Chechen Republic oor Kroaties

Chechen Republic

A republic of Russia located in the North Caucasus.

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Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
Čečenska Republika Ičkerija


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Place of birth: Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation.
Mjesto rođenja: Grozni, Čečenska Republika, Ruska Federacija.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Address: Derzhavina street 281-59, Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation.
Adresa: Derzhavina ulica 281-59, Grozny, Čečenska Republika, Ruska Federacija.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Four hundred miles to the north, the Belzan Forest in southern Russia, specifically the Chechen Republic
kilometara sjeverno, suma Belzan u juznoj Rusiji, točnije, u Cečenskoj Republiciopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Address: Derzhavina Street Number 281, apartment 59, Grozny City, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation.
Adresa: Derzhavina ulica br. 281, stan 59, grad Grozny, Čečenska Republika, Ruska Federacija.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Four hundred miles to the north, the Belzan Forest in southern Russia, specifically the Chechen Republic.
650 kilometara sjeverno, suma Belzan u juznoj Rusiji, točnije, u Cečenskoj Republici.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Address: Derzhavina street 281-59, Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation.
Adresa: Derzhavina ulica 281-59, Grozni, Čečenska republika, Ruska Federacija.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The elections were conducted on the basis of the Chechen constitution adopted in March 1992, according to which the Chechen Republic was an independent state.
Izbori su održani na temelju čečenskog ustava prihvaćenog u ožujku 1992. prema kojem je Čečenska Republika neovisna država.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Committee was further concerned at the State party’s failure to investigate and punish the perpetrators of such abuses, despite the establishment of Agency No 2 of the Chechen Republic investigation department for particularly important cases.
Odbor je nadalje bio zabrinut u vezi s propustom države stranke da istraži i kazni počinitelje takvih kršenja, unatoč uspostavi Agencije br. 2. odjela Čečenske Republike za istragu posebno važnih slučajeva.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
From this point the Chechen-Ingush Republic had become a de facto independent state.
"Čečenska Republika Ičkerija" postaje de facto neovisna država.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
regarding a contribution of the European Union towards reinforcing the capacity of the Georgian authorities to support and protect the OSCE observer mission on the border of Georgia with the Ingush and Chechen Republics of the Russian Federation
o doprinosu Europske unije jačanju sposobnosti gruzijskih vlasti u podršci i zaštiti promatračke misije OESS-a na granici Gruzije s Inguškom Republikom i Čečenskom Republikom Ruske FederacijeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The term ‘internally displaced persons’ is used exclusively with reference to Russian citizens who temporarily abandoned (for the duration of the crisis) their permanent residence in the Chechen Republic, are located at a temporary residence on the territory of Russia and plan (generally) to return to their former residence.
Naziv „interno raseljene osobe” upotrebljava se isključivo u odnosu na ruske državljane koji su privremeno napustili (tijekom trajanja krize) svoje stalno boravište u Čečenskoj Republici, koji se nalaze na privremenom boravištu na području Rusije i (općenito) namjeravaju vratiti se na svoje prethodno boravište.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
having regard to the EU statement of 19 January 2018 on human rights violations concerning the Memorial Human Rights Centre in Russia and the statement by the EEAS Spokesperson of 11 January 2018 on the detention of the Director of the Memorial Human Rights Centre in the Chechen Republic, Mr Oyub Titiev,
uzimajući u obzir izjavu EU-a od 19. siječnja 2018. o kršenjima ljudskih prava u vezi s Centrom za ljudska prava „Memorial” u Rusiji i izjavu glasnogovornice ESVD-a od 11. siječnja 2018. o pritvaranju direktora Centra za ljudska prava „Memorial” u Republici Čečeniji Ojuba Titijeva,Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
According to the FMS, as of 1 April 2009 all citizens who had been forced to leave their permanent residence in the Chechen Republic and had been registered under the designated procedure at the territorial bodies of the FMS, were deregistered on the basis of the expression of their will to return to their former permanent residence.
Prema Saveznoj službi za migracije, od 1. travnja 2009. svi državljani koji su bili prisiljeni napustiti svoje stalno boravište u Čečenskoj Republici i koji su bili prijavljeni u okviru utvrđenog postupka pri područnim tijelima Savezne službe za migracije odjavljeni su na temelju njihova izražavanja namjere da se vrate na svoje bivše stalno boravište.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(1) On 20 July 2000, the Council adopted Joint Action 2000/456/CFSP regarding a contribution of the European Union towards reinforcing the capacity of the Georgian authorities to support and protect the OSCE observer mission on the border of the Republic of Georgia with the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation(1), which expired on 31 December 2000.
Vijeće je 20. srpnja 2000. donijelo Zajedničku akciju 2000/456/ZVSP o doprinosu Europske unije jačanju sposobnosti gruzijskih vlasti u podršci i zaštiti promatračke misije OESS-a na granici Republike Gruzije s Čečenskom Republikom Ruske Federacije (1), koja je prestala važiti 31. prosinca 2000.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The European Union shall provide assistance to reinforce the capacity of the Georgian authorities to provide, through their border guards, support and protection for the OSCE observer mission on the border of Georgia with the Ingush Republic of the Russian Federation, as well as continued assistance in relation to the border of Georgia with the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation.
Europska unija pruža pomoć za jačanje sposobnosti gruzijskih vlasti kako bi one, preko svojih graničnih službi, pružile podršku i zaštitu promatračkoj misiji OESS-a na granici Gruzije s Inguškom Republikom Ruske Federacije, te trajnu podršku na granici Gruzije s Čečenskom Republikom Ruske Federacije.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
As regards the North Caucasus: In 2012 the CAT was concerned about ‘numerous, ongoing and consistent reports of serious human rights abuses inflicted by or at the instigation or with the consent or acquiescence of public officials or other persons acting in official capacities in the northern Caucasus, including the Chechen Republic, including torture and ill-treatment, abductions, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings.’
U pogledu Sjevernog Kavkaza: Odbor protiv mučenja 2012. je bio zabrinut o „brojnim, trenutačnim i trajnim izvješćima o ozbiljnim kršenjima ljudskih prava koja su počinili ili čije su činjenje potaknuli, odobrili ili na koje su prešutno pristali javni službenici ili druge osobe koje obnašaju službene dužnosti u Sjevernom Kavkazu, uključujući Čečensku Republiku, među kojima su mučenje i loše postupanje, otmice, prisilni nestanci i izvansudska pogubljenja”.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas Yuri Dmitriev, a Memorial historian, was part of the team that found a mass grave of more than 9 000 people at Sandarmokh, many of them members of the Soviet intelligentsia; whereas, in recent years, Memorial has become the last remaining independent human rights organisation that continues to operate in the Republic of Chechnya; whereas it is very likely that the attacks on human rights defenders in the Chechen Republic, including the fabricated criminal charges against Oyub Titiev and arson attacks in neighbouring republics, were orchestrated in retaliation against Memorial for exposing and seeking justice for human rights violations in Chechnya;
budući da je Jurij Dmitrijev, povjesničar iz „Memoriala”, bio dio ekipe koja je u Sandarmohu pronašla masovnu grobnicu više od 9 000 ljudi, od kojih su mnogi bili pripadnici sovjetske intelektualne elite; budući da je „Memorial” posljednjih godina postao posljednja neovisna organizacija za ljudska prava koja i dalje djeluje u Republici Čečeniji; budući da je vrlo vjerojatno da su napadi na branitelje ljudskih prava u Republici Čečeniji, uključujući lažnu optužbu protiv Ojuba Titijeva za kazneno djelo i podmetanja požara u susjednim republikama, orkestrirani u znak odmazde protiv „Memoriala” zbog razotkrivanja i traženja pravde za kršenja ljudskih prava u Čečeniji;Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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