो , तो हो सकता है कि आप क्ष्तिपूर्ति कअ दावा कर सकते हैं , मिसाल के तौर पर अगर किसी खराब इस्त्री के कारण आपके कपडे बरबाद हो जायें .jw2019 jw2019
Pakistan should act against the LeT and other terrorist groups and their sponsors - in its own interest, in the discharge of its obligations under international instruments, and to honour the bilateral commitments it has given us at the highest level.
धूम्रपान से आपके दिल के रोग , फेफडों के रोग ( विशेषकर ब्रोंकाइटिस और फेफडों का केंसर ) , और ऑंसटियोपोरोसिस ( हड्डियों का पतला होना ) के जोखिम में वृध्दि होती है
But I had a really striking experience once, when a group from Afghanistan came to visit me, and we had a really interesting conversation.
सिर के जूं किसी बालों की लम्बाई या स्थिती से प्रभावित नही होतेted2019 ted2019
Moreover, our 1989 Memorial attendance of 24,144 shows that many more interested ones are seeking help.
मानव वि. मानव (Hjw2019 jw2019
(2 Timothy 3:13, 14) Since everything you take into your mind will influence you to some degree, the key is ‘knowing from what persons you learn things,’ to be sure that they are people who have your best interests at heart, not their own.
परंपरा की तरह साडी ने भी हर युग में अपनी स्वीकार्यता और आकर्षण बनाए रखा है .jw2019 jw2019
Such personal interest is demonstrated in both words and actions.
कोटक महिंद्रा कैपिटल कंपनी की सीईओ शांति इकंबरम कहती हैं , ' ' पूंजी बाजार सिमट रहा है और व्यापक अर्थों में देखें तो इसे ही घाटा हो रहा है . ' 'jw2019 jw2019
may arouse immediate interest.
भिक्षु ने उसकी तरफ देखा और कहा , " ओ सौंदर्य साम्राज्ञी , अभी नहीं .jw2019 jw2019
Thinley on issues of mutual interest, including India's development cooperation with Bhutan.
किसकी विजय होगी जिससे यह निर्धारित होगा कि सउदी एक राजशाही रहेगी जो कुछ अंशों में आधुनिक जीवन के सामने झुकेगी या अफगानिस्तान के तालिबानी शासन की याद दिलाते हुए इस्लामी अमीरात बनेगा
6 At a social gathering, Christians may talk about various subjects, read some material aloud, or relate interesting experiences.
मैंने सदैव कहा है कि आतंकवाद सामान्य तौर पर पश्चिम में मुसलमानों के विरूद्ध शत्रुता बढाकर और इस्लामी संगठनों को अनचाहे जांच के दायरे में लाकर कट्टरपंथ के सम्बन्ध में किसी सुधार में व्यवधान उत्पन्न करता है .jw2019 jw2019
The narrative is also of interest to us because it highlights the blessings that come from obedience to the true God and the consequences of disobedience to him.
अपघात या तत्काल सेवा वाले विभाग में 10 में से 9 रोगी , वह भरती होने के बाद तुरंत देखे जाते है और ऋलाज किया जाता है .jw2019 jw2019
There will, regrettably, always be those who will only look at the issue from the point of view of their narrow self-interest.
शॉर्टकट योजना लोड करें
" In the urban educated society , there are many interesting women who are grappling with numerous changes .
आपातकाल में टिड्डा उड भी सकता है .en-hi en-hi
o Both Leaders agreed that India and Turkey, being among the top20 economies in the world with sound economic fundamentalsand increasing convergence of positions, could contribute toaddressing international issues of mutual interest such as neweconomic order, stability and security of the respective regions.
अंदरुनी साज - सज्जा ( रंग और वाल पेपर लगवाना ) मुआवजा प्राप्त करने योग्य सुदार नहीं हैं
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