Construction Law oor Kroaties

Construction Law

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(34) Portugal shall adopt the Construction Laws and the other sectorial amendments to fully implement the Services Directive;
(34) Portugal donosi Zakon o gradnji i druge izmjene u odnosu na sektor kako bi u cijelosti proveo Direktivu o uslugama;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Furthermore, the government is preparing to draft a new construction law by 2021, with the involvement of social partners.
Usto vlada, uz sudjelovanje socijalnih partnera, priprema novi zakon o gradnji, koji bi se trebao donijeti do 2021.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Portugal shall adopt the Construction Laws and the other sectorial amendments to fully implement the Directive 2006/123/EC;
Portugal donosi Zakon o gradnji i druge izmjene u odnosu na sektor kako bi u cijelosti proveo Direktivu 2006/123/EZ;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to the local Construction Law , the Contractor will restrict the use of materials to sources appropriately licensed under Croatian legislation for permits .
Sukladno domaćem Zakonu o gradnji , Izvoditelj će ograničiti upotrebu materijala na izvore odobrene od strane nadležnih hrvatskih institucija za izdavanje dozvola .hrenWaC hrenWaC
However, on February # th, the government adopted amendments to the Zoning and Construction Law that envision steep discounts for those looking to legalise their facilities, and reduced documentation
Međutim, vlada je # veljače usvojila prijedlog izmjena Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji koji predviđa velike popuste za one koji žele legalizirati svoje objekte, kao i smanjenu dokumentacijuSetimes Setimes
Portugal shall complete the adoption of the construction laws and the other outstanding sectorial amendments necessary to fully implement Directive 2006/123/EC and submit them to the Parliament where necessary;
Portugal dovršava donošenje zakona o gradnji i drugih otvorenih sektorskih izmjena nužnih za cjelovitu provedbu Direktive 2006/123/EZ te ih u slučaju kada je to potrebno podnosi Parlamentu;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Hundreds of illegal buildings on the Black Sea coast will be demolished within months as part of Bulgaria 's efforts to put an end to years of violating the country 's construction laws
Stotine nezakonitih objekata na crnomorskoj obali bit će srušene idućih mjeseci, u sklopu napora Bugarske da okonča višegodišnje narušavanje zakona zemlje o izgradnjiSetimes Setimes
In determining the required period of practical experience, advanced and further vocational education programmes of the Order of Architects in the tasks of technical and economic planning and construction law shall be taken into account.
Pri utvrđivanju potrebnog razdoblja praktičnog iskustva uračunat će se programi naprednog i daljnjeg strukovnog obrazovanja komore arhitekata iz područja zadaća tehničkog i ekonomskog planiranja i građevinskog prava.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is about the construction of law.
Usmjeren je na konstrukciju zakona.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The construction laws, the law amending the legal regime of universities, and the submission to Parliament of the professional bodies' amended statutes following the adoption of the horizontal framework law on public professional associations, have experienced further delays.
Do novih je kašnjenja došlo kod zakona o gradnji, zakona o izmjeni pravnog režima sveučilišta te kod podnošenja Parlamentu izmijenjenih statuta za strukovna tijela nakon što je donesen horizontalni okvirni zakon o javnim strukovnim udruženjima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Construction laws, the law amending the legal regime of universities and the submission to Parliament of the amended professional bodies' bylaws following the adoption of the horizontal framework law on public professional associations have experienced further delays.
Do kašnjenja je došlo i kod zakona o gradnji, zakona o sveučilišnim propisima te kod podnošenja Parlamentu izmijenjenih statuta za strukovna tijela nakon što je donesen horizontalni okvirni zakon o javnim strukovnim udruženjima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(ee) Portugal shall complete the adoption of the Construction laws and the other outstanding sectorial amendments necessary to fully implement Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council[4] and submit them to the Parliament where necessary;
(ee) Portugal dovršava donošenje zakona o gradnji i drugih otvorenih sektorskih amandmana nužnih za cjelovitu provedbu Direktive 2006/123/EZ Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća[4] te ih u slučaju kada je to potrebno podnosi Parlamentu;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Most notably, the Polish Construction Law requires for certain types of projects ( in particular roads, railways, and other projects falling under the EIA Directive ) to obtain'construction commissioning authorisation'after completion of construction works and before the constructed infrastructure can be operated.
U prvom redu, poljskim Zakonom o gradnji za određene vrste projekata ( posebno za ceste, željeznice i druge projekte obuhvaćene Direktivom o procjeni utjecaja na okoliš ) zahtijeva se uporabna dozvola nakon dovršetka građevinskih radova i prije puštanja u rad izgrađene infrastrukture.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
shall be registered in the roll of architects. In determining the required period of practical experience, advanced and further vocational education programmes of the Chamber of Architects in the tasks of technical and economic planning and construction law shall be taken into account.
Pri utvrđivanju potrebnog razdoblja praktičnog iskustva uračunat će se programi naprednog i daljnjeg strukovnog obrazovanja komore arhitekata iz područja zadaća tehničkog i ekonomskog planiranja i građevinskog prava.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This is why the idea of karma is a constructed, not ‘natural’ law.
I zbog toga je ideja o k a r m i iskonstruiran a ne 'prirodan' zakon.Literature Literature
The three conditions examined in the present case are a case-law construct.
Tri uvjeta koji se razmatraju u ovom predmetu proizlaze iz sudske prakse.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
It is not the role of this Court to arbitrate between diverging views on the proper construction of national law.
Nije uloga Suda da odluči koje je od suprotstavljenih stajališta o tumačenju nacionalnog prava pravilno.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Somehow, I don't think canon law was constructed with my situation in mind.
Nekako sam don l't mislim kanon je izgrađena s mojim stanjem u glavi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I don’t believe canon law was constructed with such contingencies in mind.”
Ne vjerujem da je kanonsko pravo predviđeno za takve slučajeve.”Literature Literature
Scaling laws in construction of electrical machines .
Zakoni sličnosti u gradnji električnih strojeva .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Scaling laws in construction of electrical machines .
Proračun magnetskog kruga .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Every millimeter of landscape was replaced by manmade constructions ruled by the laws of geometry.
Svaki milimetar krajolika zamijenile su građevine koje je izgradio čovjek, u skladu sa zakonima geometrije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Does “construction” suggest that certain laws generate gender differences along universal axes of sexual difference?
"Znači li ""konstruiranje"" da određeni zakoni stvaraju razlike među rodovima duž univerzalnih osi spolne razlike?"Literature Literature
I understand that the (im)possibility of any such dogmatic construction under German law is one of the points of disagreement between the referring court and the German Government.
Koliko shvaćam, (ne)mogućnost takvog dogmatskog tumačenja u njemačkom pravu jedna je od točaka prijepora između suda koji je uputio zahtjev i njemačke vlade.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The term ‘liberal professions’ refers back to the term ‘artes liberales’, or ‘liberal arts’, used in classical antiquity for occupations such as teaching, law, construction, architecture, engineering and medicine.
Pojam „slobodno zanimanje” temelji se na pojmu „slobodnih umjetnosti” (artes liberales) kojim su se u antici opisivale djelatnosti učitelja, odvjetnika, graditelja, arhitekta, inženjera i liječnika.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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