mosque oor Hindi


/mɒskz/, /mɒsk/ naamwoord
(Islam) A place of worship for Muslims, corresponding to a church or synagogue in other religions, often having at least one minaret; a masjid.

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naamwoordmanlike, vroulike
a place of worship for Muslims
This mosque needs a new imam.
इस मस्जिद को एक नये इमाम की ज़रूरत है।


a place of worship for Muslims

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Eventually, the niche came to be universally understood to identify the qibla wall, and so came to be adopted as a feature in other mosques.
क्रिटिकल कन्ट्रोल पाइंटस की जांच सन्तोषजनक है .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The mosque has an ancient oil lamp that is always kept burning and believed to be over a thousand years old.
इसे बुराई मानकर पूरी तरह समाप्त करने की उनकी इच्छा नहीं दिखती .pmindia pmindia
There are a total of 2,300 mosques, all of them affiliated with the "Spiritual Association of Muslims of Kazakhstan", headed by a supreme mufti.
इसी विचार में से समकालीन आतंकवाद और बिन लादेन का जन्म हुआ .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The New York Times acquired a closed - door statement by a senior bureau official confirming the mosque data would be used " to help establish a yardstick for the number of terrorism investigations and intelligence warrants " expected from field offices .
केरी तो यह भी दावा करते हैं कि अमेरिका की स्थिति 11 सितंबर 2001 से भी बुरी हो चुकी है .en-hi en-hi
Another mosque figure called Dhaleai a " jolly fine gentleman " and a neighbor noted how he went " out of his way to help the children . "
जो कीट दूसरे कीटीं पर परजीवी होते हैं वे कीटाहारी परजीवी कहलाते हैं .en-hi en-hi
The complex included watchtowers to protect it, but also mosques and other buildings.
17 . आप और आपका रोगी किस प्रकार से प्रभावित हुए हैं ?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It stands out against a dismal landscape of predominantly Sunni Muslim suicide murderers who have attacked civilians in mosques and markets — from Iraq to Pakistan to Afghanistan — but who have been treated by mainstream Arab media, like Al Jazeera, or by extremist Islamist spiritual leaders and Web sites, as "martyrs" whose actions deserve praise.
याद रखें ः हैजर्ड - ऐसी कोई भी वस्तु जिस से ग्राहक को हानि हो सकती है
Whether it be the imam at the local mosque , the principal of the Islamic school , the Muslim chaplain in a prison or the armed forces , the editor of an Islamic publishing house or the spokesman for a national group , the American Muslim scene presents an almost uniform picture of apologetics for terrorism , conspiracy theories about Jews and demands for Muslim privilege .
टर्मिनल विंडो में चलाएँ (ten-hi en-hi
In April , the mega - mosque ' s deputy imam , Abdul Rashid Ghazi , announced the imposition of Shariah " in the areas in our control " and established an Islamic court that issued decrees and judgments , rivaling those of the government .
उपलब्ध नहींen-hi en-hi
Umar himself lived "a simple life and detached himself from any of the worldly luxuries", like how he often wore "worn-out shoes and was usually clad in patched-up garments", or how he would sleep "on the bare floor of the mosque".
इस सुनसान और उजाड जीवन में भला कौन - सी महत्वाकांक्षा या अभीलिप्सा या कि आत्मगौरव मन में संजोकर रखूंगी मैं ?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The tour ended early, with the cancellation of the third and final Test match, following the Christchurch mosque shootings.
इस पूरी बहस से तीन निष्कर्ष निकाले जा सकते हैं -WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A new beginning in our bilateral partnership was the landmark visit of His Royal Majesty King Abdullah, the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques of Makkah and Madinah, to India in January 2006.
कई बैंकों को अपने विकास का प्रबंधन कर पाना मुश्किल लग रहा है
Immediately upon her appointment by Obama , she met with a group of about thirty Muslims including such notorious figures as CAIR ' s Nihad Awad ; the Muslim American Society ' s Mahdi Bray , who has publicly supported the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist groups ; and Johari Abdul Malik of the Dar Al - Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church , Va . , who has advised American Muslims : " You can blow up bridges , but you cannot kill people who are innocent on their way to work . "
रेडिकल सलेक्टरen-hi en-hi
Inside the mosque, Saeed's 38-year-old son, Mohammed Talha Saeed, took his father's place at the podium and inveighed against the government's crackdown as the result of "dictation from the United States" and pressure from "Jews and the Hindu lobby."
ईरानी विपक्ष को मुक्त कराना ईरान पर निर्णय का समय मुजाहिदीने खल्क - अमेरिका का आतंकवादी सहयोगी ?
The Mosque on the site was consecrated in 941 and in 947 the government was transferred from Córdoba.
जब आप के घर के पास कोई नई सडक या रेल्वे का निर्माण होने वाला हो तो हो सकता है कि आफ अपने घर में सेकेंडरी ग्लेजिंगयानी दरवाजों और खिडकियों पर दोहरा शीशा लगवाने की आदत के लिए एक अनुदान ( ग्रांट ) के हकदार हों . ( पेज 32 और 37 देखें ) .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Churches, synagogues and mosques see their flock at their fullest and penance is followed by celebration, piety with parties.
यदि वे अटक जाते हैं , तो पहलेः
The flip side is the 5 per cent who want a mosque rebuilt .
रवीन्द्रनाथ उसका चित्र कुछ इस प्रकार उकेरते हैं - देवताओं द्वारा समुद्र मंथन के उपरांत आदि सागर की फेनिल लहरों से वह दिक्भूषणा अनन्य सुंदरी अवतीर्ण हो रही है - अपने दाहिने हाथ में अमृत कलश और बाएं हाथ में हलाहल लिए .en-hi en-hi
The mosque was badly damaged in a February 2006 bombing, presumably the work of Sunni militants.
मेरा नारा है "WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Those who sympathise with the gunmen who attacked the Sri Lankans could live in any mosque, any madrasa in the city, but most Pakistanis are in denial about the role of religion in such attacks.
फ्रेंच पॉलीनेसिया
The government subsidises almost 95% of mosques and employs all Imams; approximately 5% of mosques are entirely private, and several large mosques have large private endowments.
एक दूसरा संयंत्र अल्मुनियम कारपोरेशन आफ इंडिया युद्ध के बाद अस्तित्व में आया .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Why such affection for the state that Palestinians famously revile the media , in scholarship , classrooms , mosques , and international bodies , that they terrorize on a daily basis ? Best to let them explain their motivations in direct quotations .
जब न्यायालय , स्वप्रेरणा से , नामनिर्दिष्ट सांविधिक या अन्य प्राधिकारियों को अपनी बात करने का अवसर देता है और उन्हें न्यायालय में आकर वाद के संगत पहलुओं पर अपना दृष्टिकोण प्रस्तुत करने के लिए आमंत्रित करता है तो निष्ठुर उदासीनता का परिचय देने वाले निकायों के रुख को सराहा नहीं जा सकता .en-hi en-hi
At first, Gholam Mohammed used his power and purchased a land in the central position of Calcutta and Built this mosque in 1842, in memory of his father Tipu Sultan.
उनमें से प्राय : हर कीट मनुष्य के लिए हितकर है .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Big Mosque, in the heart of the city, houses the largest Arabic college in India.
यह तो ठीक रहा लेकिन इसके उपरांत उन्होंने अली के चरित्र की प्रशंसा आरंभ कर दी राष्ट्रपति के शब्दों में "WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
* The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdulaziz lauded the strong growth shown by Indian economy and expressed appreciation for Prime Minister Modi's remarkable vision for the future of the country.
इसी प्रकार उसे चंद्र भी कहते हैं जिसका अर्थ है नारायण की बाईं आंख , क्योंकि सूर्य उसकी दाहिनी आंख है
Apart from the famous Gol Gumbaz , Bijapur , or the " City of Victory " , has 50 mosques and 20 historic tombs .
मधुमेह के रोगी के देखभाल के लिए चिकित्सक के धैर्य , प्रेम , आशा तथा समय की आवश्यकता है .en-hi en-hi
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