Directorate for Public Investments oor Kroaties

Directorate for Public Investments

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

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The Directorate-General for Competition did not systematically verify whether investments in public infrastructure concerned by these projects might involve state aid.
Glavna uprava za tržišno natjecanje nije sustavno provjeravala jesu li ulaganja u javnu infrastrukturu povezana s tim projektima mogla uključivati državnu potporu.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
The project will also allow for a more efficient use by railway operators of EU-funded infrastructure, preserve public resources for investment, and diminish the need for operations subsidies,” said Mamta Murthi, World Bank Regional Director for Central Europe and the Baltic Countries.
Jednako tako, projekt će omogućiti željezničkim operaterima da učinkovitije koriste infrastrukturu koja je financirana sredstvima EU, sačuvati javne resurse za ulaganja te smanjiti potrebu za subvencioniranjem poslovanja“, kazala je Mamta Murthi, regionalna direktorica Svjetske banke za središnju Europu i baltičke
2 The request has been made in proceedings between, of the one part, Amărăşti Land Investment SRL and, of the other, the Direcţia Generală Regională a Finanţelor Publice Timişoara (Regional Directorate-General of Public Finances of Timișoara, Romania) and the Administrația Județeană a Finanțelor Publice Timiș (Departmental Administration for Public Finances of Timiș, Romania), concerning the right to reimbursement of the value added tax (VAT) on transactions by which Amărăşti Land Investment carried out, at its own expense, the necessary steps for the first registration in the national land register (‘the Land Register’) of the land which it intended to purchase.
Zahtjev je podnesen u okviru spora između Amărăşti Land Investment SRL, s jedne strane, i Direcţia Generală Regională a Finanţelor Publice Timişoara (Glavna uprava za javne financije u Temišvaru, Rumunjska) i Administrația Județeană a Finanțelor Publice Timiș (Okružna uprava za javne financije u Temišu, Rumunjska), s druge strane, u vezi s pravom na povrat poreza na dodanu vrijednost (PDV) koji se odnosi na transakcije kojima je Amărăşti Land Investment na svoj trošak poduzeo radnje potrebne radi prvog upisa u zemljišne knjige (u daljnjem tekstu: zemljišne knjige) nekretnina koje je namjeravao steći.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
2 The request has been made in proceedings between, of the one part, Amărăşti Land Investment SRL and, of the other, the Direcţia Generală Regională a Finanţelor Publice Timişoara (Regional Directorate-General of Public Finances of Timișoara, Romania) and the Administrația Județeană a Finanțelor Publice Timiș (Departmental Administration for Public Finances of Timiș, Romania), concerning the right to reimbursement of the value added tax (VAT) on transactions by which Amărăşti Land Investment carried out, at its own expense, the necessary steps for the first registration in the national land register (‘the Land Register’) of the land which it intended to purchase.
2 Zahtjev je podnesen u okviru spora između Amărăşti Land Investment SRL, s jedne strane, i Direcţia Generală Regională a Finanţelor Publice Timişoara (Glavna uprava za javne financije u Temišvaru, Rumunjska) i Administrația Județeană a Finanțelor Publice Timiș (Okružna uprava za javne financije u Temišu, Rumunjska), s druge strane, u vezi s pravom na povrat poreza na dodanu vrijednost (PDV) koji se odnosi na transakcije kojima je Amărăşti Land Investment na svoj trošak poduzeo radnje potrebne radi prvog upisa u zemljišne knjige (u daljnjem tekstu: zemljišne knjige) nekretnina koje je namjeravao steći.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, project, investment promotion, public authorities, public contract, transport infrastructure, urban infrastructure
Subject: gradska infrastruktura, industrijska infrastruktura, investicijska potpora, investicijski projekt, javne vlasti, javni ugovor, poticanje ulaganja, program EU-a, prometna infrastruktura, upravna suradnjaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The regional legal basis for the aid scheme is the approval by the Flemish Government of a capital increase amounting to EUR 250 million of its public investment company PMV and, subsequently, the approval by the board of directors of PMV to proceed with a capital increase of its full affiliate PMV/z-Leningen to issue the COVID-19 Subordinated Loans.
Regionalna pravna osnova za program potpore je odobrenje koje je flamanska vlada dala za dokapitalizaciju svojeg javnog investicijskog društva PMV u iznosu od 250 milijuna EUR i s tim povezano naknadno odobrenje upravnog odbora društva PMV za dokapitalizaciju povezanog društva PMV/z-Leningen, koje je u njegovu potpunom vlasništvu, radi izdavanja podređenih zajmova u vezi s pandemijom bolesti COVID-19.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (administrative cooperation, EU programme, industrial infrastructure, investment aid, investment project, investment promotion, public authorities, public contract, transport infrastructure, urban infrastructure
Corporate Author(s): Europska komisija; Glavna uprava za unutarnje tržište, industriju, poduzetništvo te male i srednje poduzetnike (Europska komisija) Predmet: gradska infrastruktura, industrijska infrastruktura, investicijska potpora, investicijski projekt, javne vlasti, javni ugovor, poticanje ulaganja, program EU-a, prometna infrastruktura, upravna suradnjaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Pubblicato: 2019-09-26 Servizio autore(i): Directorate-General for Communication (Commissione europea) Argomento: common fisheries policy, Community fisheries, EU action, EU investment, EU Member State, European Union, maritime area, maritime shipping, public awareness campaign
Objavljeno: 2019-09-17 Korporativni autor/autori: Glavna uprava za komunikacije (Europska komisija) Predmet: države članice EU-a, Europska unija, jedinstveno tržište, kampanja osvješćivanja javnosti, pretpristupna potpora, pretpristupna strategija, pristupanje Europskoj uniji, proširenje UnijeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The issue of ensuring an adequate status of public administration communicators was addressed during the panel discussion by Mirjana Micevska, Assistant General Secretary and the Head of the Public Information Service of the Council of Ministers of BiH, while the importance of investing in the public relations and the use of budget funds for communication activities was addressed by Dobrila Močević, Director at Prime Communications.
Na pitanja kako osigurati adekvatan status komunikatora u javnoj upravi u okviru panel diskusije govorila je Mirjana Micevska, pomoćnica generalnog sekretara i rukovoditeljica Službe za informiranje Vijeća ministara BiH, a o važnosti ulaganja u odnose s javnošću i izdvajanja novca izParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (deepening of the European Union, Economic and Monetary Union, economic fluctuation, economic stabilisation, EU budget, EU financial instrument, EU financing, EU research policy, public investment
Corporate Author(s): Glavna uprava za istraživanje i inovacije (Europska komisija) Predmet: ekonomska fluktuacija, Ekonomska i monetarna unija, ekonomska stabilizacija, financijski instrument EU-a, financiranje EU-a, istraživačka politika EU-a, javno ulaganje, produbljivanje Europske unije, proračun EU-aParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Published: 2019-02-26 Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (European Commission); European Commission Subject: administrative cooperation, EU programme, industrial infrastructure, investment aid, investment project, investment promotion, public authorities, public contract, transport infrastructure, urban infrastructure
Corporate Author(s): Europski parlament; Odbor za prijevoz i turizam (Odbor EP-a) Predmet: ekonomska i socijalna povezanost, fondovi EU-a, inteligentni prometni sustav, održiva pokretljivost, održivi razvoj, poticanje ulaganja, program EU-a, prometna infrastruktura, sigurnost prometa, sustav financiranja EU-a, transeuropska mreža, ulaganje EU-a, zamjensko gorivoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Corporate Author(s): Directorate-General for Communication (European Commission) Subject: accession negotiations, accession to the European Union, Albania, economic transition, enlargement of the Union, foreign investment, foreign trade, pre-accession aid, pre-accession strategy, public administration
Corporate Author(s): Glavna uprava za komunikacije (Europska komisija) Predmet: ekonomsko restrukturiranje, javna uprava, Kosovo, pregovori o pristupanju, pretpristupna potpora, pretpristupna strategija, pristupanje Europskoj uniji, proširenje Unije, strano ulaganje, vanjska trgovinaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Translation Centre manages the technical aspects of the project on behalf of the project partners: the translation services of the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee/Committee of the Regions, DG Interpretation of the European Parliament, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Interpretation (SCIC - Service Commun Interprétation-Conférences), the Court of Justice, the European Investment Bank, the Publications Office and the European Central Bank.
Prevoditeljski centar upravlja tehničkim aspektima projekta u ime projektnih partnera: prevoditeljskih službi Europske komisije, Vijeća Europske unije, Europskog parlamenta, Revizorskog suda, Europskog gospodarskog i socijalnog odbora / Odbora regija, Glavne uprave Europskog parlamenta za usmeno prevođenje, Glavne uprave Europske komisije za usmeno prevođenje (SCIC), Europskog suda, Europske investicijske banke, Ureda za publikacije i Europske središnje banke.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It should be noted there is a synergy between the public and private sectors within the destination when activities are defined and implemented in the areas of tourism, investments, events and manifestations – for realised tourist figures are the result of effort by all those engaged in Town’s tourist offer,” Director Sapač concluded.
Treba istaknuti i sinergiju koja vlada između javnog i privatnog sektora u destinaciji prilikom definiranja i provedbi aktivnosti u području turizma, investicija, događanja i manifestacija, jer je ostvareni turistički promet rezultat truda svih nosilaca turističke ponude grada, zaključila je direktorica Sapač.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Director of the Ambitio College Alen Stranjik welcomed the new students in the introductory speech and thanked them for their great interest and enrolment into this education program, which exceeded all expectations this year thanks to the recognized quality of education provision by the public eye in which the College invests the most.
U uvodnom dijelu svima prisutnima obratio se ravnatelj Učilišta Alen Stranjik i izrazio dobrodošlicu novim polaznicima programa te zahvalio na velikom interesu i upisu za ovaj program koji je ove godine nadmašio sva očekivanja zahvaljujući prepoznatoj kvaliteti pružanja obrazovanja u koje Učilište najviše ulaže.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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