time and time again oor Hindi

time and time again

often; repeatedly

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Time and time again prophecies given even hundreds of years in advance have been fulfilled in exact detail!
बल्लेबाजी एक प्रकार की कला है जिसका विकास दो तरह से हो सकता है . एक तो यह कि खिलाडी को स्कूल से ही प्रशिक्षण मिले और दूसरे , खिलाडियों के खेल को ध्यानपूर्वक देखें , अध्ययन करे और उसे आत्मसात् करे .jw2019 jw2019
We will be coming to India time and time again.
इस्लाम पर प्रतिबन्ध ?mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
For a fact, time and time again the Bible stresses that it is “the word of God.”
वस्तु मिटाएँjw2019 jw2019
“THERE is absolutely nothing else I’d rather do,” lighthouse keepers have said time and time again.
विषय: Short for html-modejw2019 jw2019
11 Time and time again humility will help us to avoid making mistakes.
अधिकतम वर्टेक्स ब्लैण्ड माट्रिक्स पैलेट आकारjw2019 jw2019
As a result, our marriage plans had to be delayed time and time again.
अज्ञात उपकरणjw2019 jw2019
That is exactly what happened time and time again!
आपपूछ सकते हैं कि बंगाल की शेरनी ममता बनर्जी के बारे में क्या याल है , तो जवाब है कि उन जैसा निराश करने वाल रेल मंत्री शायद ही मिले और यह उमीद भी बेमानी है कि मंत्रिमंडल से इस्तीफा देने के बाद दो महीनों में उनमें चमत्कारी ढंग से प्रशासकीय कौशल विकसित हो गया होगा .jw2019 jw2019
Prime Minister has reiterated time and time again that international terrorism is the gravest challenge facing the international community.
पी एक ऐसा इस्लामिक संगठन है जो तुर्की में इस्लामी शरिया कानून थोपना चाहते हैं और संभवत :mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
Time and time again, however, Jehovah has used the congregation and the elders to confirm his love for me.
बार-ग्राफ प्राथमिकताएँ का संपादन करेंjw2019 jw2019
Since he had also recorded the sound, he heard time and time again what the Witness had told him.
स्टेज 4 ह्यब्हृ ः नियन्त्रण साधनों की पहचाने .jw2019 jw2019
Official Spokesperson: The Government of India’s position in this matter is well known and has been reiterated time and time again.
के जर्मन अनुवाद का प्रकाशन हुआ यह जर्मनी की सबसे ज्यादा बिकने वाली किताब बन गई .mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
Imagine UN Security Council meetings in which the DPRK nuclear and missile programs were not the agenda time and time again.
यह विशेषता अभी भी नहीं हैtranslations.state.gov translations.state.gov
“I became convinced that I was useless, since that is what my mother told me time and time again,” explains Ana.
चालुक्य स्तंभों का भारीपन , जैसे बादामी में , खडी गोल झिरियों और उत्कीर्णनों द्वारा कम किया गया लगता है ; स्तभं और पोतिकाओं के आकार विविध हैं , किंतु अपने विकास में वे चालुक्य काल की समाप्ति तक अपनी विशिष्टता बनाए हुए हैं और राष्ट्रकूट रचनाओं में उनकी पुनराव्त्ति नहीं होती .jw2019 jw2019
The United States has been reminded time and time again in recent years that economic security is not merely related to national security.
स्वचालित समेटने का स्तरtranslations.state.gov translations.state.gov
Time and time again over the past quarter century, the United Nations has made it clear: the world cannot accept a nuclear-armed North Korea.
इस संबंध में पूरी स्थिति 2007 तक ही स्पष्ट हो पाएगी .translations.state.gov translations.state.gov
Experience has shown time and time again that humanitarian action alone cannot solve problems which are fundamentally political in nature.” —The State of the World’s Refugees 2000.
ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि केरी ने आतंकवाद के विरुद्ध युद्ध के तरीके की आलोचना करते हुए इसे आधुनिक इतिहास की सबसे दिशाहीन विदेश नीति बताया है .jw2019 jw2019
If you go back over the history of ancient warfare, you will find time and time again that slingers were the decisive factor against infantry in one kind of battle or another.
वे बहुस्तंभ प्रकार के हैं जिसके अग्रभाग में असाधारण रूप से शिल्पांकित खंभों की एक प्रदर्शनकारी पंक्ति है जिसके अग्रभाग में असाधारण रूप से शिल्पांकित खंभो की एक प्रदर्शनकारी पंक्ति है जिसमें लगभग पूरे आकार के आरोही योद्धाओं और परिजनों और शिकार के अन्य पशुओं की आकृतियों सहित अश्वों की मूर्तियां हैं .ted2019 ted2019
America’s policy of principled realism means we will not be held hostage to old dogmas, discredited ideologies, and so-called experts who have been proven wrong over the years, time and time again.
ईरान की अंतिम फैसले की योजना : :translations.state.gov translations.state.gov
Yet, Jesus’ caution has been proved true time and time again: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” —Matthew 24:36.
उनमें फल धारण करने की क्षमता कम हो गयी है .jw2019 jw2019
Ahluwalia, when you talk about India’s priorities at the G20 Summit, one thing of course that is coming up time and time again is the Eurozone and the worries around that and also protectionism.
15 से 24 वर्ष के आयु वर्ग के युवाओं में दुर्घटना से होने वाली मृत्यु की दर को कम से कम चऋथाऋ तक कम करना .mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
Official Spokesperson, Shri Vikas Swarup: Well, the incidents like the recent attack in Quetta only demonstrate that you cannot have a selective approach towards terrorism as we have been saying time and time again, there are no good terrorists and bad terrorists.
इन सेवाओं के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी के लिए स्कोडा से सम्पर्क कीजिए .mea.gov.in mea.gov.in
As far as the first part of your question is concerned, as we have been saying time and time again that the root cause of problems between India and Pakistan is Pakistan’s continued support to cross-border terrorism and its promotion as an element of state policy.
सम्पर्क ई-मेल # प्रदर्शित नामmea.gov.in mea.gov.in
Against all norms of a fair trial, the Judge time and time again intervened on the side of the prosecution and frustrated the defence from cross-examining prosecution witnesses on exhibits e.g. the King James version of the Bible, tendered by the prosecution to show that the accused were in possession of banned publications!”
इसका अर्थ उदाहरण के लिये हदीथ की वे पुनर्व्याख्यायें हैं जो "jw2019 jw2019
We have not shut the door on dialogue with Pakistan. I think the Prime Minister has said that time and time again that we want to extend the hand of peace and dialogue to Pakistan. But for this dialogue to proceed and for this dialogue to acquire momentum, we would need to have a closure, we would need to have progress as far as the addressing of our concerns about action that needs to be taken against those responsible, Pakistanis responsible for the Mumbai terror attacks.
उनके मुख से नए महीनों का नाम सुनना शुभ माना जाताmea.gov.in mea.gov.in
Since David’s time, God has time and again demonstrated the truthfulness of the apostle Peter’s words: “Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial.”
केएसटी में नेटसीडीएफ़ फाइलों के पढ़ने हेतु समर्थन लागू करता हैjw2019 jw2019
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