paramilitary force oor Hindi

paramilitary force

a group of civilians organized in a military fashion (especially to operate in place of or to assist regular army troops)

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I convey my special greetings to members of our armed forces, paramilitary forces and internal security forces.
दुर्घटना रोकने के लक्ष्य
To supplement that effort, we have also put some of our Central Paramilitary Forces engaged therein.
शीघ्र ही उनके सामने अनेक कठिनाइयां गयीं जैसे बिजली में कटौती , स्क्रेप की कमी तथा इनसे भी ऊपर मांग में कमी
Attached to the letters were M1 bullets -- a carbine used in semi-automatic weapons by government and paramilitary forces.
15 मिनट के लिए पूरी कक्षा शब्द व वाक्य संबंधी कार्य करती है
At the peak of its operational deployment, IPKF operations also included a large Indian Paramilitary Force and Indian Special Forces elements.
छतराहडी ( चंबा ) गांव में बंजर भूमि के एक छोर पर बुकलें का वृक्ष था .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Today I would like to reassure our countrymen that our armed forces and paramilitary forces are prepared to face any challenge.
वे यूरोप को एक उपनिवेश बताते हुये कहते हैं कि मैड्रिड , लन्दन के बम विस्फोट और एम्सटर्डम में थियो वान गाग की हत्या यूरोप के गृहयुद्ध का आरम्भ है
State security forces – typically police and paramilitary forces – have arbitrarily arrested, detained, and tortured villagers, who are mostly from disaffected tribal communities.
वास्तव में ऐसा होगा क्या
At the same time, police and paramilitary forces are disrupting education for long periods by occupying schools as part of anti-Naxalite operations.
झींगुर झींगुर या ग्राइलिड बहुत चींचीं करते हैं और कुशल बिलकारी यानी बिल खोदने वाले होते
The Prime Minister said that the National Police Memorial is a dedication to the valour and sacrifices made by the police and paramilitary forces.
इसके अतिरिक्त अधिक महत्वपूर्ण यह है कि अपरिहार्य मृत्यु से पहले की पीडा को कम किया जाए , जिससे लोग सुख से जीवन बिताते हुए वृद्धावस्था की और अग्रसर हो सकें .pmindia pmindia
EXTERNAL AFFAIRS MINISTER: In fact we have already made some security arrangements with some of our paramilitary forces with the cooperation of Afghan Government.
दूसरे ने उसकावर्णन किया "
The protesters were stopped at Uri which resulted in killing of fifteen people and hundreds injured when police and Indian paramilitary forces fired on them.
आतंकवाद को परास्त करना है "WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Government of India, Army personnel, Air Force personnel, NDRF personnel, Paramilitary forces – everybody does his or her best in providing succour to the disaster stricken people.
मधुमेह के संदर्भ में कार्बोहाइड्रेट सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण हैं .pmindia pmindia
I would like to emphasise here that our armed forces and paramilitary forces have defended the security of our country both during war and peace with valour and honour.
फिलहाल केरल में कुल बोआई क्षेत्र का लगभग 60 प्रतिशत रबडैं और नारियल के लिये निर्धारित है
To meet the immediate need of providing shelter to those who have lost their homes, the Central Government will provide 5,000 tents from the Armed Forces and the Central Paramilitary Forces.
बीतने तक पैगनों ( प्रकृति पूजकों )pmindia pmindia
The Congress Government of the Madras State, called in paramilitary forces to quell the agitation; their involvement resulted in the deaths of about seventy persons (by official estimates) including two policemen.
काफी हद तक सफलता इस पर निर्भर करती है कि आप कितने धीरज से काम कर सकते हैं - जैसा कि कीटनाशक विधि के किट यानी पैक में लिखा होता हैWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We have agreed on ways in which, there is a process that has to be done in the US, we can procure mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles for our paramilitary forces.
पोलियो की इस वैक्सीन का भय इराक युद्ध के कारण उत्पन्न हुआ
Our Fire & Rescue services, National Disaster Response Forces Armed Forces, Paramilitary Forces... these brave hearts go beyond the call of duty to help people in distress, often risking their own lives.
धुन या थूथन भृंगों की अनेक जातियां हैं जिनका सिर आगे की और चोंच के रूप में निकला रहता है .pmindia pmindia
In the last 20 years, LeT has gained name and fame as the most destructive paramilitary force in Kashmir so much so that its commanders have announced that LeT’s army has 50,000 armed men.
व्हाईट हाउस के प्रवक्ता स्कार्ट मैकलीनॉन ने इसकी व्याख्या करते हुए स्पष्ट किया कि हिजबुल्लाह जैसे संगठनों को चुनना है कि वे आतंकवादी संगठन रहना चाहते हैं या फिर राजनीतिक संगठन
I know that the previous Home Minister, who is now the Finance Minister had in my presence held several meetings to alert and to sensitize the Border Security Force, the paramilitary forces on our side.
इस फोन का पैसा आपके स्थानीय फोन की दर से लियाजायेगा
In July 2017, the Supreme Court directed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to examine 98 killings by police, army, and paramilitary forces in response to a petition filed by victim families and nongovernmental groups in Manipur.
इस प्रेरणा के लिए मिसाल भी जो मौजूद हैं
Although the government has promised a thorough inquiry, a credible investigation is impossible without the cooperation of the army and federal paramilitary forces, which hide behind the immunity provisions of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act and other laws.
ंंष् आप को और आप के परिवार को मेअस्लेस् , मुम्प्स् और ऋबेल्ल होने से बचाता है
Innocent Baloch who may be able to contribute to the betterment of their society, political workers, educationists, doctors, engineers, etc, are being picked up and whisked away, reportedly by paramilitary forces and the government seems unable — and unwilling — to stop them.
अर्नाड डे बोर्चग्रेव की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार पाकिस्तान में इस्लामवादी अपेक्षा करते हैं कि अगले 10 वर्षों में अमेरिका के लोग अपने मस्तिष्क में इस्लामी सेना का अनुभव करेंगे और जिहादियों की सेना अमेरिका को बाध्य करेगी कि वह साम्राज्यवाद को त्याग कर अल्लाह की आवाज को सुने
The Vanuatu Mobile Force, a paramilitary group, attempted a coup in 1996 because of a pay dispute.
इस योजना ने अपनी अव्यवहार्यता सिद्ध कर दी है और कृषि मंत्रालय काफी समय से कुछ स्थानापन्न प्रतिमानों पर काम कर रहा है .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is also used in some police forces and paramilitary organizations.
के बराबर हो गया .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Australia now provides the bulk of external assistance, including the police force, which has a paramilitary wing.
उन्हें ले जाने की जिम्मेदारी दुकानदार की है .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force told the Jammu and Kashmir High Court that it had used 1.3 million pellets in 32 days, admitting that “it was difficult to follow the standard operating procedure given the nature of the protests.”
इस वास्तविकता का अमेरिकी नीति पर भी प्रभाव होने वाला है
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