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seaweed products

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Compared to the phytoplankton, the contribution of seaweeds to the total plant production of the seas in negligible.
प्रारंभ पृष्ठSamanantar Samanantar
Dr A Gopalakrishnan, Director of CMFRI, said the institute is in the process of developing more health products from the underutilized seaweeds.
कांग्रेस से हाथ मिलने से पहले ममता वाम विरोधी जेहादी थीं .Samanantar Samanantar
Dr. N. V. Vinithkumar, Officer-In-Charge, ANCOST-NIOT apprised the minister on various research activities like open sea cage culture of fishes, marine algal biotechnology, marine microbial biotechnology, coastal pollution monitoring, environmental impact assessment studies, bio ethanol production from seaweeds and waste management of trash fishes and island resource information system etc.
मैं प्रतिदिन दोहराता हूं कि इस क्षेत्र में इस्लामिक चरमपंथी हमें प्रताडित कर रहे हैं . "Samanantar Samanantar
Along with these the brand has also launch its patented beauty products made from camellia flowers, indigo plant, Portulacae herbs, seaweed, and tangerines.
फ़्लोटिंग पाइंट मूल्य, इसे शून्य से अधिक होना चाहिएSamanantar Samanantar
Projects were initiated on the development of recombinant DNA vaccine, sulphated polysaccharides form seaweeds, enzymes from deep - sea fungi, mud - crab hatchery technology, mathematical model for environmental parameters in aquaculture production system and strengthening molecular biology expertise in fisheries through hands on training.
ग्रेट ब्रिटेन में आलोचनाओं के पश्चात् इसने ब्रिटेन के विश्विद्यालयों में " इस्लामोफोबिया रोको "Samanantar Samanantar
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